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Organisation of private education


2.Organisation and governance

2.4Organisation of private education

Last update: 17 June 2022

School education

In Luxembourg, there are three types of alternatives to public schools:

  1. Private schools applying the national curricula and syllabi (denominational schools)
  2. Private schools applying their own curricula and syllabi
  3. International schools.

The website of the ministry of Education informs about the different types of schooling. It also refers to a list of primary and secondary private and international schools.

Private schools, whether or not applying national curricula, receive State subsidies. These are however calculated in different ways.

In order to be eligible for financing, the institutions have to comply with the requirements set out in the modified law of 13 June 2003 on the relations between the State and private education. In particular, they have to respect certain requirements concerning educational staff. They also have to provide financial accounts and all necessary information on the implementation of the agreement signed with the State. Private schools are subjected to educational inspection by the national authorities. Parents contribute to the private school’s costs.

Private international schools have a different status. They don't receive subsidies nor are they subjected to official educational inspection.

In Luxembourg, student enrolment in private institutions is statistically low (11.6 % of all students at the beginning of school year 2018/19). The large majority of pupils attend public schools.


Learners in public and in private schools







Public schools

Schools applying the official syllabi defined by the ministry of Education

48 71249 113
Schools applying an international syllabus475780
Total public schools49 18749 893
Private schoolsSchools applying the official syllabi defined by the ministry of Education115124
Schools applying other syllabi6 4556 398
Total private schools6 5706 522
TOTAL55 75756 415

(source: MENJE, septembre 2018. Les chiffres de la rentrée 2018-2019)

Information on the international education provision in Luxembourg, both private and public, can be found on the website of the ministry of Education, including links to the schools' details.

European schools represent a special category. They are organised under the statute of official educational establishments controlled jointly by the governments of the EU member States. Their facilities and furniture are offered by the State; the teachers are seconded by the member States' governments.

More information on the organisation and legal basis of the European schools is available at the website of the Office of the Secretary-General of the European schools.

Higher education

School education and adult education are the only grant-aided sectors in Luxembourg. Private and foreign higher education institutions are not subsidised by the State.

Adult education

In the sector of adult education, there is a large number of private providers with very different specialisations. Each year, the National institute for the development of continuing vocational training (INFPC; Institut national de la formation professionnelle continue) publishes a compilation of vocational education providers (Répertoire des organismes de formation), giving an outline of the number and variety of private training providers.