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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Conditions of service for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 17 June 2022

Teachers and trainers employed by public schools and institutions

Teachers of public schools and institutions are civil servants: they are recruited through a competititve entry examination (concours), which is followed by a probationary period called stage. During this period, teachers receive an accompanying pedagogical training. Whereas training for teachers in secondary school education is delivered by the University of Luxembourg, training for trainers in adult education is organised by the Institute for continuing training of school teachers and educational staff (IFEN; Institut de formation de l'Éducation nationale).

The curriculum for trainers in adult education is described in an annex of the grand-ducal regulation defining the access to this career (règlement grand-ducal modifié du 24 octobre 2011). It covers four areas:

  1. Introduction to adult learning
  2. Accompanying learning processes in groups
  3. Providing pedagogical information and counselling to adults
  4. Didactics of adult education.

In order to be employed as a trainer for adult education, a candidate has to successfully pass an examination at the end of the probatory period (stage).

In the same way as for secondary education, civil servant teachers can be supplemented by chargés d’éducation.

In general, these chargés are employed as public employees in the case where there are not enough civil servant teachers available. During their first year of service, they attend an accompanying training. Chargés d'éducation first work on fixed-term contracts. If the evaluation of their performance is positive and if they obtain a qualification certificate (certificat de qualification), their contract may be converted into a permanent contract.

Teachers and trainers employed by other types of institutions

Recruitment, salary and promotion of teachers and trainers employed by other types of institutions are not regulated by the law. They vary according to the education providers.

In general, the majority of teachers in non-formal adult education are freelancers. In CVET, since the introduction of the law for co-funding of vocational training in companies in 1999 (see sub-chapter 3.3), a market of CVET enterprises has been developing.