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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 17 June 2022


Education Strategy 2025plus

The Education Strategy 2025plus came into force in March 2021. It was developed in 2019 under the leadership of the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the School Office, the Office for Vocational Education and Training and various education-related institutions. The strategy serves as an orientation framework for the further development of the education system in Liechtenstein. It defines the vision, the mission and the understanding of education of the Liechtenstein education system and shows the key objectives for their realisation.

Liechtenstein Education Report

In January 2017, the government decided to publish an education report for Liechtenstein that appears parallel to Switzerland every four years starting in 2022. A corresponding pilot report was published in March 2021. On the one hand, the pilot study highlights the strengths of the education system, but also the potential for improvement with regard to the envisaged goals.

The study was carried out in close cooperation with the School Office and in regular exchange with the Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education, which produces the Swiss Education Report. The pilot report contains not only a collection of existing data, reports and documents, but also a detailed presentation of Liechtenstein's education system and its framework conditions.


ICT Project (information and communications technology project) at schools

The ICT Project has entered the implementation phase and most of the infrastructure required for the schools (server, WLAN) has been set up. At the community school level, all pupils receive tablets, and at the lower secondary level, laptops. The technical equipment of the schools goes hand in hand with further training programmes, because during the introduction phase of the new Liechtenstein curriculum (LiLe), all teachers are obliged to complete specific further training in the IT area. The ICT project is directly related to the LiLe: Among other things, this ensures that children and young people acquire sufficient IT and media skills at school to be able to move successfully and safely in an increasingly digitalised world. In the LiLe, the new module "Media and Informatics" is a very important area for sensitising pupils to data protection and cyber risks. In doing so, the school ICT project lays the foundations for the acquisition of competences by providing all schools with modern IT resources, which are taking on an increasingly important role in the classroom.

The Covid 19 pandemic-related switch to distance learning has given this project additional urgency and is likely to be completed already in autumn 2021.


Liechtenstein Curriculum (LiLe)

The Liechtenstein Curriculum (LiLe) was introduced in August 2019. The LiLe is based on the Swiss Curriculum 21, taking into account some Liechtenstein-specific adaptations and additions. The Liechtenstein curriculum...

  • describes the educational mandate of the state to the schools. It defines the educational and learning objectives and the teaching time.
  • builds on the foundations of the Swiss-German Curriculum 21 - taking into account Liechtenstein-specific topics.
  • enables better mobility due to its proximity to the Swiss-German Curriculum 21 and ensures the connection to secondary schools.
  • comprises three cycles and shows the learning path over eleven school years - from kindergarten to the end of lower secondary school. 
  • focuses on competencies. It is about what pupils should know and be able to do at the end of teaching cycles.
  • formulates basic requirements and additional generic competences.
  • strengthens the area of media and information technology.
  • builds on what has been tried and tested and develops it further.
  • guarantees the teachers' freedom of method.

Project Energy and Climate Pioneers

The Energy and Climate Pioneers Project is an initiative of the Liechtenstein school office and the myclimate foundation and offers classes from kindergarten to secondary school the opportunity to deal with the topics of climate and energy in a way that is suitable for the different levels and curricula. It aims to get pupils actively involved in analysing and evaluating development processes with ecological, economic and socio-cultural significance, to orientate themselves on sustainability criteria in their own lives and to initiate sustainable development processes together with others. In this way, these projects support the implementation of the sustainability goals of the UN Agenda 2030 in Liechtenstein. The project is supported by the Liechtenstein government as well as by companies and foundation