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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 12 July 2022
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Upgrading the school, empowering teachers

The newly introduced law for the upgrading of schools (l. 4823/2021) establishes:

Greater autonomy in schools

Freedom in the organisation of teaching:
  • Free choice of school materials from approved school textbooks is introduced and recommended in replacement of the single textbook.
  • Autonomy in terms of the form, number and duration of student assessment tests.
  • Approval of educational activities and programmes by the school unit (until today, approval was required from the Ministry of Education).
  • Possibility of organising educational peer groups.
Strengthening the role of teachers in educational management positions:

Establishment of supportive bodies - distributed leadership model: In-School Coordinators, Mentors, Deputy Principals (selection upon the recommendation of the Principal), Liaison Officers for Apprenticeship in special vocational schools, etc. Teachers in management positions assume the responsibility for the organisation of pedagogical meetings, for the exercise of disciplinary control, while at the same time have the ability to utilise school facilities outside school hours and secure additional resources from organising events and accepting donations and sponsorships.

Greater transparency and accountability

Diagnostic efficiency tests are introduced in accordance with the PISA test standards (Language & Mathematics). Participation is anonymous for students of the 6th grade (primary education) and 3rd grade (secondary education), while scores are not taken into account in the pupil assessment. All schools have a website, with free accessl. Information such as educational groups, school evaluation reports, educational programmes, sports / social activities, teachers CVs are posted on the school website.

New Curricula

The Curricula determine the what, the how and the why of the learning process for each lesson, class, and level. 123 programmes have been redesigned and 43 updated - for primary, and secondary education.

What changes?

  • Firstly, the content of the Curricula is modernized and upgraded.
  • Secondly, emphasis is placed on critical thinking, and experiential approach; interdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity are adopted.
  • Thirdly, digital skills are cultivated; and rich accompanying digital material is provided in all cognitive areas.

The New Curricula are already being implemented and will be gradually introduced in all schools, accompanied by new textbooks.

21st century Skills Labs

The Skills Labs is an innovative school module, which advances soft and digital skills, as well as fundamental life skills (related to health, safety, and social interactions). Particular emphasis is laid on communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.

This initiative aspires to bring about a paradigm shift in education: moving away from a knowledge-centric model to a skills-based approach. The workshops are combined with Flexible Curricula. Students make better use of knowledge and respond more effectively to modern challenges.

The module is part of the mandatory national curriculum in compulsory education. Educational materials are developed by civil society, while being selected and monitored by the Institute of Educational Policy. Since September 2021, a rollout to all classes throughout the country has been achieved.

The skills Labs are divided into four thematic areas, which arise from the Global Sustainable Development Goal Indicators:

  • Well-being

  • Environment
  • Social empathy and accountability
  • Creative thinking and innovation

In particular, the thematic areas are the following:


1.HEALTH: Nutrition - Self Care, Road Safety

2.Mental and Emotional Health – Prevention

3.My body – Sex education


1.Ecology - Global and local Natural heritage

2.Νatural Disasters, Civil protection

3.Global and local Cultural Heritage

Care and Act - Social Awareness and Responsibility

1.Human rights

2.Volunteering mediation

3.Inclusion: Mutual respect, diversity

Create and Innovate – Creative Thinking and Initiative

1.Stem - educational robotics

2.Entrepreneurship – Career Education – Familiarity with professions

Skills are grouped into four circles:

A) 21st Century Skills (4cs)

A1. 21st Century Learning Skills (4cs) (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity)

A2. 21st century digital learning (4cs in a digital environment) (Digital communication, Digital collaboration, Digital creativity, Digital critical thinking, Combined skills of digital technology, communication and collaboration)

A3. Productive learning through the arts and creativity.

B) Life skills

B1. Social life skills (Self-care, Social skills, Empathy and sensitivity, Citizenship, Adaptability, Resilience, Responsibility)

B2. Digital Citizenship Skills (E-Government Proficiency, Digital citizenship, Safe internet browsing, Protection from addictive behaviours in technologies, Resilience)

B3. Mediation and social empathy skills (Empathy and sensitivity, Mediation, Conflict resolution, Citizenship)

B4. Entrepreneurship skills (Initiative, Organisational ability, Planning, Productivity, Efficiency).

C) Technology, engineering and science skills

C1. Technology skills (Skills for creating and sharing digital creations, Skills for analysing and producing content in printed and electronic media, Skills for interdisciplinary and cross-curricular use of new technologies)

C2. Media Management Skills (Information literacy, Digital literacy, Technology literacy, Media literacy, Safety in internet)

C3. Robotics (Modelling and simulation skills, Scientific/Computational thinking).

D) Cognitive skills

D1. Strategic Thinking (Organisational thinking, Case study and problem solving)

D2. Lateral thinking (Creative, Productive, Holistic thinking)

D3. Thinking routines and reflection

D4. Constructions, games, applications

D5. Computational thinking skills (Scientific/Computational thinking, mediation).

 The skills Labs promote and bring into effect the UN Sustainable Development goals, especially Goal 4.7 (By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development). The programme has received the Global Education Network Europe (GENE) Global Education Award (2020/21).

Evaluation of teachers & education managers

A distinction between formative (for teachers) and summative (for education managers) evaluation is introduced for the first time. Meanwhile, a re-evaluation of the evaluation system is put into place. Both teachers and education managers achieving high performance ratings are awarded points when filling management positions. On the contrary, in cases of low performance ratings, teachers are provided with training, while education managers are faced with limitations when claiming management positions or replaced when deemed inefficient.

Education Support Structures

Positions for Supervisors of Quality Education are established at regional level. The Diagnosis, Counseling and Support Centers are supported with new positions. The aim is an early educational and supportive intervention in primary school students and a timely adoption of individualised support measures.


Covid19 measures in school education

Organisational and safety measures in primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education include sanitary and hygienic standards, physical distancing, personal protective equipment and working in small groups.

The most important measures include the following:

  • the mandatory use of masks in closed, common areas, along with the hand hygiene and regular ventilation of classrooms,
  • extensive information of teachers and parents,
  • the guidance of young children on how to protect themselves on using masks, washing hands etc.
  • the free distribution of masks and antiseptics by local authorities to all teachers and pupils, as well as thorough cleaning of schools, according to the relevant instructions of EODY (National Organisation for Public Health),
  • regular visits of schools by EODY, in order to conduct health checks,
  • care for differentiated school breaks to limit the co-occurance of large student groups,
  • respectively adjusted operation of school canteens,
  • school celebrations will take place separately inside classrooms,
  • outdoor sport activities will be allowed in small fixed groups

Laboratories, computers and musical instruments will be used, provided materials and equipment will be cleaned after each use.

Main challenges

The main challenges in planning and preparing for the new school/academic year include:

- the need for training and support for teachers and trainers so as to cope with digital learning infrastructures and competences,

- face-to-face and digital learning at the same time,

-the need for increased human resources,

-cooperation with parents,

-securing well-being of students and staff.

The Greek Ministry is planning to develop a 3-year roadmap and action plan to improve educational outcomes in school education, pre-primary to upper secondary level. One of the most important tasks is to equip teachers with competences to drive digital transformation of Greek schooling. (DG Reform –European Schoolnet: Agreement number SRSS/S2019/053 Activity 2).

The Ministry has developed 3 pillars of distance learning:

  1. synchronous education (live lessons on Webex platforms)
  2. asynchronous education (educational material on websites and platforms) and
  3. educational TV programmes for primary pupils

Synchronous e-learning platforms were firstly introduced and presented to teachers the first week of the school lockdown. At the same time asynchronous e-learning platforms were strengthened and upgraded and are now well prepared to cover the entire educational community. Moreover, several platforms with digital learning resources (e-books, exercise papers, videos) were made accessible to all.

Teacher training seminars for distance education have also been developed and are available on the website of the Institute of Educational Policy (IEP). They have already been attended by a large number of teachers, while another program of a short training course on distance education is following soon.

Assessment and enrolment

In light of distance learning, adapted assessment approaches include online presentations and videos. The written official assessment exams for secondary education pupils that are held in June every year, have not taken place.

The evaluation of pupils has been based on their performance in the pre-Covid period, as well as on oral assessment at the end of the school year.

Furthermore, school leaving certificates have been awarded and the National University Entry Exams have been held (following the health experts’ instructions for social distancing) with just a couple of weeks’ delay.

Skills Labs

Law 4692/2020, introduces in pre-primary (nipiagogeia), primary (dimotika) and secondary education, a pilot action titled «Skills labs». The action involves   the introduction of new thematic cycles in pre-primary education and the compulsory curricula of primary education, on a trial basis. The aim is to strengthen the fostering of soft skills, life skills and digital and science skills to young pupils.

School upgrading and other provisions (law 4692/2020):

The law regulates a wide spectrum of matters. Matters of primary, secondary education and lifelong learning, and higher education are regulated. The goal is school upgrading. The arrangements are organised in 2 principal axes:

  1. reform of school curricula,
  2. targeted interventions to reinforce the educational work provided in school and 

Among others, the law includes provisions concerning:

  • changes in the school curriculum,
  • skills workshops,
  • English language in kindergarten,
  • distribution of teaching hours,
  • organisation and attendance of courses - assessment,
  • item bank, targeted interventions to enhance educational work,
  • Model and Experimental Schools,
  • teacher evaluation,
  • school safety / regulations against school bullying,
  • Greek language education abroad,

Major changes are:

  • Enhancement of instruction of computer science, classical studies, physical education and foreign languages.
  • Expansion of methods for assessing student progress, e.g. through research projects, and an increase in the number of written exams (e.g. from 4 to 7 in High School).
  • Establishment of an item bank in Lyceum with items of graded difficulty.
  • Rationalisation of the grade promotion procedure for students (score base of 10).
  • Strengthening Model and Experimental schools.
  • Establishment of rules of procedure for schools.
  • Introduction of the School Life Counselor -  a teacher who provides advice and pedagogical support to students, teachers, parents / guardians.  

Activities in English language in pre-primary education (nipiagogeio)

Law 4692/2020 also introduces, in the compulsory curricula of pre-primary education in public schools a pilot action for the creative engagement of pupils in the English language by means of activities during which pupils interact with an English teacher in the presence of the pre-primary school teacher.

Strengthening the establishment of Model and Experimental schools:

The establishment and function of Model and Experimental schools aims at better education planning and pilot implementation of education policy, so that the best education methods, practices and tools are fostered and disseminated throughout the education system.

Model Schools

Model schools aim at fostering and disseminating throughout the education system the idea and practice of distinction and exception.

The purpose of Model schools, in particular, is:

a) to develop innovation actions

b) to designate and encourage pupils with talents and special learning skills and abilities,

c)to put in effect pilot study programmes, teaching methods and new teaching material,

d) participation and promotion of research in the teaching of the particular cognitive fields, as well as in pedagogy,

e)the creation of distinction and exception groups, of creativity and innovation and of a prolific research environment

Experimental schools

Experimental schools are school units that support experimentation and pilot implementation of innovation in education, in random samples of the student population. Both primary and secondary education schools are entitled to become experimental school units.

The purpose of Experimental schools, in particular is:

α) to develop research and creative activities; pilot implementation and experimentation in study programmes; new teaching methods and tools, new teaching resources, in paper or digital; new school textbooks and innovative teaching methods

b) provision of learning and professional development offer for experimental school teachers

c) the dissemination of experimental teaching practices through the organizing of seminars and one day conferences and the development of collaboration between experimental school units and units of schools belonging to the same educational region

d) pilot implementation of evaluation programmes and tools for the evaluation of education work and of the technical support of school units,

e) experimentation in school operation and school management methods.


Establishment of 8 new special needs education

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs following its main principle for supporting and upgrading special education has set up the establishment of 8 new Special Needs Education School Units. 

Pursuant to Joint Ministerial Decision 102535/Δ3/26-06-2019 the following units are established: 

  • 2 special education pre-primary school units
  • 3 special vocational education and training workshops
  • 3 special vocational education lower and upper secondary school units.

Strengthening of the network of school libraries in primary education

Ministerial Decision Φ.17/47528/Δ1/28-03-2019 defines the 663 additional school units which are integrated into the system of school libraries network in primary education.  With the expansion of the network system, the number of school libraries in primary education will increase to 1,576 for the new school year 2019-2020.  

Ministerial decision ΑΠ101096/Β9/Φ2/12/24-06-2019 provides for the additional funding of the network with the amount of 2 million 800 thousand euros from National resources earmarked in the Public Investments Programme.  

Ιt,furthermore, marks the implementation of the Αction “Equipment of primary school units which are intergrated into the network system of school libraries in primary education”.  

National certificate in IT for lower secondary students grade C

Ministerial Decision 211455/Δ2/6-12-2018 defines the procurement procedures for the National Certificate in IT for lower secondary students Grade C.

The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs implements actions relating to the support of lower secondary students Grade C (optional participation) and the exams of certification for the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

School guide of public pre-primary and primary schools

The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs has supplied the school community with a School Guide.  The latter is distributed to parents and guardians of pupils of public pre-primary and primary schools, across the country.

The Guide has been written to support cooperation, effective communication and dialogue between the family and school.  These are key aspects of high-quality teaching directed towards the pupil population of the country.

The Computer Technology Institute (CTI) Diophantus has the responsibility for the production and distribution of the School Guide.  To access the e-form of the Guide, please use the link below:

Expansion of the network of school libraries in primary education schools

Ministerial Decision Φ14/22511/Δ1/9-2-2018 defined the institutional and organisational framework that enables the operation of a Network System of School Libraries in primary education.  913 Primary Schools are already part of the network.

The funding of the action involves resources from the Programme of Public Investments of the Ministry of Education.  The system remains open at this stage for new member registrations, after a relevant call issued by the Ministry of Education.

Planning and evaluation of the educational work of school units

Ministerial Decision 1816/ΓΔ4/7-1-2019 refers to the planning and evaluation of the educational work of school units.  The implementation of the provisions is valid since the beginning of school year 2019-20.  There are 3 thematic axes:

  1. School and School Life
  2. School Operation and Educational Procedures
  3. Educational Results.

During the current school year, the Regional Centres for Educational Planning (PEKES) support the school units according to their needs and organise the beginning of the implementation of the procedures of the above action.

Reduction of the number of pupils in primary education classes

According to the provisions of Law 4589/2019, the reduction of the maximum number of pupils in Dimotika Scholeia is legislated.  The maximum number of pupils is reducedfrom 25 to 22, from school year 2019-2020.  The aim is to improve the pedagogical and teaching support of children.

The rules of procedure of educational and counselling support centres (KESY)

Ministerial Decision 211076/ΓΔ4/6-12-2018 refers to the rules of procedure of the Educational and Counselling Support Centres (KESY) and the specific duties of their staff.

The Educational and Counselling Support Centres (KESY) have replaced the Differential Diagnosis, Diagnosis and Special Educational Needs Support Centres (KEDDYs).  They operate at education directorate level.  Their mission is to support the work of school units and student population.


Operation of PEKES & training of educational co-ordinators

The new institution of Regional Centres for Educational Planning (PEKES) has been set into motion since October 2018.  Their operation abides by Law 4547/2018 that refers to the re-organisation of the support structures of Primary and Secondary Education.

The new structure gives emphasis to:

  • Educational planning
  • The scientific and pedagogical guidance and support of teachers
  • The organisation of training
  • The support of planning and evaluating the educational work of school units in every Directorate of Education.

In addition, Ministerial Decision 4776/12-10-2018 regulates the procedure of training of Educational Co-ordinators.  The latter have already filled the posts of the newly created Regional Centres for Educational Planning (PEKES) of the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education.

The thematic topics of training are, indicatively, the following:

  • The role of PEKES in planning and evaluating educational work
  • Educational management and professional development of teachers
  • Issues of inclusive education.

The re-launch of the educational radio-television – broadcasting from the hellenic parliament’s TV channel

The educational zone of the Educational Radio-Television has been re-launched at the beginning of October.  It broadcasts from the Hellenic Parliament TV Channel.

The zone includes student productions that were distinguished within the framework of educational activities of the Educational Radio TV.  Each TV programme has a different subject focus.

The themes of the episodes are in accordance with the educational priorities of the Ministry of Education.  For instance:

  1. Thematic weeks
  2. Culture
  3. Respect for diversity
  4. Refugee crisis
  5. Special Needs Education
  6. Bullying
  7. Sustainability
  8. Health Education
  9. Gender equality.

The programme will broadcast every Saturday, 5 – 6 p.m.

The weekly programme of the Educational Radio-Television can be found in the following website:

Re-organisation of support structures of primary and secondary education (law 4547/2018)

Law 4547/2018 refers to the reform of educational structures with the view to gradually decentralize the educational system.

At regional level, Regional Centres for Educational Planning (PEKES) are being established.  In general terms, their mission is the monitoring, co-ordination and support of the educational work of schools and Laboratory Centres (EK), Educational and Counselling Centres (KESY), Sustainability Learning Centres (KEA) and Natural Sciences Laboratoty Centres (EKFE) of their jurisdiction, the scientific and pedagogical support of teachers and the organisation of ITE and training of teachers.

Each PEKES has its own group of Educational co-ordinators.  The latter have replaced the institution of the school advisor.  Their role is the implementation of educational policy, the organisation of teacher training and the pedagogical guidance of school units and teachers.

At local level, Educational and Counselling Centres (KESY) and Sustainability Learning Centres (KEA) are established and will operate in Directorates of Education.  KESY’s mission is the support of schools units and Laboratory Centres (EK), in order to ensure equal access to education and protect students’ harmonious psychosocial development and progress.  KEA support school units in matters related to environment and sustainability and connect the educational community with the local society, in order to ensure the sustainable management of the environment.

At school unit, the networking of groups of schools, as well as the pedagogical autonomy of each school unit is being promoted.

Working time of teachers (law 4512/2018)

Primary and Secondary Education teachers are obliged to remain at school during working days and beyond teaching hours.  In particular, compulsory working time cannot exceed 6 hours per day or 30 hours per week for performing tasks related to general educational work (Law 1566/1985).

The new Law 4512/2018 lists and specifies the services teachers carry out beyond teaching hours.  More specifically, teachers prepare educational multimedia and laboratory exercises, correct assignments and tests and keep records of students’ performance.  They also participate in the organisation of festive, sports and cultural events, plan and evaluate educational work and communicate with support structures of educational work.  In addition, they co-operate with teachers who teach in the same class or the same cognitive subjects and participate in educational meetings for drawing up support programmes for student groups or individual students.  Finally, they supervise students during school breaks/meals, inform parents and guardians on their children’s performance, keep the school inventory and perform administrative tasks.