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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 9 June 2022


Aproval of the New Strategy on Education

The new strategy on education for the period 2021-2026 was approved in the end of 2021. In relation to pre-unviersity education it predicts for several changes in terms of teachers development, inclusiveness and ICT development and  other important challenges for the years to come.


Experience of Complementary Learning in the Pre-university Education System in Albania

The global pandemic Covid-19, brought many challenges to the education system in Albania, as well as in other countries. In March 2020 the entire lessons switched in online classes.

The global pandemic Covid-19, brought many challenges to the education system in Albania, as well as in other countries. In March 2020 the entire lessons switched in online classes.

Despite the involvement of all actors in education, online learning faced difficulties for students in different schools and regions. During the school year 2020-2021, teaching took place according to three scenarios (in school, combined and online).

The Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (MoESY) in cooperation with the Agency for Quality Assurance of Pre-University Education (AQAPUE) supported the schools by drafting guidelines to help teachers and school leaders as well as conducting trainings for the development of digital skills. of teachers.

To come to the aid of all students across the country, in cooperation with the Albanian Radio Television (ART) and the maximum commitment of all teachers in a record time, a television channel dedicated to "RTSH School" was created to offer all students to attend classes at the same time. MoESY also dedicated a channel on "You Tube", to follow and repeat the learning topics at any time. Digital devices were donated to students in need.

At the end of the academic year 2020-2021, an identification was made on the achievements of students to identify the needs and shortcomings of students for each subject and each class related to the curriculum. After studying all the reports received from all structures of education up to the school level, a specific program was developed with learning topics dedicated to knowledge for which students had shortcomings and needed repetition.

Based on this situation, MoESY, took the decision to develop additional lessons from September 1 - September 24, 2021, to enable all students to reinforce and improve their results. The new academic year will start on September 27, 2021.

Guides for improving student achievement in primary education were drafted to assist school leaders and teachers in lower secondary education and in upper secondary education as a result of the COVID-19 situation, which will guide them in relation to:

The period of development of teaching topics for repetition;

  • Teacher flexibility in developing repetition topics;
  • Curriculum planning for the school year 2021-2022;
  • Facilities, number of students per class, teaching aids for the development of repetition topics; Cooperation with parents;
  • Creating a supportive and encouraging climate for students during the development of repetition topics;
  • The methodology that can be followed by teachers during the development of repetition topics;
  • Teaching aids that can be used by students and teachers;
  • Attendance and assessment of students during the development of repetition topics; The documentation that teachers can keep for students' achievements and for their attendance during the development of repetition topics;
  • Repetition topics for each class and subject.

Repetition topics will be developed in the form of consultations and will be related to the needs identified during the assessment of student achievement, as well as the main knowledge of the school year 2020 - 2021.

Cooperation with parents is an important factor which will help in organizing joint work with teachers to improve student results in the main knowledge of the last school year 2020–2021. Especially for students with disabilities, the assistant teacher in collaboration with the subject teacher, psychologist and parent develops a short individual educational plan (PEI) for the repetition period.During this period, in addition to supplementary education, educational institutions through a detailed program, can develop artistic, sports, cultural activities, for the realization of which teachers of other subjects are engaged (teachers of subjects that do not develop repetition). For students will be a good opportunity reactivation in social life and fun with peers, the development of sports and artistic skills, which will facilitate and positively affect parents.

New Guidance on Starting of the School year 2021-2022 Approved

The new guidance on "The school year 2021-2022 in pre-uniersity education" was approved by the Minister in charge for education. Novelties of this guidance include the fact that considering the difficulties encountered last  school year due to COVID 19 the school year will start 2 weeks earlier to allow for repetition of some subjects taken upon during last school year. On the other hand English language will for the first time be introduced as a foreing language starting from the 1st class of basic education.

Schools Re-opened Phsyicallly in march 2021

All below mentioned cities opened their schools physically in march 2021.

Changes in the Guidelines for Schools and School Closure in Some Major Cities

In February 2021, some schools in main cities are closed for a two weeks period (until the end of February) in order to cope with COVID 19. Schools closed include those situated in major cities and levels that vary from lower secondary education to upper secondary education. All closed school conduct online lessons.

Matura 2021 Regulation Updated

Matura 2021 regulation was adapted and launched in January 2021 by respective order of Minister of Education, Sports and Youth.


Number of Psychologists at Schools Doubled

Due to COVID 19 situation and the stress of children related to the facing of an unusual life in general which deprives them from socialization the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth took respective measures to double the number of psychologists in pre-university education institutions.

Creation of the Group on the Strategy on Education

With assistance of UNICEF a group was created to draft the respective strategy on education for 2021-2026. This strategy will comprize all types of education from pre-school education to higher education. Currently work of the group and mini-groups is underway to produce a draft of this strategy.

Restart of school in September 2020

All pre-university education institutions started school in september 2020. Nevertheless lectures take place in shift and there is reduction in teaching hours in order to cope with respective health obligations posed by COVID 19.

Drafting of Guidelines on How to Access School Following COVID 19 Experiences

In may 2020 the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection drafted respective guidelines for the re-start of school in pre-university education institutions. Such guidance included the new way the lessons would be focused, respective limitations of pupils per class, respective shifting etc.

Matura Tests the only Tests given during 2020 due to COVID 19

Matura tests were the only ones received by students in 2020 school year. The other levels skipped their end tests. Nevertheless matura tests were shortened and there were measures taken in schools regarding health requirements due to COVID 19.

Shifting to Online Learning due to COVID 19

The pre-university education institutions in the Republic of Albania following respective orders of Ministry of Health and Social Protection started to provide online lectures from March 2020 to September 2020. During this period several platforms and other online tools were used to provide online lectures for students.