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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 27 June 2022
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Safe Schooling and Distance Education Project

The Safe Schooling and Distance Education Project (SSDE), which was designed in cooperation with the World Bank and carried out under the leadership of the Ministry of National Education Innovation and Education Technologies (YEĞİTEK) General Directorate, was initiated both to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of education in extraordinary situations and to realize breakthroughs that will shape the education system of the future. A resource of $160 million has been allocated to the project, which will be implemented with a World Bank loan. It will be the mainstay of the Ministry of National Education's strategy in the field of educational technologies in the coming period, together with the FATIH project and EBA, especially the SSDE project.

Within the scope of the component of the Project, which was designed in the light of the 2023 Education Vision, the "Emergency Response", the capacity of the EBA platform was rapidly increased and the distance education content that was urgently needed was rapidly produced in order to ensure the uninterrupted continuation of education after the COVID-19 epidemic. Within the scope of the longer-term sub-components of the project that will shape the education system of the future, (i) designing and implementing a new digital education platform, (ii) determining digital content strategies and producing new generation educational content and (iii) creating an educational technologies innovation ecosystem. is located. These components, which are integrated with each other, will also form the basis of the future education system, which is called the blended education system, where face-to-face and distance education applications are carried out together to complement each other. At the same time, it is aimed to reveal a blended education approach that adapts to the student's own pace, brings together the best educational technology and content with students, sees the education process of students as a career and directs them, while observing equality of opportunity while doing all these. The project's broad target audience includes 18 million K-12 students, as well as participants in lifelong learning programs and teachers receiving professional development training. Particular emphasis is placed on supporting the access and use of distance and blended education opportunities for students from disadvantaged groups.  

Within the scope of the project, it is planned to renew EBA with up-to-date technologies and increase its capacity. With the New Generation Digital Education System (NDES), the doors of a brand new digital education that takes into account the needs of egalitarian, participatory and users will be opened. Through the New Digital Education Platform, which is an important component of the Safe Schooling and Distance Education Project, it is aimed to provide quality education technology and content in a way that provides equal opportunity, even in times of crisis. Through the Platform, which is aimed to stand out with its accessibility features, all of our students will have uninterrupted and high quality education opportunities, regardless of their financial means and special needs. The platform, which will provide high-level professional development support to our teachers, will also create economic added value by providing our people of all ages with the opportunity to re-skill and increase their skills with lifelong learning opportunities. The new Digital Education System will technically have a high-level infrastructure and will allow 5 million simultaneous users. The platform, which will be enriched with artificial intelligence-based data analytics and measurement, gamification, virtual reality, blockchain and similar technologies, will also provide externalities for our companies that develop education technologies. The complementary critical element of the new digital education platform will undoubtedly be the new generation educational content it will host. Within the scope of the project, content standards will be determined, and content will be provided or produced in a way that is student-career-oriented, associated with skill sets, and taking into account the needs of students with special needs. Within the scope of the digital content ecosystem component, innovation activities in this direction will be supported.

With the project, the current situation and needs of the digital education platform EBA will be analyzed and a more solid infrastructure will be provided. platform is intended. With this structure, which will serve as a reference and serve for the infrastructure of a New Generation Digital Education (NDES) system within the scope of the project, it is among the primary objectives of the project to analyze the latest technologies in line with user requests and needs and to initiate the necessary studies.

A Digital Content Ecosystem will also be created within the scope of the project. New generation digital content will be offered to all target audiences. Within the scope of training content, • Content suitable for all levels, starting from early childhood, • Content that will support project-based learning, with in-group interactions, • Content presentation modernizations to support the new education model, • Content that will meet the needs of people in need of special education and vulnerable groups, • Next generation content and pedagogical applications for the K-12 curriculum • Contents for psychosocial support • Contents for technology literacy will be prepared and put into service.

        All digital content, • Suitable for different teaching scenarios, • Flexible and Modular, • Serving holistic development with Lessons and Activities, • Supporting group interactions, • Specialized according to the level, • It will be developed in an accessible manner.

On the other hand, within the scope of the project, an innovation ecosystem will be created that will pave the way for the development of innovations needed by our education system. In this framework, Education Technologies Incubation Innovation Center (ETKİM) will be implemented as the center of efforts for a sustainable and participatory digital education ecosystem within the framework of the 2023 Education Vision.

Within the scope of the Safe Schooling and Distance Education Project, the Education Technologies Incubation and Innovation Center, which has an important place in making the project sustainable in the long term, will be implemented. In this direction, in order to strengthen innovation in education and make digital transformation sustainable, the construction of a center that will support participatory innovation in the development of educational technologies and serve a wide ecosystem has been started.

The activities to be carried out at ETKİM, which will be established in METU Technopolis, will be carried out with the cooperation of the public-academia-private sector. In this direction, a multi-stakeholder structure consisting of the Ministry of National Education, universities, researchers, educational technology companies, young innovative companies (startup companies), funders and investors, teachers and independent entrepreneurs who will contribute to educational technologies with innovative approaches will be formed. With these ecosystem-oriented studies at ETKİM, innovative technological applications and pedagogical tools at the macro level will be developed and the quality of the new digital education system to be created within the scope of the project will be increased and innovation capacity will be strengthened. In addition, these pedagogical developments will be supported at the school level, and capacity building activities will be increased to increase the digital competencies of teachers.

Within ETKİM, • Creation of digital education tools to develop the educational technologies ecosystem, • R&D studies, • Piloting the developed vehicles, • Research activities for capacity building, • Continuing professional development programs for teachers and • Social activities will be held for networking within the ecosystem. Responses to the COVID-19 outbreak through EBA, EBA TV and Other Education Services have created an infrastructure for the Safe Schooling and Distance Education (SSDE) Project financed by the World Bank and run by the General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies. The Safe Schooling and Distance Education (SSDE) Project, which was developed in Turkey and financed by the World Bank, aims to support Turkey's education sector in order to provide a safe education with distance education during the COVID-19 epidemic and to come out of this situation resilient. The project aims to increase the capacity of the education system to provide equal e-learning to school-age children, not only during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also afterwards and for future crises. Project Duration: The Project, which entered into force on 11.09.2021, is aimed to be completed on 31.12.2023. Budget of the Project: A resource of $160 million has been allocated to the project, which will be implemented with a World Bank loan.

Fostering STEAM Education in Schools (EDUSIMSTEAM)

Grant- Erasmus + KA3 is a support project for policy reform, designed to support innovative practices in the fields of education and training, at the executive and implementation level, by developing 21st century skills. Partners and Stakeholders of the Project: Contracting Authority: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) 1. Turkey -MEB YEĞİTEK, Coordinating Institution 2. Turkey- Middle East Technical University 3. Turkey- Robotsan 4. Ireland- H2 Learning, 5. Ireland - Blackrock Education Center 6. Lithuania- Kaunas Technical University 7. Lithuania- Vilnius University, 8. Portugal- CTEM Academy, 9. Spain- Department of Teacher Training of the Education for Galicia 10. Netherlands- Both Social The duration of the project is 36 months. (01/01/2020-31/12/2022) The goal of the project: • Developing an innovative and up-to-date educational framework with the participation of 10 European member partners to use an effective and efficient STEAM approach in education and improve teachers' skills and training curricula. • Ensuring that creativity and innovation are supported along with entrepreneurship at all levels of education and training, which are the basis of sustainable economic development. • To increase the digital competencies, entrepreneurship and cultural awareness of individuals, to enable them to be productive and creative individuals who have scientific thinking, respect for different cultures and ideas. • To support STEAM teaching in national and international educational environments with an innovative and multi-disciplinary approach, and to enable it to be disseminated in digital environments. • To implement and test the innovative platform, trainings, and the new curriculum prepared to benefit the dissemination of STEAM Education. Main activities of the project: WP1 - Project Execution Planning / MEB YEĞİTEK • Needs analysis WP2 - Teacher training & New Curriculum / Kaunas University of Technology • Giving teacher training, • Implementation of online pilot trainings,  WP3 - Scenario Development / METU • Scenario analysis and writing,  WP4 - Establishment of Innovative Online Platform (IOP) / ROBOTSAN • Placing the prepared innovative scenarios and content on the platform, • Conducting innovative online pilots in Turkey and Spain  WP5- Preparation of Implementation Guide for Policymakers / H2 LEARNING • Making the required strategy analysis and creating a draft,  WP6 - Project tracking / Education Department of Galicia Spain • Ensuring the validity and reliability of the project process and activities with research and reports under the leadership of the Scientific Committee  WP7- Evaluation and dissemination of the project / CCCC • Conducting dissemination activities using conferences, trainings, online platforms

Expected results from the project:

• Training scenarios that include the STEAM approach, teacher trainings, interdisciplinary and innovative approaches will be included in the curriculum to ensure continuity in training in line with the project objectives. Project outputs and New training frameworks will be disseminated. • The online simulation platform, which will be established to develop innovative, creative and future-oriented skills, will ensure continuity in the dissemination of project outputs. • In line with the evaluations in the process, the National Strategy Framework, which aims to produce a qualified and diverse workforce in the future, will be restructured with the contribution of the implementation guide to be prepared by experts. The project aims to use innovative and interdisciplinary activities in education, to develop robotic, algorithmic thinking and creative thinking skills in partner countries, with the contribution of the online platform; accordingly, it will strengthen the implementation of the STEAM approach, which envisages strengthening future business policies. Outcomes of the Project: • As the project coordinator, YEĞİTEK prepared the Project Management Plan, which includes the project work packages, project team and key personnel, project principles, work plan, communication methods, risk and quality management, and dissemination approach. • The project website was established for the management of the project, monitoring and dissemination of its activities and work packages. • Within the scope of WP1 Project Design (Needs Analysis, Strategy Development), which is the first work package of the project, a needs analysis for STEAM training was conducted in partner countries. A total of 1929 teachers from Turkey, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal and the Netherlands participated in the needs analysis. The completed study has been published in the EDUSIMSTEAM Needs Analysis Report • Within the scope of the project, academic information documents called STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) were prepared and published in Turkish and English at • In May 2021, a meeting was held with the project partners to plan the second work package of the project, WP2 Teacher Training & New Education Curriculum. • In June 2021, a meeting was held with the project partners to plan the holding of sessions related to the second work package of the project, WP2 Teacher Training. • At the meeting held with the participation of project coordinator YEĞİTEK and project partners METU and Robotsan in June 2021, the scenarios prepared by METU within the scope of the project's third work package WP3 Scenario Development were examined together, suggestions were made. Work packages were planned by discussing the placement, layout and progress of the platform.

Teaching Material and Digital Content Studies

• A “Material Tracking System” has been established within the General Directorate of Basic Education in order to examine all printed and digital content prepared for face-to-face and distance education activities in primary and secondary schools and make them available to our students and teachers, and to carry out the studies in a more systematic and controllable manner. Accordingly, all content prepared to be implemented in schools is reviewed and evaluated on the system. • The ​​material platform was created over the EBA Platform in order to provide easier access to the textbooks and teaching materials used in pre-school, primary and secondary schools and to all materials and content prepared other than these to support our students academically. Approximately 3400 pieces of content have been uploaded to the platform and it continues. • By combining images suitable for the age group and level of our students, 2-8. Illustrated English vocabulary cards consisting of 817 words in 34 themes were prepared and published electronically for classes. • Approximately 173 digital contents developed in the fields of Turkish, Mathematics, English and Music were prepared and approved for the creation of highly interactive digital content with a strong pedagogical approach, conceptual depth, subject integrity, and pedagogical approach for our primary and secondary school students. and it has been published in EBA and ​​internet address for use in blended teaching. • Workbook and digital content studies, which were created in 50 provincial directorates of national education, continue to support our students academically and to meet their supplementary material needs. During the study process, workbooks in 121 different fields and digital content in 56 different fields will be prepared at every grade level in primary and secondary schools.

Interactive Textbooks 97 books of Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Philosophy, German courses taught in 2020-2021 are made interactive on a unit basis at every grade level. 25000 thousand interactive applications were used in the textbooks. Studies are continuing. In addition, in the 2020-2021 academic year, 37 Skill-Based 26 Achievement Comprehension Books and 84 textbooks were made interactive and made available at Work on the renewal and development of these textbooks continues. Textbooks that have been made interactive can be downloaded to tablets, mobile phones and computers and used online, offline, online and offline.

Mobile Question Bank Application 9, 10, 11 and 12th grade level Turkish Language and Literature, History, Geography, Philosophy Group, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English (9 Lessons) courses covering all units (200 units) of 1413 tests and 10 questions each. Mobile Question Bank, consisting of 14130 questions in total, started to be published from the Apple Store and Google Play Store as of February 2021.  

Education and Security Project

Today, structures and criminal organizations aimed at disrupting the public order, using the power of the entertainment industry to affect the society through developing technology and media, spread many negative behaviors such as violence, abuse and addiction in educational institutions in a way that will affect our children, individuals choose wrong role models. Therefore, it causes the corruption of moral values ​​and the deterioration of the social structure.

Constitution of the Republic of Turkey imposes responsibilities on the State for the protection of our children from all kinds of harmful substances, gambling and similar bad habits, factors that push them to crime and crime, ignorance, negligence, abuse, victimization and all similar negativities and to take the necessary measures regarding these issues and to raise healthy individuals. In this respect, "Cooperation Protocols for Increasing Protective and Preventive Measures to Ensure Safe Environment in Schools" have been signed and put into effect since 2007 in order to carry out public services in the field of education and security in cooperation and coordination by developing a common understanding between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Education.

Although it is understood that the Ministries have intensive and joint efforts in the field of education and security within the scope of protocols and legislation, understanding has been created for the solution of problems and positive developments have been experienced with these studies.The Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of Internal Security Strategies and the Ministry of National Education Inspection work closely in order to provide more qualified, permanent, inclusive and sustainable public service with proactive approaches by determining the procedures that will make inter-ministerial cooperation and coordination continuous and qualified, and developing holistic strategies and solutions for the problems in the field of education security. The "Education and Safety" project, to be carried out by the Presidency of the Board with the slogan "Red Pen", has been planned.

With the Education and Security project, individuals in the compulsory education age have focused on several aspects. Conducting field studies on crime, violence and abuse, combating addiction, education and security problems of foreign children of education age, and safe education communication, and creating preventive, regulatory, remedial and developing suggestions for the solution of the problems were detected in a holistic framework, and similar bad habits, crime and crime factors and similar negativities, developing cooperation and coordination, and in this way, it is aimed to raise our children as healthy individuals who have received qualified physical, mental, emotional and moral education.

Project Support Units: The Ministry of Interior; The Department of Internal Security Strategies, the Public Security Department of the General Directorate of Security, the General Command of the Gendarmerie, the Directorate General of Migration Management, the representatives of the Strategy Development Department, R&D and Publication Department and the Ministry of National Education; Board of Inspectors, General Directorate of Special Education and Guidance Services, General Directorate of Support Services, General Directorate of Basic Education, General Directorate of Secondary Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, General Directorate of Religious Education, General Directorate of Private Education Institutions, General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies Representatives of the General Directorate of Personnel, the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning and the representatives of the units are deemed appropriate to contribute to the Project Execution Team,

Project Stakeholders: Personnel working in the central and provincial units of the ministries, school parents association representative, canteen, bus driver, student guardian, neighborhood headman, religious officer, if any, park officer close to the school, representatives of non-governmental organizations, sports club representatives, academicians and

Project Execution Team: Personnel designated by the Department of Internal Security Strategies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the head of the Inspection Board of the Ministry of National Education, Objectives of the Project. It has become necessary for the state bodies to focus on this problem with a collective struggle in cooperation and coordination. It is important for the central and provincial organizations of the ministries to act in cooperation both within themselves and together to develop a harmonious working method. Based on the idea that it will contribute significantly to the solution of problems and ensure the realization of the common goal by creating synergy, mutual and common obligations have been determined with the "Protocols on Cooperation on Increasing the Protective and Preventive Measures for Ensuring a Safe Environment in Schools" signed between the Ministries since 2007. Within the scope of the protocols and legislation, it is understood that the Ministries have intensive and joint efforts on education security, understanding has been developed for the solution of the problems with these studies, positive developments have been experienced and the protocols have become visible;

Developing solutions with a holistic understanding for the problems in the field of education security, Developing the joint working culture and institutional capacities of the units of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Education, Determination of coordinator units that will ensure that the joint protocols and projects carried out by the ministries in the field of education and security are carried out in cooperation and coordination in a manner that supports each other, Determining the job descriptions and obligations of the relevant central organization units of the ministries in the field of education and security, It is seen that the protocols cover all individuals at the age of compulsory education, and there are areas and needs that need to be developed.

In this respect, within the scope of the duties of the Ministries specified in the Constitution and sub-legal norms and the obligations determined by the protocols, we evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional or joint works carried out to keep our children away from all kinds of crimes, violence, negligence and abuse, bullying, addiction and other harmful habits.

In order to make cooperation and coordination between ministries more effective, it is necessary to determine working procedures, update the legislation and protocols, develop methods to make cooperation continuous and qualified, and develop holistic strategies and solutions for the problems in the field of education security with proactive approaches rather than applications that will only respond to events. Providing qualified, permanent, inclusive and sustainable public services and raising our children as healthy individuals who received qualified physical, mental, emotional and moral education in this way constitute the general objectives of the project.

Project Goals:

The protocols are explained in the baseline section signed between the ministries and the joint works carried out within the framework of other protocols and legislation;

Evaluation of its effectiveness and efficiency,

Determining the liabilities and institutional responsibilities of the units in the central and provincial organizations of the Ministries within the framework of the legislation and protocols and developing collaborative implementation proposals,

Developing methods to ensure continuous and qualified cooperation between ministries and determining coordinator units,

Establishment of implementation guides explaining the legislation within the scope of the Training and Security Project and, if any, elimination of the deficiencies arising from the legislation,

As a result of field researches and studies; a) Crime, violence and abuse, b) Fight against addiction, c) Safe education communication, d) Establishing holistic strategies and implementation recommendations in their fields of education and security problems of foreign children at school age,

Developing recommendations for the ways to reach individuals at the age of compulsory education and to prevent their abuse by criminal and terrorist organizations,

Training and Suggesting the creation of a Security Portal, Making a proposal by the relevant and responsible units of the ministries for the creation of an "e-module" system, Determining the safety standards of schools and their surroundings according to the types of institutions, Developing practice recommendations for positive discrimination against disadvantaged children, Identifying the problems arising from the implementation and legislation of school guidance services and developing suggestions that will ensure that the duties of the guidance services within the scope of education and security are carried out in cooperation and coordination with all stakeholders, Establishing a "Training and Security Council", where the unit representatives proposed by the Project Execution Team and deemed appropriate by the Ministry Authorities will make decisions as advisory,

School crime, violence, abuse, addiction, etc. Proposing cooperation models that will enable immediate and collective intervention to traumatic events experienced and on the agenda of the country and evaluate the process in all dimensions, To investigate the social, cultural, sportive, artistic and academic achievement levels of children who are driven to crime and resort to violence, to reveal their relations with crime, violence and addiction, to develop solutions for the identified problems, The level of school engagement (absenteeism or continuous absenteeism) is determined by crime, violence, abuse, addiction, etc. developing suggestions by investigating the effect on the issues, Identifying the abuse of individuals at the age of compulsory education by criminal and terrorist organizations, determining the factors that lead individuals to crime and risky groups in this regard, and developing solutions for the problems raised, Developing solutions to the problems determined by investigating the effects of parents' behavior towards their children and their socio-economic status on crime and violence, Service etc. during the transportation to the school. Examining the effect of student transportation vehicles on students' tendency towards crime and violence and developing solutions for the identified problems, Crime, violence, abuse, addiction, etc. Researching the effect of public officials, who should be role models in matters, on individuals at the age of compulsory education, and developing solutions to the problems raised, Measuring the effect of the development of individuals who learn Turkish afterwards in the literacy learning process on the reduction of violence and crime and developing solutions, Crime, violence, abuse, addiction and so on. to develop suggestions that will ensure the isolation of individuals from these environments by determining the environments where they provide contact with individuals at the age of compulsory education, Developing suggestions that will enable all stakeholders who are in contact with individuals at the age of compulsory education to establish safe educational communication, Disseminating good examples of the studies and projects carried out within the scope of education and security throughout the country, Developing proposals in order to solve the problems of foreign children in the scope of education and security by developing cooperation with relevant stakeholder institutions, Considering the special situations of provinces and districts considered to be risky, developing regional recommendations for the identification and solution of the problems, Developing recommendations that will ensure that children who cannot access education have access to education environments and benefit from guidance services at the maximum level, Developing suggestions that will ensure that children who continue open education benefit from educational environments and guidance services at the maximum level, is targeted.

Project Activities:

The activities in the Education and Security Project consist of 6 main titles and 27 sub-activities. 1-Analysis, planning and design 2-Preparation and promotion 3-Field studies and increasing institutional capacity 4- Final outputs and implementation 5-Monitoring, research and suggestion development 6-Monitoring and evaluation

Budget of the Project:

The Project Budget is covered by the Ministry of Interior, Department of Internal Security Strategies.

Scope of the Project:

The project covers research, examination, training and implementation activities to be carried out in 16 pilot provinces within the scope of education and security for individuals at the age of compulsory education.


Research and monitoring activities of the project will be made provinces of Turkey Statistical Region Units are planned, including at least one from each of 12 provinces according to the classification set forth in Level 1. Ankara has been determined as the coordination center for the project studies. 

Field research, which was planned to be carried out in 16 pilot provinces in line with the Education and Security Project, could only be carried out in 5 (five) provinces due to Covid-19. In the provinces of Konya, Aydın, Adana, Diyarbakır and İzmir, meetings were held on predetermined agenda items, and opinions and suggestions were received from the authorities. In project work; School/institution and police station visits were made with the relevant stakeholders from the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of National Education and our valuable academicians in the academic committee, and problems and solution suggestions were determined on the spot. The data obtained from all these studies were converted into two separate Field Research Reports for each province by the project management team.

The Field Research Reports prepared by the Board of Inspection and the Department of Internal Security Strategies were classified as recommendations for ministries and institutions, combined as a single text as Provincial Activity Reports, and turned into common problems and solution proposals that were expressed extensively in the provinces.

While the academicians working in the academic committee of the project continued to contribute in teams and with scientific studies within the scope of the project's topics, the "Safe School" book was published by completing the book studies.

To make cooperation and coordination between ministries more effective and qualified by renewing the protocols, Establishing a "Education and Security Council" where decisions will be taken as advisory by the unit representatives of the ministries, Developing recommendations and practices to prevent abuse of children by criminal and terrorist organizations, Establishing a "Training and Security Portal" that will perpetuate the cooperation between the relevant unit officers in the central and provincial organizations of the ministries, Within the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of National Education, crime, violence, abuse, addiction etc. Developing an "emodule" that will monitor security problems in their subjects and ensuring that the statistical data obtained through the "e-module" are used for early warning purposes, The determination of "Schools and Environmental Safety Standards" in accordance with the types of institutions is foreseen as important project outputs.

Determination of "Schools and Environmental Safety Standards" in accordance with the types of institutions, studies on the subject

The “Cooperation Protocol on Increasing Protective and Preventive Measures for Ensuring Safe Environment in Schools” signed between the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Education in 2007 and the “Safer for Schools and Their Environments” signed in 2017 between the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Education. It will be concluded with the updating of the Cooperation Protocol for Preliminary work of the Cooperation Protocol was completed by the Inspection Board and opinions were requested from the relevant units of the Ministry of Family and Social Services, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of National Education.

Taking Measures for the Schooling of Children of Seasonal Agricultural Workers and Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Children

The study includes children who are at the age of compulsory education and have problems in attending school due to seasonal agricultural work. Circular No. 2016/5 on the subject was published on 21.03.2016. Along with the circular; • “Training Teams for Provincial/District Seasonal Migrant Agricultural Workers and Children of Nomadic or Semi-Nomadic Families” were established at provincial/district national education directorates. • Follow-up teams make visits to seasonal agricultural workers, nomadic or semi-nomadic families and employers to raise awareness of children's access to education. • In the e-School Management Information System, students coming from the reason of temporary transfer of “Seasonal Agricultural Worker Student” are registered as guest students and the scores given by the teachers to these students and their attendance status are sent to the school directorates in the digital environment. • Thus, the teachers of both schools can follow the student's educational process. • In places where the children of seasonal agricultural workers, nomadic or semi-nomadic families that cannot be included in the scope of transported education are concentrated, teachers are assigned and associated with a school in the city/district center and mobile, prefabricated, etc. It was possible to open classrooms and to provide compensatory training for seasonal agricultural worker children returning to their school, in case of need.  

Interactive Textbooks

97 books of Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, History, Turkish Language and Literature, Philosophy and German courses taught in 2019-2020 are made interactive on a unit basis at every grade level. 25000 thousand interactive applications were used in the textbooks. Studies continue.

Z-Library (Enriched Library) Project

This project, which started in 2014, was developed based on the principle of spreading the reading culture included in the 10th Five-Year Development Plan, ensuring that children receive culture and art education at an early age, and the z-library project, with its aesthetic and ergonomic design, allows students to enjoy information, learning and recreation activities at schools. It is a project of creating a social activity area that provides opportunities. Standard designs and technical specifications have been developed for digital learning contents that combine learning and entertainment while preparing homework for students, and z-libraries that provide a working environment. One of the most important steps for Z-Libraries is the development and proliferation of resource and supportive z-book production in the publishing and education sector. Until 2020, 1599 z-libraries were installed in schools by the Ministry. This project will continue in the coming years.

EBA TV Infrastructure

Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. These nationwide closures are impacting over 90% of the world’s student population. Several other countries have implemented localized closures impacting millions of additional learners. In response to this threat, Turkey has taken several drastic steps for students to continue their education through distance education. More specifically, EBA TV (known as Education Information Network TV) offers educational services to those who are unable to go to their schools. Three channels specified  by TRT (known as Turkish Radio Television). Education is provided for students in twenty minute videos on these three channels.

EBA TV, which has already operated as an online tool up to the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most important national reforms nowadays because this system allows children to receive their education at home. This system is only available in China and Turkey.

Workbook and Academic Support Studies • In the 2020-2021 academic year, especially in rural areas, in order to meet the equal opportunities in education policy of our Ministry and to meet the needs of students for auxiliary resources, workbooks as well as workbooks (Turkish (first literacy, 1, 2 , 3rd and 4th grades), Mathematics (1, 2, 3 and 4th grades), Science (3rd and 4th grades), Life Sciences (1, 2nd and 3rd grades), Social Studies (4th grade) 17 workbooks in 5 different areas, including and published on the website of our Ministry for the benefit of our students. It will also be distributed in the first year. • Turkish, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and T.R. Activity books have been prepared for the History of Revolution and Kemalism courses in order to eliminate the need for supplementary resources. In this context, 16 books consisting of 112 fascicles were prepared at the secondary school level and published in electronic environment. • An “English Foreign Language Intensive Curriculum” was developed to be implemented in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades together with the 5th graders, and alternative materials were prepared for the 5th and 6th grades. In order to support our students in all 4 basic language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), English activity guides consisting of 70 fascicles and 1642 pages, prepared from the 2nd grade to the 8th grade level, were published for the first time in the electronic environment. • Workbooks prepared for primary school students with different content, separately for each grade level, were distributed free of charge to all primary school students in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Weekly Course Schedule

In order to develop students' creative, critical and reflective thinking skills, research and problem-solving competencies, in the "Arts and Sports" field of the Weekly Course Schedule no 40 of the Board of Education and Discipline dated 22.12.2020, the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of secondary school The "Chess" course was given as 2 course hours.


Strengthening and Restructuring of Pre-School and Primary Education Teacher Training and Novice Teacher Programs in Terms of Inclusivity

It started in 2020 in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Basic Education, and UNICEF and YÖK. In the project in question, it was aimed to ensure that preschool and primary school teachers have pedagogical knowledge and skills related to inclusive education in the first year of teaching by focusing on the structure and content, course content, strategies and tools of classroom and pre-school teacher education and novice teacher programs. In the project, inclusive education modules on pre-school and classroom teacher education and candidate teacher programs were prepared. The pilot implementation process of the modules prepared for inclusive education will be carried out at universities and schools.



IT Production Project

Project; In order to determine the methodology that will guide our education policies in the field of digital content and skill-supported transformation in learning processes, it started as a Pilot Application of Production with Information with the Approval of the Minister dated 01.02.2019 and numbered 2196931.

Current Status of the Project and Activities: In line with the goal of developing content for the development of digital skills and conducting teacher training within the theme of "Digital Content and Skill Supported Transformation in Learning Processes" in the 2023 Education Vision document; Within the scope of the "Production with Information Pilot Application" initiated with the Approval of the Minister dated 01.02.2019 and numbered 2196931, three-dimensional design, coding and smart device design activities were carried out to provide students with information production and algorithmic thinking skills. In terms of determining the methodology that will guide our education policies in the field of digital content and skill-supported transformation in learning processes, the Information Production Pilot Implementation Study; General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies, General Directorate of Basic Education, General Directorate of Religious Education, Teacher Training and Development It was made in cooperation with the General Directorate and the private sector. During the pilot application preparation, the classroom environment in which the training material is used, computers, online access to the product and the product, etc. The physical conditions were set in place before piloting began. In addition, the willingness and willingness of the teacher for piloting was taken into account. Considering that the students' acquisitions related to the Information Technologies and Software course curriculum and their readiness for applications involving technological educational materials in the classroom gained in the 5th grade, the study group was formed from 6th grade students in the pilot application. The curriculum framework program of the training material piloted and containing the contents of the Information Technologies and Software Course curriculum in the 6th grade curriculum of secondary school was prepared and shared with the relevant schools. In the pilot study, a total of 15 schools, 7 in Ankara (1 primary school), 5 in Istanbul and 3 in Siirt, 91 branches (82 branches Middle School, 9 branches Primary School), 2662 students (2467 Middle School, 195 Primary School) were included. In order to expand the scope of the pilot implementation and to test the readiness of the students towards the applications, a school at the primary school level was also included in the application. The pilot implementation, which started in February 2019, ended with the project exhibitions held in schools in the last week of May and the second week of June in secondary schools. In line with the assessment and evaluation design prepared for the planning phase of the pilot application study; Mixed Model was used as the Evaluation Model in the study, and qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the study group. Opinions and suggestions of all internal stakeholders (school principal, vice principal, teacher, student and parents) were collected through qualitative measurement tools during the IT Production pilot. Within the scope of the study, teachers' experiences, opinions and suggestions about visual programming and teaching coding were determined. In this context, the research data were interpreted with a summarizing approach in an integrated manner together with personal experiences (qualitative data) and statistical trends (quantitative data). In line with this small-scale pilot application evaluation report and the experiences gained during the process, the medium-scale pilot application was started with the ministerial approval dated 06.10.2019 and numbered 19109580. Production with IT Pilot Application Prof. Dr. Under the consultancy of Selçuk Özdemir, with the use of the content provided free of charge from the Informatics Garage within the scope of social responsibility, in the 2019-2020 academic year, 27 primary schools in 81 provinces, 95 secondary schools and 17 imam hatip secondary schools will be carried out simultaneously in 139 schools, in cooperation with the public and private sector. Applications will be monitored and evaluated by an academic commission.

In the September 2019-June 2020 academic year, a medium scale pilot application was carried out in 139 schools, including 112 Secondary Schools and IHOs and 27 Primary Schools, and educational kits, 3D printers, digital content and project materials were provided according to the number of students in each school. The curriculum of the Information Technologies and Software course has been updated by TEGM and implemented with the approval of the Minister. The studies were evaluated and the final report was published under the YEĞİTEK website. Informatics Production Pilot Application 314 digital contents for grades 4,5,6 and 7 were produced by the General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies. Educational contents are published in EBA and made available to all students and teachers in Turkey. Feedback is received from the field for the prepared content, and revision studies continue on a regular basis. The writing of teacher's guidebooks for primary and secondary schools to be used in the 2021-2022 academic year continues. Competitions and events that could not be held face-to-face due to the Covid 19 Epidemic were held online. A distance education package was prepared for the professional development of teachers and published in EBA for the use of classroom teachers. 43,153 people have successfully completed the training so far. Similarly, a distance education package for IT teachers continues to be prepared. It will be included in the in-service training activities to be opened by ÖYGM in the 2021-2022 academic year. In addition, weekly and monthly online workshops were organized for primary school (classroom teachers) and secondary school teachers (Information Technology Teachers). Digital content for Problem Solving Skills and Design-Oriented Thinking continues to be produced for primary school 2nd and 3rd grade students included in the project in 2021-2022, and a pilot application is planned for the 2021-2022 academic year. In the 2021-2022 academic year, studies are planned to continue the Informatics Production Pilot application in 2,3,4,5,6 and 7th grades in approximately 5,300 schools.  

EDUCATION INFORMATION NETWORK (EBA) The scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus is paused education in schools in Turkey since 3/23/2020 distance education program is offered to students and teachers. Distance education is provided via EBA (Education Information Network) and TV broadcasting. EBA offers more than 1,600 lessons and over 37,000 rich, reliable and interactive content offered to approximately 18M students at all levels from pre-school to 12th grade and 1M teacher. It is a digital education platform created by the Ministry of National Education. EBA also includes many and different types of content such as textbooks, interactive books, applications and tests, video or interactive narratives matched to topics and achievements, exercises, summaries, infographics, project documents, and content specific to teachers. More than 5,000 books are presented to teachers and students with more than 240,000 questions. In addition to these course contents, there is also a Library area where teachers, students and parents can access content that will contribute to their personal development and fun time. There are thousands of content in different categories such as cartoons, reading books, games, documentaries, interviews and magazines. Through EBA, which also has social communication features, teachers and students can interact with each other, teachers send studies to their students, and they can follow their students' performances in the course subjects both for these studies and in general, depending on the use of EBA. In addition to offering customized interface and content to each student with personalization, the system recommends the contents according to the performance of the students with the smart suggestion system. EBA Academic Support system is available for 11th and 12th grades as an alternative solution to the differing needs of students. Thanks to EBA Academic Support, where detailed lecture videos, sample questions and solution videos, tests, university entrance exam questions and solutions from previous years are presented, a special study program is prepared, taking into account the preference list of the students and their current level, which plan to study how much. Thus, students are enabled to work with a personalized road map according to their goals. In addition to these services for students, a Professional Development Area is offered in addition to teachers. Teachers are provided with many documents and videos that they may need and enable them to interact with their colleagues. In the EBA Professional Development Field, teachers can attend synchronous / asynchronous distance education courses. Parents, on the other hand, can see their children's studies and completion status, their performance in course subjects depending on the use of EBA, as well as examine the EBA Portfolios, which include EBA academic achievement, EBA score and ranking, projects and certificates, and benefit from the EBA Library area. Teachers and students determined at times determined by school administrators can conduct synchronous lessons via EBA. With EBA Live Classroom, teachers and students can interact instantly. In addition to providing distance education via EBA with the main features described here, it is planned to be provided over television for users who do not have internet. For all grade levels (1 - 12), within the scope of cooperation with TRT, television broadcasts are made, including 3 HD and 3 SD channels. Through these channels, lectures videos of basic lessons suitable for primary, secondary and high school levels and also activity zones are broadcast. EBA became the 1st most visited education site in the world with 14 Billion 776 Million clicks in 2020, when distance education started and continued intensively

Designing Future Innovative Learning Spaces (Design Fils) Project: It is the Grant/Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnerships in School Education project, which aims to develop learning scenarios at EU level in the design of innovative, multi-disciplinary, flexible learning spaces in schools where digital skills are the basis, and to present a pedagogical model in this field. The duration of the project is 36 months. (01/09/2019-31/08/222) Project partners and stakeholders: Contracting Authority: Turkish National Agency 1. MEB YEĞİTEK- Coordinating Institution 2. Hacettepe University, Turkey 3. European SchoolNet, Belgium 4. Universida de Lisboa, Portugal 5. Centro Autonomico de Formacion e Innovacion, Spain 6. Future Learning Lab Wien, Austria 7. Zakladni skola Dr. Edvarda Benese, Czech Republic The goal of the project: • To support the acquisition of 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, productivity, teamwork and digital skills in innovative learning environments designed in parallel with the goal of 'transforming knowledge into skills', which is also envisaged in the 2023 Education Vision. • Supporting the implementation of these scenarios in flexible learning areas by strengthening the skills of teachers to develop interdisciplinary learning scenarios with the contributions of the project partners. • To support the dissemination of good practices and practices in flexible learning areas within the framework of the European Union • To design learning environments suitable for the requirements of the age by using innovative applications in the digital field and to increase the future learning capacity of students with innovative learning scenarios in these learning environments, and to work on improving both academic success and creative thinking skills of students. • Included in Turkey's 10th Strategic Plan and 11th Strategic Plan being designed; To meet this need in the most economical way in line with the need for the workforce under the headings of 'Science, Technology and Innovation'.

Active Learning and Innovative Teaching in Flexible Learning Spaces- NOVIGADO It is the Grant-Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnerships in School Education project to support active learning practices that contribute to the development of 21st century skills of schools and relevant stakeholders, from teacher-centered traditional classroom practices, innovative learning environments and information and communication technologies within the framework of national and international education. . The duration of the project is 30 months. (01/12/2019-31/05/2022)

The goal of the project: • Reaching more schools, teachers and relevant stakeholders by bringing a new understanding to education with the active learning model and enabling them to benefit from the opportunities brought by information and communication technologies and new learning environments. • To provide an evidence-based understanding of active learning through a framework of reference that will contribute to the understanding of the principles of active learning underpinned by innovative learning environments. • Developing and guiding the implementation of a new training program that will help schools and relevant stakeholders to apply the principles of active learning in different learning environments. • Establishing a network of teachers to ensure professional development and change in innovative learning environments. • Informing decision makers on how to support schools and local authorities in designing innovative learning environments and implementing the active learning model, and making suggestions about the process.

Main activities of the project: In the project, an online platform and MOOC will be developed with sample scenarios and scenario development tools based on the results of the implementation in pilot schools to develop the theme of active learning. The capacity building program to be carried out in the pilot schools will be supported by the MOOC and then the quality of the practices will be followed up with the evaluation plan.

Expected results from the project: • The Active Learning Reference Framework, which will be prepared within the scope of the project, will guide the pilot practices during the project process, and the schools, teachers and relevant stakeholders on innovative classroom environments and active learning elements after the project is over. • The active learning guide to be prepared will contribute to the modernization of learning environments in schools. Teachers will be able to perform active learning with easy-to-use materials. • Innovative applications will be disseminated through interactive online courses (Mooc) using active learning scenarios. • Results from the activities carried out within the scope of the project; The applications in the ongoing process will be guided through the final report, which will be prepared by bringing together all the data obtained from good examples from pilot schools, expert conclusions, Mooc outputs, assessment and evaluation and active learning guide findings. Deficiencies will be corrected and good practices will be developed and dissemination activities will accelerate with the contribution of the European School Network.

Outputs of the project: • The “Active Learning Reference Framework”, in which YEĞİTEK is in charge of the output, was developed as the first output of the project and Published at reference-frame-published/. • Within the scope of the Active Learning Framework of Reference, consultation activities were carried out with the participation of different stakeholders from partner countries. How does active learning take place in a school? What would you recommend to teachers? His contributions have been compiled to answer his questions and published on • On 26-29 October 2020, an online training called “Active Learning in Hybrid Education Model” was held in cooperation with the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) Learning Community. • As part of the project dissemination activities, a webinar series was held for teachers from all over Europe. 6 webinars were organized with a total of 615 participants. • “Novigado Learning Scenario Tool Introduction” webinar was held on May 25, 2021. 120 people participated in this webinar. • The webinar titled “The Impact of Digital Platforms on Teacher Education” was held on June 22, 2021 in collaboration with FCL&IRIS with 180 participants. • “Capacity Building Program Opening Meeting for Novigado Pilot Schools” was organized by Novidago Turkey Team on 23 June 2021 with 48 participants. • The “Learning Area Innovations Guide”, which was created within the scope of the project on a desk research and literature review on flexible and innovative learning environments, and on the guidelines about the practices of teachers and students in the classroom that supports both active learning and innovative teaching, is available in English at https://fcl. Published at–-a-new-novigado-publication. Portuguese, Polish, French and Turkish translations are in progress.


Artificial Intelligence for Children Project: It is a Grant-Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership in School Education project, which aims to develop the education infrastructure of countries from the ground up, with the contribution of 21st century skills, within the framework of digital applications and to bring an innovative understanding to the quality of the future workforce. The duration of the project is 24 months. (01/09/2019-31/08/221)

Project partners and stakeholders: Contracting Authority - Turkish National Agency 1. Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkey 2. MoNE General Directorate of Innovation and Educational Technologies, Turkey 3. Harran University, Turkey 4. Young STEM Education and Research Association, Turkey 5. CCS Digital Education, Ireland 6. Pobalscoil Neasain CESI, Ireland 7. Cambridge Academy Professional Training, England 8. IBM Watson- Associated partner The goal of the project: • To make artificial intelligence studies, which are among the requirements of the new century, available in schools in order to ensure that individuals have basic skills and competencies. Contributing to the education framework within the scope of information communication technologies and digital competencies. • To ensure continuity for teachers and students to benefit from the project outputs by embedding Artificial Intelligence studies, pilot school applications at European level and online artificial intelligence platform into education plans. To enrich the education curriculum with innovative practices. To contribute to advanced interdisciplinary collaboration in the STEAM field. • To strengthen the professional competencies of teachers in the field to acquire Artificial intelligence teaching skills. To prepare an artificial intelligence guide for the benefit of teachers and students. • To accelerate the work of artificial intelligence in order to ensure that future economic and scientific developments pass through STEAM, as foreseen by the European Commission's Digital Market Strategies, and to develop digital skills and competencies. • To ensure that Artificial Intelligence Education, supported by the European Union Commission, is included in the training programs by planning it in a professional framework. Main activities of the project: Creating a training platform in the field of artificial intelligence and developing artificial intelligence training contents for the development of this platform

Expected results from the project: • Teachers will be trained in the field of artificial intelligence and classrooms will include applications where students can increase their creativity. After the project is over, seminars will be given on the solutions of the problems that may be encountered in the applications to be made in the classrooms within the scope of Artificial intelligence for sustainable and healthy results. • Real-time applications will be made online through web technologies. • An online artificial intelligence platform will be established that can be accessed by children, youth and teachers from partner countries and other European countries in order to learn artificial intelligence concepts and make interactive applications. • School administrations will be informed within the framework of artificial intelligence education practices. • Teachers' pedagogical skills will be supported by information and communication technologies and an innovative multi-disciplinary approach. • An online education platform will be developed and a guide will be prepared for teachers to use when teaching artificial intelligence in schools. • There will be gamified activities that teachers can use in the classroom environment that will attract and motivate students. • Individuals who are brought up with an innovative education approach in the long run will take a more active role in the professions of the future.

Outputs of the project: • In March 2020, the book “Artificial Intelligence in Education for Children” was published at • The project website was established. • 18 training videos about artificial intelligence were prepared. • The book “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Concepts” was prepared by academic partners for teachers. • “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Education Congress” was held in Şanlıurfa on 27-28-29 June 2021. 700 people attended the congress.  

Out-of-School Learning Environments Project

In line with the "Education Vision for 2023" of our Ministry, By associating places such as museums, science centers, art centers, historical and cultural sites, libraries, natural sites and archaeological sites, industrial establishments and universities that are open to visitors with preschool, primary and secondary education / training programs, use; With the "Out-of-School Learning Environment Work Team" consisting of three (3) teachers representing each education level, in order to recognize and observe the natural, historical and cultural environments by future generations, and to contribute to the learning by making and living the learning programs. "Out-of-School Learning Environments Project" is carried out by the "Out-of-School Learning Environment Field / Branch Teachers Group" consisting of one (1) teacher. In project scope; Out-of-school learning environments guide was prepared and sent to provincial national education directorates. Working teams and groups of teachers in out-of-school learning environments were formed by the provincial directorates of national education. Out-of-school learning environments within the city boundaries were determined and field visits were made by the study team and the teachers in the field / branch teachers group of out-of-school learning environments. The “Out-of-School Learning Environments Information Form” was filled out by the provincial directorates of national education and sent to our General Directorate. Provincial directorates of national education prepared out-of-school learning environments “Guide Book / e-Book” and published on their websites. Pilot schools were determined by the provincial directorates of national education and the practice of "Out-of-School Learning Environments" was initiated.

Alternative Access Models in Preschool Education

“Ensuring that every child has received pre-school education for at least one year before starting compulsory education” It is of great importance to reach every child in pre-school age since it is the primary goal of our Ministry. This goal requires generating alternative solutions in our country, which has a wide range of geographic features. Based on this situation, "Mobile Teacher Class Application" and "Transport Center Nursery Class Application" were implemented in the 2018-2019 academic year. 1.1 Mobile Teacher Classroom Application In this practice, which is based on the transportation of the teacher, not the child, a preschool teacher goes to the unschooled settlements with a vehicle assigned to him, the driver and assistant staff, and gives pre-school education to the children here in flexible time. Preliminary reports and final reports were received from the provinces that carried out pre-pilot implementation in the previous year, and a workshop was held with the participation of teachers, school principals and branch managers who participated in the application and the implementation principles were updated in line with the outcomes of the pre-pilot application. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 37 teachers went to 148 villages in 23 districts, and the mobile teacher class pilot implementation was completed with 680 children. 1.2. Transport Center Nursery Class Application In our country, mobile education is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on Access to Education by Transport of the Ministry of National Education". In accordance with the regulation, primary and secondary school students are transported to long distances together without any assistant personnel in the vehicle. Considering the geographical structure and climatic conditions of our country, it is thought that providing access to school for children younger than 66 months through current transportation is appropriate for primary / secondary / high school students, but it is not suitable for preschool children due to the sensitivity of the age group. For this reason, since there is no provision regarding the transportation of pre-school children in the regulation, transportation tenders cannot be made by the provincial and district national education directorates for children who will go to preschool education institutions. In the 2018-2019 academic year, pilot implementation of the "Transport Center Kindergarten" models, in which only pre-school children are transported, with a vehicle that is an auxiliary staff for access of children in villages and sub-village settlements where there are not enough children to open a classroom, has started. Within the scope of the application, 367 children received pre-school education in 29 settlements in 10 districts.

2.Academic Achievement Differences Investigation Project

reviewing student achievement in Turkey, the success of the kind of difference, size, and identify trends over time, effective and comprehensive educational policies to prevent and reduce the difference in achievement aims to define. With the project, it is aimed to monitor the academic success of the students regardless of their education levels and to reach policy suggestions for reducing the success differences. The project started in October 2019 and will last 20 months. The project will be realized in cooperation with UNICEF through direct grant method.

3. Strengthening Pre-School and Primary Education Undergraduate Programs and Prospective Teaching Programs in Terms of Inclusive Education

With this project, it is aimed to ensure that the structure and content of classroom and pre-school programs, course content, strategies and tools, pre-school and classroom teachers have pedagogical knowledge and skills regarding inclusive education in the first year of teaching. Within the scope of the project, it is aimed to strengthen the Preschool and Primary Education Undergraduate Programs in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, YÖK and UNICEF in relation to the inclusive education program. Project preparations continue. The project will be realized in cooperation with UNICEF through direct grant method.

4. Out of School Children Project (ODKÇ)

The CAFW study is an activity implemented under the 2018-2020 Work Plan approved by the Ministry of National Education and UNICEF. In this study, the odkç in Turkey and at risk of leaving school early children development of intervention models to meet the multifaceted needs and are expected to contribute to the adaptation of this model.

Evaluation of School Profile

It is aimed within this project to develop needs-based policies by evaluating each school in its own context through analyzing the projects, social, sportive and cultural activities that the given school performs as well as scrutinizing the institutional capacities with regards to specific criteria and descriptors so as to take data-driven decisions and diminish the differences among the schools and decrease the pressure of examinations. In the evaluation process, the schools are not compared to each other; rather, each school is observed in terms of its own developmental processes.

Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education

The European Union – Council of Europe Joint Project “Strengthening Democratic Culture in Basic Education” aims to integrate a democratic school culture that corresponds with universal core values as well as fundamental rights and freedoms into the Turkish national education system. The specific objectives of the Project are: Strengthening democratic values and practices in schools and school communities; Strengthening the capacity of stakeholders including policy makers, education administrators both at the Ministry of National Education and at provincial level, inspectors, school principals, teachers, parents, and local civil society organizations (CSO) on democratic school culture and Raising awareness on democratic school culture in and beyond schools. The project will last 36 months and be carried out in 110 schools of the following cities: Adana, Aydın, Burdur, Çanakkale, Iğdır, Kars, Muğla, Sinop, Sivas, and Yozgat. Within the scope of the project, story books and activity books for pre-school education level, story books and activity books for primary school, as well as activity books for each subject that are compatible with the curriculum achievements for each lesson, activity books for each branch were developed for the secondary school level. Within the scope of the project, training content consisting of 3 modules and 120 hours was developed. It will provide training to 240 teachers through waterfall trainings to all teachers who have been trained as trainers and work in pilot schools.

Design-Skills Ateliers

Establishing Design-Skills Ateliers in upper secondary schools, the project aims at contributing to the education of the individuals who are problem solvers, innovative, creative and critical thinkers as well as equipped with higher-order learning skills and contributing to the social and economic developments. Within this frame, it is planned to establish Design-Skills Ateliers in the seven regions by the end of 2019 and the provisions concerning this process are still going on. Aftermath, upon receiving the data from the piloting phase, it is aimed to open these ateliers across all of the schools as is identified in the calendar of the 2023 Vision Document.


Primary School Education Program (İYEP) İYEP mainly consists of 5 main components: the program (curriculum), measurement and evaluation tools, system (e-school), materials and legislation. 2018-2019 academic year, the program has been started to be implemented in all of Turkey has duly applied by direct grant with UNICEF. General Structure of the Program The program is built on three areas: Turkish, mathematics and psychosocial support. It includes a total of 38 acquisitions consisting of reading, writing and comprehension skills from the Turkish course, natural numbers and four operations learning areas from the mathematics course. Within the scope of the program, students who do not have these achievements are given additional education up to 10 hours a week, up to 160 hours in total. In the program, there are 3 modules from Turkish and mathematics lessons, 6 modules in total. Each module is ordered from simple to complex according to the principle of progressivity. Students can take only Turkish and only mathematics or both courses, depending on their level of readiness. İYEP is a program that aims to support students who continue their third grade primary school to acquire the acquisitions included in the program from Turkish and mathematics courses simultaneously in terms of psychosocial aspects (MEB Primary School Education Program). The program is implemented on weekends, outside the weekday class hours, in case these are not suitable, taking into account the conditions of the school and the personnel situation, the school administration is implemented at times planned by the school administration. The program cannot exceed 2 lessons per day on weekdays, 6 lessons per day on weekends, and 10 lessons in total per week. It is essential that an İYEP student group consists of 1-6 students, this number can be increased to a maximum of 10 students (MEB Primary School Education Program Directive). Measurement and Evaluation Approach of IYEP Two different central assessment and evaluation tools prepared by the Ministry are used within the scope of IYEP. The first of these is used to determine whether the student needs the program and, if necessary, from which courses and from which modules (İYEP Student Identification Tool [ÖBA]). PCA is a measurement tool that is applied at the beginning of the academic year every year to determine the students who need to take the program, prepared by taking into account the achievements in the program, and consists of 15 open-ended problems from the Turkish lesson and 31 from the mathematics lesson. The Teacher Guidelines Form (ÖYF), which includes graded scoring keys, is used for standard and objective scoring of this measurement tool by the teacher. Teachers evaluate the questions in the ÖBA according to the graded scoring keys in the ÖYF. At the end of the program, the Student Assessment Tool (ÖDA) is applied to the students who are taken into the program to determine the achievement of the student and to evaluate the effect of the program. KBAs are equivalent measurement tools with IPAs. As in IPAs, KBAs are evaluated in a standard and objective manner with ÖYF (MEB Primary School Education Program Application Guide). Central Monitoring Mechanisms in IYEP In İYEP, processes such as determining and evaluating students, creating student groups, and assigning teachers are carried out on the e-School Management Information System İYEP Transactions screen. Each answer given by 3rd grade students to the PBA questions is entered into the system by the teachers, and the system determines which course and module the students need additional education. At the end of the program, the same process is done for KBA; The development status of the students is determined. İYEP student groups are formed over this system according to the decision of the school commission, and teachers are assigned to these groups by the school administrator. In this way, the level of each student at the beginning of the program, the level of improvement at the end of the program, how many students are included in the program, the level of effectiveness of the program, and how many teachers are assigned can be monitored at the central level. Materials and Documents Developed within the Scope of İYEP The following materials and documents have been developed for students, teachers and administrators with the program: Turkish Activity Book, Turkish Guide Book, Mathematics Activity Book, e-School İYEP Module User Guide, Application Guide, Psychosocial Support Guide. Turkish and Mathematics Activity Books contain various examples, exercises and activities that will facilitate the learning of the lesson in line with the objectives, modules and explanations. The Turkish Activity Guide book includes explanations that will enable more effective use of the activity book for students. The e-School IYEP Module User Guide has been prepared to give information about how the students will do the transactions related to the program with PDA and KBA data entry.

İYEP Application Guide; It is a document containing instructions and program, and more detailed and comprehensive information about the application. 

The Psycho-Social Support Guide aims to recognize the psychosocial difficulties that students experience, especially in the academic field, and to introduce the work to be implemented by classroom teachers in terms of process and content (MEB Primary School Education Program Application Guide). Legal Basis of İYEP İYEP is carried out within the framework of various legal bases. The phrase "educator and complementary classes and courses" in Article 6 of the Law No. 222, stated in the 33rd article of the Regulation on Pre-School Education and Primary Education Institutions, "… training courses or programs are applied for the students who are found to be inadequate in some lessons in primary schools." is one of the legal bases of İYEP. In order to determine how the "training program" stated in the regulation will be implemented, the "İYEP Directive" was published by the Ministry of National Education. In addition to these, the decision numbered 51 was published in the Official Gazette on 31.08.2019 in order to pay additional tuition fees to the teachers who work in the program and this decision was added to the 8th article of the "Decision on the Lessons and Additional Class Hours of the Ministry of National Education Administrators and Teachers".

Materials and Documents Developed within the Scope of IEP

Along with the program, the following materials and documents have been developed for students, teachers and administrators: Turkish Activity Book, Turkish Guide Book, Mathematics Activity Book, e-School IYEP Module User Guide, Practice Guide, Guidance Services Guide. Turkish and Mathematics Activity Books contain various examples, exercises and activities that will facilitate the learning of the course in line with the objectives, modules and explanations. The Turkish Activity Guidebook includes explanations that will enable students to use the activity book more effectively. The e-School İYEP Module User's Guide has been prepared to provide information about IPA and KBA data entry and how students can do the procedures related to the program. IEP Practice Guidelines; It is the document that contains the directive and the program and contains more detailed and comprehensive information about the implementation. Guidance Services Guide, on the other hand, has been prepared to support the social, emotional, academic and career development of students included in the program holistically. (MEB Primary School Education Program Implementation Guide).

Legal Basis of IEP

IYEP is carried out within the framework of various legal bases. The phrase "training and supplementary classes and courses" in Article 6 of the Law No. 222 is referred to in Article 33 of the Pre-School Education and Primary Education Institutions Regulation, "… in primary schools, training courses or programs are applied for students who are deficient in some courses." provision is among the legal bases of İYEP. The “IYEP Directive” was published by the Ministry of National Education in order to determine how the “training program” expressed in the regulation will be implemented. In addition to these, the decision numbered 51 was published in the Official Gazette on 31.08.2019 in order to pay additional tuition fees to the teachers working in the program, and this decision was added to the 8th article of the "Decision Regarding the Courses and Additional Course Hours of the Managers and Teachers of the Ministry of National Education". In addition, the 40th article of the Ministry of National Education Teacher Appointment and Relocation Regulation, which regulates the service scores of teachers working in official education institutions, has been rearranged with the Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Appointment and Relocation of Teachers of the Ministry of National Education, published in the Official Gazette dated 19.06.2020 and numbered 31160. The decision in question; In this context, in the fifth paragraph of the 40th article of the relevant regulation, "(5) Ministry of National Education Support and Training Courses Directive and Educational Institution Managers and teachers who actually teach courses or carry out management duties within the scope of Education Program in Primary Schools (İYEP) 0.5 points are added for the month.” is called.  

My School Turkey Project 

In cooperation with UNICEF, the MoNE runs the "My School Turkey Project" in line with the 2018-2019 Biannual Work Plan so as to promote outside-the-school learning ecology. The project is being conducted in Ankara, Konya, Hatay and Şanlıurfa and the target group of the project are the 9thgrade students of upper secondary education as well as the teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, physics, history, Turkish language and literature, religion culture and ethics and visual arts.

Within the project:

  • Doing a review of literature about the use of outside the school contexts as educational learning settings and preparing a report entitled “Report of the Use of Outside-the-School Contexts in Turkey and in the World”,
  • Preparing an annual travel program and Outside-the-School Learning Contexts Teacher Manual for each of the piloting city,
  • Conducting training seminars both theoretically and practically about the outside-the-school learning opportunities,
  • Having students to experience the non-school learning contexts with the guidance of the teachers from each of the piloting city in the light of Outside-the-School Learning Contexts Teacher Manual and Travel Program

It is planned to prepare the project final report and an international closing conference at the end of the project.

City Educational History Museum Project

The project aims at opening a City Educational History Museum in all of the cities within the scope of the “Regulation of MoNE School Museums”. The incentive behind the project is to educate young individuals about the moral, national and cultural heritage, leading them to become individuals who project and improve those heritages; establishing associations between the artifacts of the today and the past, and thus the major objective is to have the youth to develop a strong sense of identity that relates to cultural and national belonging via reasoning and feeling of aesthetics. 

Via this project, an educational history museum is to be opened in the oldest school in the city centers. The primary audience of the project is the students and the learners in secondary education as well as the public.

Update of the Educational Programs


An educational program that was utilized in the primary and secondary schools was updated in terms of an inclusive approach that adopts basic skills and values education and had been put into effect by the 2017-2018 educational year. The new programs include the following pedagogic and humanitarian components: justice, friendship, honesty, self-regulation, patience, respect, love, responsibility, patriotism and helpfulness as core values across all of the field-dependent educational programs. Thus, the course books for those courses were prepared accordingly. This update was put into effect at all levels of primary and secondary education in the 2018-2019 educational year. In addition, the programs of the courses; Justice, Law and Our City, Common Turkish History, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Communication and Presentation Techniques, Chinese, Science Applications, Mathematics Applications, Computer Technologies and Software, Music, Sports and Physical Activities, Drama, Media Literacy were updated and have been offered since 2018-2019 educational year.


In addition, an educational program for computer technologies and software was developed for the primary school, 1st, 2nd, 3rdand 4thclasses and was first applied in the 2018-2019 educational year.


LifeLong Learning Educational Programs


Educational programs that are offered to age groups apart from those in formal education; courses on vocational and technical education are designed for those who aims at getting employed in real sector. In addition, these courses aims at improving the skills and competencies of the employed personnel in real sector.


Programs degisned are put into effect in line with the needs and expectations of the target groups, in cooperation with the formal institutions, private bodies, municipalities, vocational institutions, associations and so forth. In the first half of 2021; 69 new programs were prepared, 38 course programs were updated and 1 non-formal education course program was corrected.