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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 23 June 2022


Validation for competence supply and lifelong learning

In the bill, the Government submits proposals aimed at validation at municipal adult education  so that it would meet to a greater extent the needs that exist in the labor market and among individuals. With improved validation, the opportunities increase to utilize the knowledge that the individual has previously acquired. This contributes to a more efficient supply of skills, a faster establishment in the labor market and increased opportunities for adjustment during working life.

The suggestions are 

  • that an obligation is introduced for the home municipality to ensure that those who want to have their knowledge mapped for an education or for an examination in municipal adult education are offered validation
  • that an obligation is introduced for the principal of municipal adult education to ensure that a student who needs validation is offered it
  • to clarifiy what is meant by validation
  • to clarify what is required in terms of documentation after a validation
  • that a broad authorization is given to the government, or the authority that the government decides, to issue regulations on the validation of a person's prior knowledge.

The bill proposes the necessary changes to the law. The amendments to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 January 2023.

For more information (in Swedish)



Assignment to prepare for the introduction of a new state public study grant

The Government instructs the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN) to prepare for the introduction of such state public student aid (adjustment study support) as proposed in the ministry memorandum Adjustment study support - for flexibility, adaptability and security in the labor market (Ds 2021: 18) so that CSN can digitally administer it from 1 October 2022. This is a new parallel public student support system.

An interim report which, among other things, contains an analysis and assessment of the introduction of the adjustment study support must be submitted no later than 15 November 2021. CSN shall finalize the assignment no later than March 31, 2022. 

For more information (in Swedish)

Reinforcement to the folk high schools

Demand for study places at folk high schools has increased based on the current labor market situation. In the spring amendment budget for 2021, the government therefore proposed a strengthening of the state subsidy to the folk high school by SEK 170 million for 2021. The government has now decided on details regarding the payment of the funds.

The strengthened state subsidy to the folk high school will be used to maintain and expand the number of study places at the folk high school.

Folk high school offers a second chance for education for, among others, people who have not previously completed a secondary school education and people who are far from the labor market. The expansion of new places within the framework of the reinforcement is estimated to correspond to approximately 1,000 annual places in 2021. Target groups for the expansion may include foreign-born people who are unemployed and young people who have not reached the goals for a secondary school education. 

For more information (in Swedish)

And even more here


More employees within elderly care will be able to get further education during the autumn

In order to strengthen the elderly care during the corona crises the employees will be offered further education during paid working hours. Up to 10 000 employees will get the chance to educate themselves further to nurse’s assistant or assitant nurse. 

For more information in Swedish.

Better study aid for adults over 40

Possibilities for further and continued education and for retraining need to be improved through more generous financial conditions. Therefore the government has referred a promemoria ”Better study aid for adults” to the committee. 

It is proposed that it will be made easier for persons over 40 years of age to get study aid for employment or other specific reasons. The maximum age to receive national study aid will also be raised from 56 to 60 years. 

For more information in Swedish

Validation – for skills supply and lifelong learning

The National Delegation for Validation 2015–2019 was appointed by the Government to follow-up, support and promote coordinated development work in the area of validation at national and regional level. The remit included working to establish consensus on the significance and function of validation in the education system and working life. It also included identifying the need for development measures and submitting proposals to the Government that can strengthen validation work in education and working life. In August 2018, the Delegation was also instructed to propose a comprehensive definition of validation, based on the Council of the European Union Recommendation on validation, and with analysing and considering how the Swedish Qualifications Framework (SeQF) can be used to strengthen the interplay between validation and education. In this final report, Validation – for skills supply and lifelong learning, the Delegation submits its proposals for measures for a coherent, national and permanent system for validation, so that more people can have their knowledge and skills identified, assessed and recognised.  

Validation involves assessing and giving visibility, recognition and value to knowledge and skills that people have acquired in contexts outside of formal education. Validation adds value and benefit for individuals, employers, education providers and society as a whole.

An English summary of the final report: Validation - for skills supply and lifelong learning

The final report in Swedish