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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 23 June 2022


Increased opportunities for basic eligibility to higher education for vocational programmes

In a government bill, the Swedish government proposes that all national vocational programmes in upper secondary school should contain what is required for pupils to achieve basic eligibility for higher education. In order for this to be possible without reducing vocational preparation, the scope of the programmes must also be expanded, both in terms of upper secondary school credits and guaranteed teaching time. However, it must be possible for the pupil to opt out.

Lack of upper secondary vocationally trained labor is one of the biggest and most acute problems in the Swedish labor market today. More skilled plumbers, electricians and childcare workers are needed. Making vocational programmes more attractive is part of the solution.

The bill proposes the necessary changes to the law. The amendments to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 January 2023 and will be applied for the first time to education that begins in the autumn term of 2023.

The government bill (in Swedish)



Investments in adult education will combat the consequences of the pandemic

Many have lost their jobs during the current pandemic. Foreign-born, often newly arrived, who are far from the labor market, have been hit particularly hard by the crisis. Education is therefore an important tool for improving integration. The Government is now investing further in initiatives within municipal adult education and higher vocational education to improve for adults who need to strengthen their position in the labor market.

After the Parliament decided on 16 June on the spring amendment budget for 2021, the government has now made the decisions required for the proposed education initiatives to be realized. 

For more information (in Swedish)

Changed selection rules within municipal adult education to facilitate adjustment in the labor market

The Government has decided on amendments to ordinances within municipal adult education due to amendments to the law that have been decided through the bill “Komvux for strengthened competence supply”. Changed selection rules and a new university preparatory degree will simplify things for both students and municipalities.

For more information in Swedish



The Government will finance all regional vocational adult education during 2020

As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic unemployment has increased significantly during the spring. Since there has emerged a great need of education the Government has decided to take over the financing of the regional vocational adult education during the whole 2020. The decision is therefore valid retroactively from 1 January 2020. 

For more information in Swedish.

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education to test a faster way to higher vocational education

The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan, MYH) will start implementing the changes to higher vocational education according to the government proposal from spring 2020. MYH will start with a testing period for introducing a faster way to an exam for those who already have professional knowledge that equals a larger part of a higher vocational education. This will help open a way for experienced people in the trade to reach positions with more responsibility. 

He results of this government assignment will be reported by 14 April 2023. 

More information in Swedish.

New vocational health care programme as a first step towards a regulated assistant nurse profession

The government has decided to adjust the contents of the vocational upper secondary school programmes. Among other things the number of general subjects for vocational programmes within health care have been increased. This is to adjust the competence of the assistant nurses to the current needs. 

A new health care programme is the first step in the government's plan to regulate the assistant nurse profession. The new programme is planned to start during autumn 2021. 

For more information in Swedish

Possibility to get national student aid at more folk high schools abroad

Students have not been able to receive national student aid for studies abroad that do not lead to a degree. The National Board of Student Aid (Centrala studiestödsnämnden CSN) is now given the right to grant student aid i cases that have not been possible before, e.g. for folk high school studies within the Nordic countries. 

An amendment to the Ordinance for Student Aid (Studiestödsförordning) makes it now possible to grant student aid if the lack of final degree would be similar in corresponding studies in Sweden. For more information in Swedish

Municipal adult education to strengthen the competence maintenance

The proposal referred to the Council on Legislation for consideration (lagrådsremiss) proposes changes to the Education Act. The proposal aims e.g. that the municipal adult education (komvux) will contribute more than before to the competence needs of the working life. It should better meet the education needs of adults at all stages of life. 

It is also proposes that the special education for adults (särvux) for those with learning disabilities will become one part of municipal adult education (komvux) instead of being an own school form.

For more information in Swedish.