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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 27 June 2022
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1000 Schools Project in Vocational Education

Project Purpose: By solving the stated problems of the schools, which are relatively disadvantaged compared to other schools in terms of academic success, absenteeism, grade repetition, drop out of formal education and disciplinary punishment rates, educational environment and social and economic conditions of the environment, by a series of improvement studies, the differences in achievement between schools are basically eliminated. It is aimed to present a vocational and technical education that is sensitive to the demands of the sector throughout our country, focused on employment and constantly renewed in cooperation with the stakeholders. Project Schedule: January 2021- December 2021 (12 months) Project Budget: 700 million TL Project Collaborations: • Relevant General Directorates of the Ministry of National Education • Provincial/district and school/institutional directorates Planned Activities: • Supporting teachers and administrators, • Improving educational environments, • Supporting academic and basic skills training for students, • Carrying out studies for the personal development of students, • Carrying out support activities for students' parents will be provided.  

Development of Institutional Capacity of Maturation Institutes Project

Project Purpose: It is to transform the maturation institutes into more effective and efficient institutions, to increase their institutional capacities, to increase the brand value of the institute products, to promote and market them, and to make the education and training in our institutions more qualified. Project Calendar: 14.01.2015-31.12. 2017 A one-year extension was received in 2018 -2020. Project Budget: 2020 budget is 2,000,000 TL            2021 budget 1,000,000 TL Project Stakeholders: • Presidency Culture and Art Policy Committee •    Culture and Tourism Ministry • Ministry of Commerce •    Universities •    Private sector • Non-Governmental Organizations

Actual Activities of the Project: • A common corporate culture and corporate identity study was carried out for maturation institutes. In this context, a common logo was designed for the institutes, a corporate identity booklet was created, corporate identity elements were determined and conveyed to the institutes. While each institute had a different corporate logo before, an important step has been taken in creating a common corporate identity, united under one roof. • Within the scope of corporate identity transformation, the Ministry of National Education Institutional Introduction Manual was updated, signage was designed for institutes, and signage changes were completed for all institutes. • Institutional reputation of maturation institutes has been improved and brand values ​​have been established. As a result of the efforts made for maturation institutes to gain a corporate identity, the BOHÇA brand was created by going branding. • The trademark "BOHÇA" with the Trade Mark No. 2019 107001- 2019 was registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office on 21.02.2020 for 10 (ten) years as of 31.10.2019.

BOHÇA - Branding Process

Considering that the determined brand name "BOHÇA" covers maturation institutes and traditional Turkish handicrafts, it was decided that traditional Turkish arts should be suitable for contemporary uses with modern designs for this brand. In this direction, the archives and production capacities of the institutes were evaluated under the coordination of the Advisory Board. At the end of the evaluations, product trials were made and prototypes were prepared. In order for the products to comply with the quality standards, the production criteria have been determined, and the products have been prepared accordingly by declaring them to all maturation institutes that will work for the brand. A sales store has been prepared for the brand on the ground floor of the Beyoğlu Refia Övüç Maturation Institute building on Istanbul Istiklal Street, and the brand's e-commerce and social media accounts have been created. The opening of the “BOHÇA” store was held on June 5, 2021, hosted by the Minister of National Education, Ziya Selçuk, with the presence of Ms. Emine Erdoğan. Within the scope of the opening program, the signing ceremony of the "Cooperation Protocol for the Development of Maturation Institutes" was held between the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Commerce and the Istanbul Ready-to-Wear Apparel Exporters' Association (İHKİB).


 Educational Activities Face-to-face trainings planned for the institute staff within the scope of the project are carried out through distance education due to the epidemic conditions we are in. In this context, with the participation of 24 Maturation Institute directors, relevant deputy directors, teachers and master trainers; • Evaluation of the Bohça Brand's Product Processes • Project and Project Applications • Maturation Institutes Transformation Manifesto and Theme/Project Evaluations •    Corporate identity • Use of Social Media, Correct and Effective Communication in Management • Basic Life Skills in Difficult Times, Turkey's Skills and Competencies and Emotional Awareness • Conversation on a Good Photograph • Experiencing the Design, Designing the Experience • Understanding for Effective Communication? To tell? distance education activities were carried out.

Maturation Academy

While each maturation institute may have its own specific educational needs, there are needs common to all institutes. From this point of view, it is planned to establish a Maturation Academy in order to organize trainings, seminars and courses for institutes. Technical infrastructure and planning were completed within the scope of the establishment of the Maturation Academy under the consultancy of field experts in order to increase the human resource capacities of maturation institutes and to provide training to students/trainees. Necessary preparations were made by interviewing people who are considered to provide training within the academy and who have distinguished themselves with their professional identity. The historical process of the concept of design, the place of design today, the future in tradition, creating a market with innovative approaches will be emphasized. In addition to education, it will be ensured that the institutes are visible by organizing competitions, national and international organizations. Particularly, efforts will be made to ensure that it takes place in international platforms. It is aimed to create a "Pattern library" within the academy, which will be a first in our country. In addition to making a publication every year by establishing a scientific committee, other objectives are to organize short-term trainings and seminars on subjects that are already held in many institutions and cannot be answered for people who are interested in art and want to improve themselves in the field of art.

Culture and Art Library

A Culture and Art Library was established within the Istanbul Beyoğlu Refia Övüç Maturation Institute in order to collect and preserve the written works and to enable researchers to access these works quickly and easily. Approximately three thousand books were provided to the library in line with various donations and the resources allocated from the project. Planned Activities of the Project: • Field visits and Advisory Board meetings will continue. • Distance education activities will continue. • Studies on the promotion and sustainability of the Bohça Store will continue. • Maturation institutes that produce on behalf of the brand will be provided to come together with designers so that they can produce products that will meet the expectations. • Training program studies will be continued within the Maturation Academy. • Long-term training opportunities such as internship and on-the-job training will be created in order to mobilize the personnel working in maturation institutes within the scope of the training subjects they need, especially design training, and to gain permanent and sustainable competencies within the scope of vision transformation. • A second store will be opened at Istanbul Airport for the Bohça Brand.


Purpose of Cooperation:

T.R. Ministry of National Education and T.C. Within the scope of the “Pûşide Project” carried out with the cooperation protocol signed between the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on 22.11.2016, photographing and digital archiving of the historical dival work pushides determined by the Istanbul Tombs Museum Directorate, new pattern designs for 127 sarcophagi that do not have a pouf on them. It is aimed to produce pushi and to prepare 6 volumes of books. Project Calendar: 22.11.2016-31.12.2023 Project Budget: 920.000,00 TL Project Collaborations: culture and Tourism Ministry   15 Maturation Institutes: Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Diyarbakir, Eskisehir, Istanbul Beylerbeyi Sabanci, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Kayseri, Konya, Kütahya, Samsun, Tokat, Trabzon Mausoleums Fountains Association for the Protection and Sustenance of Immovable Cultural Heritage

Istanbul Tombs and Museum Directorate Actual Activities of the Project:

Within the scope of the project carried out under the auspices of Emine ERDOĞAN, the wife of our President, and under the coordination of Istanbul Beylerbeyi Sabancı Maturation Institute, a total of 48 new pushides were produced. After the promotional activities were carried out in cooperation with the Istanbul Tombs Museum Directorate, 36 re-produced pushides were covered in their tombs.

Within the scope of the project, photo shoots of a total of 81 dival handicraft pûşîde and 5 pûşîde headplates registered in the inventory of the Istanbul Tombs Museum Directorate in 12 tombs were completed and archived in the digital environment. Vectorial drawings of 40 original dival work pûşide patterns registered in the inventory of the Istanbul Tombs Museum Directorate were made. 68 new pûşide patterns were designed, their vector drawings were made and archived -36 Sultan Ahmed Tomb, 30 Hatice Turhan Valide Sultan Tomb, 2 Cedid Havatin Tomb-. New pattern designs continue to be made for the pushides to be prepared for the tombs of Hatice Turhan Valide Sultan and Cedid Havatin by the Istanbul Beylerbeyi Sabancı Maturation Institute, and the pushides of the tombs of Sultan Ahmed, Hatice Turhan Valide Sultan and Cedid Havatin are being processed by 15 maturation institutes.

The first of the book series, which was planned to be prepared as a 6-volume prestige publication, was published and four books were prepared digitally, together with the revised version of the first book. In addition, 5 samples of each book were printed.

Planned Activities of the Project:    Completion of the pushides to be prepared for 127 sarcophagi within the plan of the Pûşide Project by 2023.*

* Within the scope of the project, the expenses for the production of pushides were provided by TÜRÇEK until 2019.

In order to carry out the studies, a total of 525,852 TL was requested with the letter dated 26.08.2020 (194,320 TL for 14 pastries to be produced in 2019-2020, 331,532 TL for 26 pastries to be produced in 2020-2021) and 230,000 TL to our institute on 27.11.2020. TL has been returned.

In order to continue the production of 26 pushides planned for the year 2020-2021, the required material cost of 331,532 TL has been requested again with the letter dated -11.03.2021 and no response has been received yet.

Designing a new purse pattern and making vector drawings for 74 sarcophagi remaining from 127 sarcophagi within the Pûşide Project 2023 plan.

Restoration and conservation of pushides in poor condition.

Covering the finished pushides in the sarcophagi to which they belong, within the calendar determined together with the Istanbul Tombs Museum Directorate.

Preparation of the remaining 2 volumes as e-books.


Project Purpose: T.R. Under the auspices of the Presidency and under the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Lifelong Learning, the Turkey Weaving Atlas Project, carried out by the Istanbul Beylerbeyi Sabancı Maturation Institute, aims to preserve our traditional weaving culture, which is on the verge of disappearing, and to transfer its rich cultural heritage to the future. The scope of Turkey Weaving Atlas Project; Under the titles of "Palace (Istanbul) Weavings" and "Anatolian Weavings", the fabric weaving called "Shuttle Weaving" is one of the local weavings produced in the historical process in our country and continues to be produced today. Project stakeholders; • T.R. Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Lifelong Learning • Maturation Institutes-Public Education Centers • T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism- ARAGEM- Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorates • TIM- Turkish Exporters Assembly • ITKIB- Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters' Association • Marmara University Technology Faculty Textile Engineering Department • Local Administrations: Metropolitan Municipalities, Provincial and District Municipalities • Non-Governmental Organizations, Foundations and Local Women's Cooperatives. Since the Turkey Weaving Atlas Project is a national scale and very comprehensive project covering all regions of our country, the one-year research process is carried out with various institutions and organizations in a multi-faceted manner. The research processes involved in the project; • Academic research • Research carried out in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education's General Directorate of Lifelong Learning • T.C. Research carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism-Research and Development Center (ARAGEM) • T.C. Presidency Ottoman Archive Researches and Fabric Catalogs can be grouped under four headings. Project activities are carried out under the guidance of the Academic Advisory Board; • Identification of Anatolian weavings, • Conducting field studies, • Establishing and cataloging analysis laboratories, • Promotion of our traditional weavings on national and international platforms, • Establishment of a Living Museum studies constitute the medium and long-term goals of the project. Within the scope of the project, as a result of academic research, 397 local fabrics that make up the fabric map of Turkey under the titles of "Ottoman Palace Fabrics" and "Anatolian Local Fabrics" were determined and their properties were recorded in the database. In addition, R&D activities to improve weavings were carried out by Marmara University by analyzing local weavings with scientific methods and coloring them with natural dyes. In this context, it is aimed to introduce weavings such as Antep Kutnu, Ankara Sofu, Şal Şapik, Rize Bezi/Feretiko, Ehram, Beledi and Denizli Buldan to the world. It is planned to contribute to the revival of cultural tourism by creating "Weaving Culture Routes" and "Living Museums" with the study. Introducing the traditional and forgotten weavings of Anatolia to the world with modern designs by reproducing them in accordance with their originals, developing sustainable and nature-friendly textile products, increasing women's employment, supporting local production, researching and developing weavings with academic collaborations, herbal dyeing, local weaving activities Revitalizing and attracting the attention of fashion designers and the industry are among the goals of the project. Turkey Weaving Atlas Launch and Exhibition The "Weaving Atlas Exhibition", prepared within the scope of the Turkey Weaving Atlas Project, which brings together Turkey's local weavings for the first time, will be held on 22 June 2021 by the Republic of Turkey. It was opened in the Presidential Complex. Within the scope of the project, which aims to take century-old weavings out of the chests, carry them to the world of design and transform them into economic value, it is also planned to support local development by producing traditional weavings in accordance with their original form. The exhibition, which was held as the first event of the project, exhibits 151 types of weaving, brought together from various regions of Turkey, following regional routes. Also in the exhibition are pieces of Ottoman fabrics from the collection of the collector Yusuf İyilik. The exhibition will be visible for 3 months. Within the scope of the launch activity, panels were organized under the titles of "Evaluation of Traditional and Local Weavings from Different Perspectives", "Keeping A Culture Alive, Weaving Craft and Geographical Indications", "Hand In Hand in Turkish Weaving".

My Digital Job Project

Aim: The aim is to increase the literacy and digital vocational competencies of the trainee women who are educated in PECs and Maturation Institutes, and thereby it is aimed to increase their employability.

Schedule: January 2020- June 2021 (18 ay)

Budget: Turkish Vodafone Foundation

Cooperation: Turkish Vodafone Foundation and Turkish Occupation Institution

Planned Activities: Trainings on Digital Education and Digital & Social Media Marketing

The Project for Increasing the Institutional Capacities of Maturation Institutes

Aim: Increasing the institutional capacities of the maturation institutions by supporting the human resources and educational quality among these institutions.

Schedule: 14.01.2015-31.12. 2017 -with an extension for 2018-2020

Budget: 2019: 2 Million TL, 2020: 2 Million TL demanded

Cooperation: Advisory Board for Maturation Institutions (MIs), MoNE Representative, Private Sector Representatives

Actualized Activities:

  • A PR activity was held under the auspices of the President in İstanbul,
  • Advisory Board gave visits to 17 MIs and they were given suggestions to increase their production, marketing capacities.
  • Workshops were held in Mardin and Ankara so as to identify pricing and marketing strategies, the use of social media, protocol rules, and transformation manifesto for the MIs,
  • Certain personnel trainings were held among MIs,
  • A Ministry decree was published concerning master trainer employment.


The Project of Promoting the Integration of Syrian Kids to Turkish Education System PICTES


The main purpose of PIKTES Project is to promote the access of children under temporary protection to education in Turkey and to support their social cohesion. In this scope, PIKTES also aims at supporting the efforts of Ministry of National Education on education and social cohesion of children under temporary protection in Turkey.

Schedule: 2016-2018, 2018-2021

Budget: 400 000 000 Euros

Cooperation: UE Turkish Delegation


  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services
  • AFAD
  • Turkish Kızılay
  • Ministry of Healty
  • Maarif Foundation
  • Yunuf Emre Institute
  • EU Delegation
  • IOM
  • UNDP
  • GIZ
  • RET International
  • Concern Worlwide
  • World Bank
  • KFW

Actualized Activities:

Syrian refugees hosted by Turkey are to be integrated into Turkish educational system. To this end, in 2016, Ministry of National Education and EU Turkish Delegation have signed the legislation entitled “Financial Support for Syrian Refugees in Turkey”. The following tasks have been carried out to serve the project objectives:

  • Turkish Language Education
  • Arabic Language Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Catch-up Training
  • Back-up Training
  • Transportation Service
  • Provision of Stationery
  • Scholarship for Vocational and Technical Training
  • Raising awareness of Syrian Families Regarding Education Services
  • Awareness-Raising Activities
  • Revision of Turkish Curriculum
  • Revision, Content Development and Procurement
  • Equipment Assistance
  • Project Research Activities and Conferences
  • Coordination Meetings with Stakeholders
  • Awareness Raising Trainings for MONE Administrative Staff and Other Staff
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Social Cohesion Activities
  • Turkish Language Education for Syrian Families


Supporting Economic Opportunities for Syrians under Temporary Protection and the Host Community Project

Project Purpose: It is aimed to open vocational training and language courses through public education centers in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education-LLL and Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants Association (SGDD), with the participation of Syrians under temporary protection and Turkish citizens in need, and attempts to provide employment opportunities to beneficiaries after successful completion of the courses. Project Calendar: 17.06.2019- 28.02.2021 Project Budget: 5,496,334.29 Euros (funded by the German International Cooperation Agency) Project Collaborations: • German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) • Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) Actual Activities of the Project: • Needs analysis visits were carried out in order to strengthen the infrastructure of public education centers and to complete the equipment deficiencies. • Project Opening Meeting was held. (Ankara) • Orientation training was given to the personnel employed within the scope of the project. (Ankara). • With the trainings organized in 18 Public Education Centers (HEMs) in Adıyaman, Denizli, Diyarbakır, İstanbul and Tekirdağ provinces, the PEP project reached a total of 1654 beneficiaries, 850 Turkish citizens and non-Syrians and 804 Syrians. In the determination of beneficiaries, an evaluation was made especially on the axis of gender equality and priority was given to female beneficiaries. • With the project, Turkish language trainings (44) for Syrians under Temporary Protection and foreigners with international protection status, and vocational training courses (70) for Turkish citizens in need, were organized in 18 HEMs determined in 5 provinces together with the LLL. Thus, it has been ensured that beneficiaries' access to the labor market is increased through vocational training, sustainable job opportunities are created by contributing to social cohesion, and the local labor market is supported. • Vocational training started in January 2020, and courses were suspended between 16 March 2020 and 29 June 2020 due to the global pandemic. In the process until the start of the courses on June 29, 2020, the video about the courses was shared with the beneficiaries at their homes by the volunteer master trainers. In addition, necessary disinfection procedures were carried out in Public Education Centers. During the process, the importance of the Ministry of Health regarding COVID-19 was sent in Turkish, Arabic and Persian via SMS with the beneficiaries. Again, disinfectant, masks, visors and gloves were provided to all Public Education Center project staff and beneficiaries. • In addition to language training and vocational training courses, informative seminars on occupational health and safety, work ethics, culture and conditions in Turkey and work permits were organized for the beneficiaries. In addition, İŞKUR Job Club activities were carried out for beneficiaries who are looking for a job, and support was provided for registration on the job search platform. Seminars and workshops were organized for local authorities, especially chambers of industry and commerce and private sector representatives, where project objectives were explained, work permit procedures and legal regulations for Syrians under Temporary Protection status, labor market needs, incentives provided to employers and job opportunities were exchanged. . • In line with the studies carried out, Adıyaman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adıyaman Chamber of Craftsmen and Craftsmen, Denizli Chamber of Commerce, Denizli Chamber of Industry, Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Diyarbakır Organized Industrial Zone, Diyarbakır Textile Specialized Organized Industrial Zone, Tekirdağ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Memorandum of understanding was signed with a total of 9 professional chambers, including Tekirdağ Chamber of Craftsmen and Craftsmen. • Short-term employment of those who completed their vocational training was supported in line with the demands of the labor market. During the process, meetings were held with 193 companies and protocols were signed with 19 companies. Along with the employment incentives, support was provided for foreign beneficiaries in terms of work permit costs, thus contributing to sustainable development. Although the employment target of the trainees, 160, could not be reached due to Covit-19, 80 of our trainees settled down to work and the employers declared that they would work permanently. Planned Activities of the Project: Since our project was completed on 28.03.2021, all the targeted activities were accomplished.

Increasing Access of Syrians under Temporary Protection to Turkish Language Education Vocational Training Project

Project Purpose: It is aimed to improve the Turkish language skills of Syrians under temporary protection and to ensure their access to vocational training. The project is implemented in the provinces of Ankara, Bursa, Kayseri, Konya, Kocaeli and Mardin. Calendar: 15.07.2018-15.01. 2023 (54 Months) Budget: 9.875.000.00 Euro (Funding Source: European Union Regional Trust Fund (EUTF)) Collaborations: • Practitioner: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) • Beneficiary: MoNE • İŞKUR • FMC • AFAD Activities Performed: • Field visits were made to public education centers within the scope of the project, and needs were determined. • Steering Committee Meeting was held. • The opening meeting was held. • Workshop on Development of Vocational Education Programs was held. • Turkish Language Education A1-A2 courses started. • Steering Committee Meeting was held. • “Trainer Training” was organized for trainers who will provide Turkish language training. As of February 2020, 3.338 trainees received Turkish language training. • Works have been completed for the renovation, furnishing and arrangement of child-friendly areas for the language and vocational classes where the courses will be held in our public education centers within the scope of the project: • -The child-friendly areas of 7 public education centers within the scope of the project were renewed and the necessary tools and equipment of 11 public education centers were provided. • All the construction and equipment of 20 vocational classes, including Cookery, Clothing-Textile, Service Staff, Dry Cleaning, Web Design, Accounting Course and Shoemaking courses, of the public education centers within the scope of the project were provided. • 26 Turkish language classes of the public education centers within the scope of the project were renewed and their equipment was provided. • * Stationery and hygiene equipment support was provided to public education centers. • *As of 20.05.2019, “Turkish Language Education A1-A2” courses started; As of June 2021, 5,674 beneficiaries have been reached. • *With the vocational trainings given within the scope of the project, 675 beneficiaries were reached as of March 2021. • * “Steering Committee Meeting-3” was held on 04.03.2021. • *Turkish language trainings started to be given in Keçiören and Beypazarı in Ankara, Gebze and Darıca in Kocaeli, Artuklu and Midyat public education centers in Mardin, which were added to the project implementation provinces. • *ISKUR records of vocational training trainees are followed. Planned Activities: • Providing Turkish language courses to 4,326 adult Syrians in the project. • Providing vocational training courses to 1,000 adult Syrians. • Strengthening the capacities of public education centers within the scope of the project and renovating child-friendly areas.

Project for Increasing Employability for Syrians and Host Community Members in the Renewable Energy Sector

Project Purpose: The project aims to benefit 500 Syrians under temporary protection over the age of 18 and host community members by increasing their employability through vocational training and skills certificates in this sector. Project; It is implemented in Kocaeli, Hatay, Mersin, Bursa and Konya provinces. Project Calendar: 1 January 2020-31 December 2021 (24 Months) Project Budget: USD 1,700,000 (Funding Source: Korean Government) Project Partners: • MoNE General Directorate of Lifelong Learning • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Actual Activities of the Project: • By making field visits to the provinces within the scope of the project; Vocational and technical high schools in the provinces were visited and furnishing analyzes were made. • Implementation guide and project document containing the duties of the project stakeholders and project operation information have been approved. • Renewable Energy Curriculum was developed. Since September, "Program Development Studies" have been carried out with the project team. In December, the "Photovoltaic Solar Panels Installation and Hybrid (Solar-Wind) System Integration" course program was completed and approved. • Between 25-29 January 2021, 20 hours of online Trainer Trainings were held for 41 teachers/master trainers working at the previously determined Public Education Centers and Vocational Technical Anatolian High Schools. • The controls of the posters and brochures prepared for the training announcements were carried out by the project team. Course announcement videos and images were sent to HEM centers. • “Inclusive Classroom Practices Seminar” was held online with the participation of trainers on 18.02.2021 to motivate trainers and increase their classroom activities. • Courses were initially launched in 3 provinces (Bursa, Kocaeli and Konya) at the beginning of March 2021. Mask-disinfectant and training kits were provided to trainees and trainers. • Consumable material needs of all our provinces were determined and sent. • Solar Power Plant and Occupational Health and Safety materials, desk-chair needs were purchased and sent to all provinces. • The renovation works of the Renewable Energy workshop located in the Iskenderun Organized Industrial Zone within the body of Iskenderun Public Education Center have been completed and will be opened on July 30, 2021.

Planned Activities of the Project: • Tender processes for Wind Power Plant and Automation materials have been completed and delivery is awaited. • With the opening of the Renewable Energy workshop within the body of İskenderun HEM, the courses will start as of August 2021. • Renewable Energy workshop construction works are continuing within Mersin Akdeniz HEM. Courses will start as of September 2021. • Our Renewable Energy course program, which is currently ongoing face-to-face, will be given face-to-face and online with the Blended Learning method. • Project feasibility studies will be carried out.

Socio-Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (SES) Program: There is Hope in the Kitchen Project:

The goal of the project: Our General Directorate, the General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education and the United Nations World In the project carried out within the scope of the protocol signed between the Food Programme, the qualified jobs needed by the labor market Developing non-formal education course programs to raise the power of the Turkish citizens in our country Vocational and technical training for foreigners under temporary protection and international protection organization of courses, certification of those who successfully complete their education and employment to increase their access. Schedule: 15 June 2021 - 15 June 2023 Budget: 10.000.000 € Partners: World Food Program (WFP) MEB-General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education Current state: “Trainer Training” was organized for the trainers of the Departmental Staff course program on 7-9 July 2021 in Istanbul. “Implementation Guide” has been prepared in order to explain the principles of carrying out the project. Planned Studies: 1. Developing the employment of industry experts and training of trainers curricula, 2. Preparation/updating of course programs and training materials in line with sectoral needs, 3. Preparation of the application guide 4. Organizing in-service training and trainer training seminars for the trainers who will take part in the course activities to be opened within the scope of the project, 5. Procurement of educational equipment of schools and public education centers, provision of equipment and training materials suitable for the course program, 6. Mapping of hands-on training program employers and private sector involvement, 7. Establishment of trainee selection commissions in provinces/districts, 8. Organizing vocational and technical courses in line with the needs of the labor market, 9. Ensuring that project participants who have completed vocational training are included in the “Applied Training Program” by WFP through İŞKUR, 10. Realization of cash transfers for the project beneficiaries, 11. Orienting the trainees who have successfully completed the theoretical and practical training to work, 12. Making visibility and dissemination activities of the project, public service announcements, information meetings, press releases etc. about the project. carrying out activities, 13. Organizing certificate programs, 14. To carry out monitoring and evaluation studies.

Strengthening Social Capital in Rural Communities for Rural Development Project

The goal of the project:

Increasing rural entrepreneurship, rural organization and governance and social cohesion as a result of training rural communities through a blended training module on social capital.

Project Calendar: 31.12.2020 – 30.12.2022 (24 Months) Project Budget: 197,891.00 Euro (EU Erasmus+ KA2) Project Collaborations: International Agricultural Education Center Directorate (UTEM), Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Evora University (Portugal), Madrid Polytechnic University (Spain), Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Studies (Austria).

Activities of the Project:

• 8 trainers from 7 regions were selected for a short 5-day trainer training to be given in one of the partner countries (Spain or Portugal). • Project Handbook Prepared. • Quality Assurance Plan Prepared. • “Kick off Meeting” was held online with the participation of all stakeholders. • Pilot region needs analysis was carried out. • Online meetings were held for the preparation of e-Learning modules and their contents.

Planned Activities of the Project:

• A short 5-day training of trainers on social capital in one of the partner countries for trainer training. • Transnational Meetings. • Courses to be given to the notables of the region in our Public Education Centers. • Multiplier Events and Workshops, etc.

Intellectual Outputs of the Project:

• E-Learning Modules. • Short Video Display. • E-Book: The Current Situation of Social Capital Across Europe and Best Practices of Social Capital Across Europe.

Latest Status of the Project:

E-Learning modules and e-learning modules after trainer selection and pilot region needs analysis. Curriculums of e-contents are being prepared.



The goal of the project: • To establish hygiene standards for micro-enterprises in the service sector (micro-enterprise: enterprises that employ less than ten employees and whose annual net sales revenue or financial balance sheet does not exceed three million Turkish Liras). • To declare national mobilization throughout Turkey within the scope of determined hygiene standards. • Conducting a national campaign for micro-enterprises to learn and implement these standards. • To have thousands of micro-enterprises that provide clean, hygienic and healthy services in the tourism sector. • By adding being hygienic businesses to our hospitality, which is one of the most important values ​​of our country, our people and our tourism; to increase the capacity of micro enterprises, their satisfaction with their work and their income.

Project Schedule: 16 January 2021 – August 2022 Project Budget: 2.060.00 TL Project Partners: MEB – TOBB – OPET

Responsible Unit: MoNE General Directorate of Lifelong Learning Research, Development and Projects Department

      Planned Activities:

• Signing the protocol between the project stakeholders, • Holding the press conference of the project • Realization of the workshop, after which a report will be made. • Studies will be carried out on content development and digital production. • The project will be launched with the launch on January 16, World Hygiene Day. • Pilot application in Antalya province • Field inspections and certification process will be carried out. • Antalya local press communication will be made. • Social Impact Measurement and communication will be made. • A competition will be held within the scope of the project. • Online trainings for the 3 groups of the service sector (food-beverage, accommodation and transportation sectors) will be offered to all relevant micro-enterprises across the country through the project portal. The field application, which also includes the certification and inspection process, will be implemented in the pilot province of Antalya. After the social impact analysis, certification and auditing will be expanded throughout the country.

Turkey Resilience Project in response to the Syria Crisis (TRP)


Delivering comprehensive and sustainable solutions to the problems of Syrians displaced due to the Syrian crisis and now living in Turkey and of the host communities. Focusing on job creation, strengthening municipal services and Turkish language training, the Project is financed by the EU Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (EUTF).


50 Million-euro budget focuses on promoting job creation, strengthening local government capacities and municipal services and delivering Turkish language training for Syrians in 11 provinces of Turkey.


Turkey Resilience Project in Response to the Syria Crisis (TRP) is implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Ministry of National Education and Ilbank. Major stakeholders include host communities and Syrians, local and national authorities, local and national NGOs and business entities.


The two-year Project will focus on three major areas:

  • Jobs Creation, Facilitation of jobs creation through increased productivity and efficiency
  • Municipal Services, Enabling stronger municipal capacities
  • Turkish language trainings, Supporting social cohesion and economic integration in 11 provinces of Turkey.

Project activities will be implemented in Gaziantep, Hatay, Şanlıurfa and Kilis as cities most affected by the Syrian crisis as well as such other large cities of Turkey as Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Adana, Konya, Mersin and Manisa. The implementation started on 1 February 2018.

Epale -3 (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) - Electronic Platform for Adult Education in Europe:

The goal of the project: The National Support Services Adult Education Community in member countries of the EPALE Platform promotes EPALE and motivates them to participate in EPALE. It supports the Central Support Service (CSS) to enrich the multilingual, dynamic, interactive and innovative platform with quality content. Specific Purpose of the Project:   To disseminate EPALE in Turkey, to support the platform in providing adult learning-oriented content, to contribute to the multilingualism of the EPALE central page, to contribute to the work of the central support services (CSS), to share information and good practices with other national support services, and to participate in the mandatory meetings of the project . Duration: 01.01. 2019 - 31.03.2022 Budget: 988,872,60 Euros Project Owner: General Directorate of Lifelong Learning Project Partners: Public education centers, maturation institutes, adult education units of municipalities, NGOs providing adult education, academics specialized in adult learning, media representatives focused on adult learning Period: During the project execution process, national support service, information meetings and national meetings are held within the scope of activities. With these meetings, participation in the platform is increased, while the content uploaded to the platform is checked for compatibility and language. Translation services are offered to users when necessary. In addition, news, blogs and events that are actively shared on the platform are regularly shared on social media accounts. Again, in this process, the national support service makes study visits to the national support services of different countries, has the chance to evaluate the differences and similarities between countries in terms of adult education, to see its advantages and disadvantages, and contributes to the platform in this direction. By uploading events, news and various resources in the field of adult education in our country to the platform as a national support service, it informs Europe of the developments in our country. Activities Performed: In 2019; The platform was introduced with 7 Regional Workshops, 1 Round Table meeting, 1 National Workshop and meetings; Since 2020, 3 Regional Workshops and online information meetings have been held with both their managers and trainers; Content uploads to the platform continue, e-bulletins are prepared every month and webinar meetings are held.

Activity Outcomes: Turkey, one of the 38 countries that are members of the platform, joined EPALE in 2016. With EPALE, the third phase of which has been carried out since 2019, 655 content has been uploaded to the platform as of December 2020. The number of our platform users has reached 9469 people, we have 2181 facebook, 475 twitter and 562 instagram followers. In addition, our country ranks 1st among 38 countries that are members of the platform with a total of 9469 registered users. Due to the pandemic, the platform continued to be promoted and the contents uploaded to the system through online information meetings. With the online information meetings held, 1019 Public Education Center and Maturation Institute administrators and 1855 trainers were reached.

Planned Activities: • 4 Regional Workshops • Roundtable Meeting • International Conference • National Workshop • Article Contest • Impact Analysis Study • Preparation of public service announcements • Study visit abroad • It is planned to contribute to the blog, article and resource content on the platform. Latest Status: Turkey, one of the 38 countries that are members of the platform, joined EPALE in 2016. With EPALE, the third phase of which has been carried out since 2019, 655 content has been uploaded to the platform as of December 2020. The number of our platform users has reached 9469 people, we have 2181 facebook, 475 twitter and 562 instagram followers. In addition, our country ranks 1st among 38 countries that are members of the platform with a total of 9469 registered users. Our country is in a successful position and has reached its goal. In terms of content uploaded to the platform, we aim to raise our country to the top. The biggest obstacle to increasing the content on the platform is the lack of Turkish language support, which has been overcome by 2020 and its use has become even easier. In addition, 1019 Public Education Center and Maturation Institute administrators and 1855 trainers were reached through online information meetings.

Distance Education Project for Lifelong Learning

The goal of the project:   Establishing the necessary bureaucratic infrastructure for organizing general and vocational technical courses and seminars through distance education in order to meet the development needs of individuals within the framework of lifelong learning philosophy without time and space limitations, strengthening the technological infrastructure of project pilot institutions and establishing a mobile learning system for lifelong learning in all segments of society. raising awareness.   Specific Purpose of the Project:

•Creating a project office and making necessary furnishings. •Conducting a needs analysis workshop with the participation of stakeholders within the scope of the project. •Organizing a three-day workshop to train the personnel of our General Directorate on distance learning systems and content systems. •Determining various course and seminar programs and developing distance learning contents suitable for them. • Realization of visibility activities. •Providing video content for LLL TV. •Performing workshops to get opinions on the suitability and evaluation of the contents to be developed within the scope of the project. •Performing year-end evaluation meetings regarding the progress of the project.

Duration: 6 Years (2016-2021) Budget: 5,834,273.79₺ (Included in the 2016 State Investment Program.) Project Owner: General Directorate of Lifelong Learning Project Partners: None.

Current state: With the first tranche of 300,000 TL, an average of 5.173 TL appropriation was transferred in 2016 to create a technological infrastructure for 58 public education centers determined by our General Directorate. •Distance learning needs analysis workshop was held. •Distance learning program and content development workshop was held. •The project office was furnished. In 2020, the distance education content of 3 training programs (Disaster Awareness Training, Chef Apprentice and Computer Management) was developed.

Planned Activities: • Development of distance education content of e-formal course programs "English A1,A2,B1" and "Hygiene Rules in the Epidemic Period", • Establishment of a Studio in order to develop distance education contents for the General Directorate of Lifelong Learning. • International Distance Education Conference is planned to be held. • Latest Status: 50% of the project activities have been completed and activities continue in line with the determined work schedule. There are no delays in activities.

Turkey Project on Combating Addiction Education

Considering the increase in the use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, especially among young children, and the need to take preventive measures in our country, weekly studies within the scope of education and training activities in order to raise awareness in society, especially students, about tobacco, alcohol, substance and technology addiction. To provide classroom teachers with relevant content through guidance courses and to support the establishment of a system for transferring these contents to target groups. To provide preventive and protective services to people of different ages and status, through education, about addictions and the negative effects of addictions on human life.   Duration: 8 Years (03 January 2014 – 23 June 2022) Budget: 3.130.000 TL Project Owner: General Directorate of Lifelong Learning Project Partners: Turkish Green Crescent Society   Activities Performed: • The pilot implementation of the project was carried out in Istanbul, and 830 guidance teachers and approximately 60 thousand students were trained in 5 addiction areas through 41 formatters. • The Turkish Addiction Training course program was prepared within the scope of the project. In addition, is in service with its renewed interface, which includes the materials of the project, the visuals and responds to all kinds of needs. Within the scope of the project, the distance education portal and its contents are prepared and the studies are supported through distance education. • 25 hours of trainer training was given to 704 guidance teachers. Practitioner training was provided to 25,592 guidance teachers and 444 public education directors through the trainers. Activity Outcomes: • Seminar programs suitable for the characteristics of each age group are prepared and access is provided, • A pool of trainers and volunteer trainer groups to operate throughout Turkey have been established, • Studies have been carried out to raise awareness on tobacco, alcohol, substance, technology addiction and healthy living, • Studies on distance education applications were carried out, and trainers were trained from teachers working in institutions affiliated to the LLÖGM. • Integrating TBM interactive contents (digital contents) into the EBA system, making all materials of TBM modules compatible with the smart board application • A total of 4,380,038 people received TBM training in the 122,132 courses opened according to the e-Common System data dated 03.01.2014-30.11.2020.

  Planned Activities: • The project is ongoing and the activities determined in the project are being prepared. • Since the need for updating the contents of the project arose in 2020, the development process of the program was started with the participation of the Ministry of National Education representatives under the coordination of the Green Crescent. • Announcements were made officially with 81 to announce and actively use the distance education contents integrated into the EBA system, with their renewed versions and with the support of YEĞİTEK. • In addition, distance education studies of TBM courses for LLL Portal have started and the process of producing digital content continues. • Reaching 12 million students and 4 million adults every year by continuing to provide TBM trainings in all provinces within the scope of the project's dissemination activities, • Suggesting TBM modules to teachers as a resource book by the Board of Education and Discipline, placing TBM Practitioner Training in the in-service training program of all newly appointed teachers, • 10 CPC training videos prepared by the Green Crescent on each addiction area have been approved by our General Directorate so that they can be shown before all non-formal education courses opened in HEMs. • Within the scope of the project, updating studies for the improvement and development of the anti-addiction course programs, contents and teaching materials continue. Small work teams were formed in the alcohol, substance, tobacco, technology addiction and healthy living modules. These teams have started to produce content. At the end of this whole process, all TBM contents will be recreated with content, design, teaching materials, activities, measurement and evaluation systems. In addition, the development of a gambling addiction module, which was not in the program before, continues. With this development work carried out taking into account the needs of the field, TBM will have a more effective and more comprehensive appearance.

Early Childhood Education for Syrian and Vulnerable Turkish Children in Turkey- ECE Project

Project Purpose: It is aimed to expand early childhood education for Syrian refugee children and disadvantaged children in the host community and to improve conditions that support early childhood development.

Project; It is applied in the provinces of Istanbul, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, Bursa, Mersin, Adana, Ankara, İzmir, Osmaniye, Kilis, Konya, Hatay. Project Calendar: 01.05.2020-30.09.2023 Project Budget: 4.500.000 Euro (Funding Source: German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (German Government)) Actual Activities of the Project: • Information meetings on project activities were held for the administrators working in selected schools and public education centers in the project provinces. • Trainer trainings were given to school administrators and pre-school teachers working in selected schools in the project provinces. • “365 Days of Stories” workshop was held for pre-school children as part of story writing work, covering living together, democracy, cooperation, solidarity, positive communication and all other relevant values. • Furniture, stationery and toys were sent to selected schools and public education centers in the project provinces. In addition, 1000 game crates for early childhood education were sent to disadvantaged Turkish families under temporary protection. • Within the scope of the project, a total of 33 children's playrooms were created in the public education centers in 7 provinces.

Planned Activities of the Project: • Establishing educational environments for the dissemination of early childhood education, supplying and sending equipment and equipment to existing schools. • Preparation of early childhood education materials • Organizing trainings to improve the qualifications of early childhood education teachers. • Informing parents about early childhood education • Providing trainings to support the professional development of MEB experts and managers


• MEK Programme; It is carried out by the Vocational and Technical Education Directorate in accordance with the objectives of the "MEB-UNICEF Cooperation Program" within the scope of the 2021-2025 Country Program signed between the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Turkey representation and our country. • Purpose of the Program: It is aimed to bring the children who have not been able to continue their education for different reasons after completing their basic education between the ages of 14-17, to the Vocational Education Centers. • • Target Audience of the Program: It is aimed at children of Syrian and other countries who were under temporary protection and who had to migrate to Turkey due to the conflict environment in their country, together with children of Turkish citizens. • • Schedule of the Program: 01 September 2020 - 31 December 2021 • • Budget of the Program: The entire budget of the project is covered by UNICEF. Total budget 4,000,000 TL • • Provinces of the Program: • • Between 01 September 2020 and 01 July 2021, the studies were carried out in 10 Vocational Training Centers (MEM) located in Adıyaman, Ankara, Batman, Diyarbakır, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Malatya, Mardin and Osmaniye. • • • Between 01 July 2021 and 31 December 2021, the studies will be carried out in 20 Vocational Training Centers located in Ankara, Antalya, Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul, Konya, Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Kilis, Malatya, Mersin, Sakarya, Siirt and Şanlıurfa. • • Activities of the Program: • • Until 01 July 2021, 10,850 visits were made to 6,902 homes and 3,948 workplaces by field training teams composed of principal, deputy principal, coordinator teacher, guidance counselor and Syrian Voluntary Trainer Personnel (SGEP) in MEMs. • • During the visits, trainings on the vocational education system and fields/branches were given to households and business owners or masters. Field teams documented these trainings with a certificate of participation. • • Children between the ages of 14-17 who did not continue their education for various reasons, but met the registration requirements for MEM, were given vocational guidance by a counselor or coordinator teacher and informed about the vocational education system, field/branches and vocational education centers in the province. . In the same context, guidance was given to children and business owners working without being registered with MEM at the workplace. A total of 364 children, 276 Turkish and 88 foreign nationals, whose career planning was made and guided by vocational guidance, were registered in the Vocational Education Center. • • PICTES Scholarship applications of foreign children were made during the period when the system was open. • • During the household visits, the teams identified 3,358 children under the age of 14 who were out of school. These children who were excluded from education were registered, their families were informed about the educational opportunities in our country, and 1,686 children were reported to the Provincial Directorates of National Education so that they could be included in the education system. • Planned Activities of the Program: MEK Program activities will be expanded in the second half of 2021 by expanding the number of provinces and NEMs (Ankara, Antalya, Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul, Konya, Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Kilis, Malatya, Mersin, Sakarya, Siirt and Şanlıurfa). will be continued.

Developing Digital Literacy for Adults with Limited Access for a Better Life

Aim: Developing Digital Literacy for Adults with Limited Access for a Better Life project provides digital literacy for adults to get integrated into the society effectively.

Schedule: 01.11.2018 – 30.04.2021 (30 Months)

Budget: 60.540,00 Euros (Erasmus Plus)

Cooperation: Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Latvia, Portugal

Actualized Activities:

  • Kick-off meeting in Ankara
  • Project flies and e-magazine
  • Project website
  • II. International Kick-Off Meeting in Vilnius

Planned Activities: 

  • Information for shareholders via e-news
  • A guide for digital skills and gamification
  • A needs analysis on most needed digital skills.

Turkey Syria Crisis Response and Resilience Project (TRP- Turkish Language Education Project for Adults)

Project Purpose: It is aimed to contribute to the access of Syrians under temporary protection to education in Turkey. Project Calendar: 2016-2018, 2018-2021 Project Budget: 400 000 000 Euros Project Collaborations: EU Delegation to Turkey Coordination: •    Ministry of Interior •    Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services • AFAD •    The Turkish Red Crescent • Ministry of Health Education Foundation • Yunus Emre Institute • UNICEF • UNHCR • EU Delegation • IOM • UNDP • GIZ • RET International • Concern Worldwide • World Bank • KFW Actual Activities of the Project: The EU Delegation to Turkey and the Ministry of National Education signed a "Financial Facility for Syrian Refugees in Turkey" agreement in 2016 in order to support the work carried out by the Ministry of National Education for the integration of Syrian students under temporary protection in our country into the Turkish Education system, and in this context, our Ministry was directly donated within the scope of the project. The project, which was initially called PICTES and lasted for 2 years, was extended until 2021, abbreviated as PICTES at the national level and announced by the European Union Delegation to Turkey. The project continues its activities under 15 activity titles. • Turkish language training • Arabic language training • Compensation training • Support training • Transport service • Stationery, textbook and clothing aid • Awareness activities • Purchasing educational material • Turkish language exam system • Guidance and counseling activities • Providing security and cleaning personnel to schools and TECs • Providing training equipment • Teacher trainings • Administrative personnel and other personnel trainings • Monitoring and evaluation Turkish Language Education Syrian children who continue their education in public schools have difficulty in following the Turkish curriculum and have communication problems with their classmates. Within the scope of the activity, Turkish language training is given to Syrian students so that they can follow the curriculum at their own education level. Turkish language training was given to 382,519 Syrian students by 4,057 Turkish instructors employed within the scope of PIKTES-II.

Arabic Language Education Arabic language education is not given so that Syrian children who are under temporary protection in their country and/or who were born in our country can learn their mother tongue. Within the scope of the activity, 43 Arabic teachers employed within the scope of PIKTES-II provided Arabic language training to 4,923 Syrian students studying in public schools. Compensation Training Compensatory education is given to Syrian students who have been away from education for various reasons. Starting on 01.07.2019, 9,423 Syrian children were given make-up training for two months within the scope of the summer term. Support Training It is an activity developed to ensure that Syrian students who have not been successful in the normal curriculum taught in public schools or TECs or who have failed in the classroom can achieve the average academic standard required to continue with additional education. It started on 30.10.2019 and 5-12. 18,658 people received training at grade levels. Transport Service Transportation services are provided in order to contribute to the inclusion of Syrian students studying in public schools and socio-economically disadvantaged Turkish children, especially girls, in their education processes. During the academic year, 81,300 Syrian and disadvantaged Turkish students were provided with transportation services to increase their participation in education processes. In addition, transportation services were provided to 6,928 Syrian students through Turkish and Arabic language courses that continued during the summer period. Stationery Textbook and Clothing Aid A total of 500,000 students at all levels studying in public schools and/or TECs were provided with stationery, course tools and equipment, and clothing, as well as textbooks and other educational materials (digital materials - audio-video training materials, tutorial guides, etc.) for support and make-up courses. ) is purchased and distributed to students and instructors. As part of the Summer Early Childhood Education activity, a total of 28,522 children, including 14,543 Syrians and 13,979 Turks, were provided with stationery support in July 2019. Purchasing Educational Material PCs, projectors, printers, educational kits, sports equipment and other supplies for the arts, etc., to around 500 schools/educational institutions with at least 90 Syrian students. is the activity of purchasing basic training equipment. In this scope; • Within the scope of summer early childhood education, 42,142 educational materials, including student textbooks and teacher handbooks with activity content, were printed and distributed in 26 provinces. • 13,590 'Turkish for Foreigners' course materials were distributed as part of summer term language courses for 4 new provinces participating in the project. • Within the scope of PIKTES-II, a total of 55,732 textbooks and supplementary materials were provided for Syrian students in 2019. Turkish Language Exam System In 2019, in order to determine the academic and language proficiency levels of Syrian students; • Turkish proficiency exam for 300,347 students, • Pre-test for 7,249 students within the scope of summer make-up training, • Post-test within the scope of summer make-up training for 6.387 students, • A pre-test was administered to 16,342 students within the scope of support education. Guidance and Counseling Activities (Psycho-Social Support Service) In our country, guidance and psychological counseling services are provided to support the spiritual development of Syrian students under temporary protection, school guidance, and overcoming social and cultural barriers. Psycho-social support was provided to 127,921 students by employing 413 guidance counselors. Providing Security and Cleaning Personnel to Schools and TECs (Cleaning and Security Service) In order to provide a safe, hygienic and convenient learning environment in schools, 1,201 cleaning personnel and 382 security personnel were employed in 1,602 schools by the project. Educational Equipment Support (Early Childhood Education) In cooperation with the General Directorate of Basic Education, equipment support was provided to 1,808 classrooms in 878 schools within the scope of Summer Term Early Childhood Education for 19,110 Syrian children between the ages of 3-5 and 18,043 Turkish children who are socio-economically disadvantaged, which started in July 2019. It consists of equipment support, furniture and preschool education materials. Teacher Trainings These are the activities that cover the orientation training given to 15,000 teachers and trainers (5,600 Turkish teachers and 100 Arab teachers, 500 counselors) who teach Syrian children. The training titles given in this context are; • Psychological support for children • Management of traumatized students • Conflict management • Teaching methodologies • Guidance and counseling • Skills aimed at removing cultural and social barriers • Historical and cultural backgrounds of societies

Administrative Personnel and Other Personnel Training (MEB) It is an activity for 2,000 administrative personnel working in the MoNE to receive intensive training on various issues such as the legal framework related to the project, temporary protection law, relevant legislation, processing of Arabic documents issued by the Syrian authorities. In 2019; • 819 administrative personnel • 1,157 pre-school teachers were trained. Monitoring and Evaluation It is the activity of preparing a web-based software to monitor the realization of the project activities and the access to the final beneficiaries, and to monitor and evaluate.  

Turkey Syria Crisis Response and Resilience Project (TRP- Turkish Language Education Project for Adults)

Project Purpose: By providing Turkish language training to 52.000 Syrians between the ages of 18-57, it is aimed to contribute to their participation in working life and to sustain their lives by their own means. With the project, it is aimed to increase the resilience of Syrians under temporary protection status and members of the host society. Project; It is applied in Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Kilis, Hatay, Mersin, Adana, İzmir, İstanbul, Bursa, Konya provinces. Project Calendar: 01.02.2018- 31.12.2020 (36 months) Project Budget: 40.000.000 Dollars (Amount allocated to MoNE: 18.923.200 Dollars) (Funding Source: European Union Regional Trust Fund (EUTF), financially liable: United Nations Development Programme) Project Collaborations: • United Nations Development Program (UNDP) •    Anatolian University, •    The Turkish Red Crescent Actual Activities of the Project: • 45,000 Syrian adults were given Turkish language training (distance and face-to-face) at A1, A2 and B1 levels with a blended learning model. • Software and content development work has been completed for the ​​address where distance learning activities are carried out. • 318 trainers received training on the content of the blended learning model. • 53 public education centers were equipped with computers, projectors and screens, tables, chairs and conference halls. • Child care playrooms of 26 public education centers were equipped. • Prefabricated classrooms were provided to 27 public education centers. • A tender was made for the construction of a public education center in Gaziantep- Şehitkamil district. • A program development workshop was held in order to conduct a pilot study for B2 level language education. Planned Activities of the Project: • Starting the groundbreaking process by completing the tender processes for the construction of a public education center in Gaziantep- Şehitkamil district, with 53 public education centers equipped for blended learning practice. • A pilot study will be conducted for B2 level language trainings and a program development workshop will be organized within this scope. • Organizing panels within the scope of the project's visibility activities. • Organizing monitoring and evaluation visits to public education centers in order to increase the quality of activities in the field and contribute to sustainability.

Supporting Economic Opportunities for Syrians under Temporary Protection and the Host Community Project

Project Purpose: It is aimed to open vocational training and language courses through public education centers in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education-LLL and Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants Association (SGDD), with the participation of Syrians under temporary protection and Turkish citizens in need, and attempts to provide employment opportunities to beneficiaries after successful completion of the courses. Project Calendar: 12.07.2019 - 12.07.2020 (12 Months) Project Budget: 4,542,310,55 Euro (funded by the German International Cooperation Agency) Project Collaborations: • German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) • Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (ASAM) Actual Activities of the Project: • Needs analysis visits were carried out in order to strengthen the infrastructure of public education centers and to complete the equipment deficiencies. • Project Opening Meeting was held. (Ankara) • Orientation training was given to the personnel employed within the scope of the project. (Ankara). Planned Activities of the Project: • Vocational training for a total of 1600 trainees, 800 Turkish and 800 Syrian, through courses to be opened in 18 public education centers in Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Denizli, Adıyaman and Diyarbakır; providing Turkish language training if needed. • Strengthening the infrastructure and equipment of 18 public education centers in 5 provinces. • Contributing to the social integration of Syrian trainees through activities to be carried out through social support specialists to be employed during the project. • Conducting studies on the employment of at least 10% of the trainees who have completed their vocational training (connections to be established with the labor market and the private sector, obtaining a work permit, etc.).

Increasing Access of Syrians under Temporary Protection to Turkish Language Education Vocational Training Project

Project Purpose: It is aimed to improve the Turkish language skills of Syrians under temporary protection and to ensure their access to vocational training. The project is implemented in Ankara, Bursa, Kayseri and Konya provinces. Calendar: 15.07.2018-15.01.2021(30 months) Budget: 9.875.000.00 Euro (Funding Source: European Union Regional Trust Fund (EUTF)) Collaborations: • Practitioner: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) • Beneficiary: MoNE • İŞKUR • FMC • AFAD Activities Performed: • Field visits were made to public education centers within the scope of the project, and needs were determined. • Steering Committee Meeting was held. • The opening meeting was held. • Workshop on Development of Vocational Education Programs was held. • Turkish Language Education A1-A2 courses started. • Steering Committee Meeting was held. • “Trainer Training” was organized for trainers who will provide Turkish language training. As of February 2020, 3.338 trainees received Turkish language training. Planned Activities: • Providing Turkish language courses to 7,040 adult Syrians in the project. • Providing vocational training courses to 1,000 adult Syrians. • Strengthening the capacities of public education centers within the scope of the project.


BILSY Training Program (Training Program for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Turkey)

Project Purpose: It is aimed to improve the competence of teachers in mixed classes with Turkish and Syrian children. Project Calendar: 2019 Project Budget: 300.000 Euro (Source: German Government) Project Collaborations: • General Directorate of Lifelong Learning • German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) Actual Activities of the Project: • Teacher Trainings for Teaching Turkish through Games - carried out with 400 teachers from 38 provinces. • Distribution of Play Sets-Play sets were sent to 400 schools where teachers who participate in Turkish Teaching Through Plays work. *The project has been completed. ELITE Development of Learning, Innovative Teaching, Educational Environment Project Project Purpose: It is aimed to contribute to the dissemination of quality education through educational environments that provide new opportunities for Syrian children and youth under temporary protection. Project Calendar: 2 years Project Budget: $1,936,615 Project Collaborations: Human Appeal Turkey Office Actual Activities of the Project: • 30 personnel of the MEB central organization were trained. • 34 guidance teachers in target schools were trained. Planned Activities of the Project: • Establishment of 34 computer laboratories, 17 each in Kahramanmaraş and Osmaniye. • Providing a total of 2 mobile libraries, one for each in Kahramanmaraş and Osmaniye. • Providing training to 1,500 teachers. (All planned activities are put on hold until further decision.)

QUDRA (Strengthening the Resilience of Syrian Refugees, Host Communities and Displaced Persons to Respond to the Syria and Iraq Crisis)

Project Purpose: The QUDRA Program aims to strengthen the resilience of host communities, refugees and IDPs. Program; It operates in partner countries consisting of Lebanon, Jordan, Northern Iraq and Turkey. Project Calendar: 13.05.2016- 31.08.2019 Project Budget: 18,000,000 Euros Project Collaborations: • EU Regional Trust Fund, • MADAD Fund, • German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), • EF (Expertise France) and CFI (implementation partner) • Under the coordination of the Presidency, the Ministry of National Education (MEB), the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services (MoFLSS), the Ministry of Youth and Sports (GSB) (national stakeholders)   Actual Activities of the Project: The QUDRA Program implemented in Hatay, Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa consists of 5 modules: SO1 Module: Education Infrastructure • 15 schools were renovated and repaired in Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa and Kilis. • B1 level Turkish training was given to 311 Syrian volunteer trainers. SO2 Module: Skill Development • Revisions were made in 5 modules for the needs of the field in the provinces where the activity is carried out. • Teachers in public education centers were trained in the revised modules. • More than 615 trainers were trained in the revised modules. • Trainer trainings were given in 7 different provinces in 5 fields. • The “Learning-Teaching Processes Handbook” prepared for public education centers was published. SO3 Module: Social Cohesion • Capacity building activities were carried out in Adana and Mersin for the needs of buildings, classrooms and courses to be opened. • In accordance with the needs of the region, 8,418 Turkish and Syrian participants were trained in different professional fields, primarily in Turkish, and socio-cultural and artistic activities were organized in Adana and Mersin. • Cultural trips, picnics, bazaars, etc., in order to strengthen social cohesion. social, cultural and artistic activities • “Will you dream with me?” in the writing workshop established. book has been released.

SO3 EF (Expertise France): Social Cohesion • Planning, monitoring and informative visits were made. • Public education center capacity building works, especially Turkish education in accordance with the needs of the region, mother-of-pearl inlay, handicrafts, music, animal husbandry, clothing, computer management, etc. Turkish and Syrian citizens were trained by opening courses in various fields. • Information seminars for Turks and Syrians in Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Hatay, preliminary planning studies and needs assessment meetings were held at the Women's Family Counseling and Production Center (KADHİM). • Initial psycho-social support training was given to HEM administrators. • Turkish education was given to 650 Syrian people at the school where they are parents. • A study visit to France was made with public education centers. • “Qudra Day” was held on 23.05.2019. Public education centers were introduced, the contribution of experiences to social cohesion and the changes they created were shared. • Hatay-Nedime Keser HEM Exhibition Sales House was opened. • Three visually impaired Syrian individuals were taught to read and write. • A total of 6,112 Turkish and Syrian adults were given seminars on “breast cancer”, “being a parent in changing conditions”, “home accidents”, “healthy eating” and “communicable diseases”. • Traveling, picnics, home visits, bazaars, cinema, theater, iftars, etc., as socio-cultural activities for 8,403 Turks and Syrians. activity was done. • QUDRA Fraternity Choir, consisting of Turkish and Syrian people, was established in Hatay. • Language courses, vocational, social and cultural courses were organized for more than 0.982.000 Turkish and Syrian people. • Promotional videos were prepared and the “We are Together in Turkey” facebook page was created and published here. • The book “Stories from Hicran to Hicrana From Hicra to QUDRA” was published in Turkish, Arabic and English. • Turkish Speaking Support Training was given to trainers, Turkish and Syrian trainees. • Developing Sustainability Suggestions Workshop was held. • 246 people were referred for psycho-social support.   SO4 Module: Supporting Local Governments This module is not implemented in Turkey. SO5 Module: Effective Dialogue and Knowledge Sharing The fifth and the last module acts as a link between the others and constitutes the intersection of each module and also of the countries by fulfilling functions such as information sharing and facilitation among the other modules, creating opportunities for dialogue and bringing all stakeholders and beneficiaries together in an inclusive way.

Quality Education and Livelihood Support Project for Syrians Under Temporary Protection in Turkey

Project Purpose: It is aimed to contribute to the development of the resilience of the Syrian and host Turkish Communities by providing them with access to quality education and livelihoods and to strengthen the social cohesion between the two communities. It is aimed to ensure that the determined number of young and adult Syrians under temporary protection in the determined provinces live in harmony with the society.

Project; It is applied in the provinces of Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Kilis. Project Calendar: 01.01.2019-31.12.2019 Time Extension 01.01.2020- 30.09.2020 (9 Months) Project Budget: 17.280.000 Euro (Funding Source: European Union Regional Trust Fund (EUTF)) Actual Activities of the Project: Concern/Worldwide received the permission applications for the first phase for the provinces of Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Kilis with the approval of the Ministry of Interior dated 06.08.2013 and numbered 2826. (The Syrian population in these provinces at the time was taken into account in the selection of these provinces with an operating permit.) Planned Activities of the Project: • 30 public education centers in the provinces of Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep and Kilis; Turkish education, psycho-social support activities for Syrian children between the ages of 6-13 and bringing these children into formal education. • Providing equipment and infrastructure support to 20 technical and vocational high schools selected as pilots in four provinces by MTEGM. • Field work and providing out-of-school children's access to education, vocational training courses for adults and Turkish courses for Syrian students.