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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

Adult Trainers are professionals, who have the essential formal qualifications as well as certified educational proficiency in adult General Education and Vocational Training within the context of Lifelong Learning.

Trainers of Adult Teachers are also professionals with the above-mentioned qualifications, as well as additional specialised knowledge and skills, which enable them to coordinate and train adult trainers’ groups in subjects pertaining to adults’ general education, training and lifelong

The following groups are entitled to join the teaching staff of Public Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), Second Chance Schools (SDE) and Lifelong Learning Centers in accordance with the provisions of law 4186/2013, as in force:

  • Professors of HEIs
  • Secondary and primary education teachers placed after the issuing of a relocation Decision
  • Secondary and primary education teachers, whether they are permanently appointed, supply teachers or part-time for doing extra teaching hours
  • Certified and registered in the adult teacher trainer registers
  • Special teaching staff  (EEP) members as well as special assisting staff (EBP).  Special assisting staff (EBP) may be employed for operational reasons and structural convenience.

Except for special assisting staff (EBP), HEIs’ Professors, school teachers, adult teacher trainers and EEP members should all hold at least a first cycle degree.  Special assisting staff (EBP) should hold a post-secondary degree from a department of Preschool Education or a Social Welfare degree from Secondary Vocational Education or a degree from IEK (Private or Public Institute of Vocational Training).

Calls for application for the Trainer position in lifelong learning structures are also addressed to professional craftsmen. 

Their selection is based on standard qualifications, working and teaching experience, further training, and seminars in relation with the respective thematic unit.

Trainers who are certified and registered in the adult education teacher trainer registers have priority in the selection procedures over other non-registered adult trainers.

However, as of 1.9.2020 (L. 4623/2019) educational proficiency is considered a prerequisite for their participation in a non-formal Education programme funded by public resources. In this case, applicants for the programme may certify their specialization by taking certifying exams which confirm the adequate knowledge, skills and abilities required to teach in adult groups, in structures of non-formal education.

The precondition of taking certifying exams does not apply to HEI professors and registered adult teacher trainers in the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA).

Entitled to a certified teaching proficiency are also holders of Bachelor degrees in either of :

  • Adult training
  • Lifelong learning
  • In continuous education and training
  • In continuous education and educational policies.