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Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 17 June 2022

There are no national rules in respect of support and counseling in the tertiary sector.

The Law on Higher Education and the Ordinance on Higher Education state that it is the responsibility of the individual institution of higher education to provide any relevant services.

Academic guidance

The higher education institutions are tasked with offering counseling, though the form this should take is not prescribed by law. There is no extra financial support; any expenses fall within the overall budget.

The University of Liechtenstein offers the following forms of counseling:

  • International office of the University of Liechtenstein

The International Office is responsible for taking care of the university’s international relationships and also collaborates on the planning and implementation of the strategy of internationalisation, in cooperation with the university’s institutes. One of the core tasks of the International Office is to offer advice and support to students and lecturers involved in programmes relating to internationalisation, as well as looking after the university’s foreign students and guests. In addition, it helps with issues relating to the organisation of courses, international academic degrees, the recognition of academic course achievements, the financing of courses, legal issues for foreign students and ordinary day-to-day practical affairs. It also advises and offers support for project applications and functions as an intermediary for international academic contacts and meetings, as well as organising events of an international nature. The International Office is supported financially by the AIBA (Agency for International Education Affairs).

  • Commission on gender and diversity

The Commission on Gender and Diversity is responsible for issues relating to gender equality and strives to make constructive use of the social diversity of society. It is represented by various bodies and takes relevant measures to promote awareness of the issues of gender and diversity. The Commission advises and supports university staff in respect of all gender and equal opportunities questions and issues. Commission projects concern subjects such as increasing the proportion of women in academia and teaching, as well as in management positions, compatibility of parenting and career (availability of crèche places, different working time models etc.), equal opportunities and social diversity in who represents the university internally and externally.

Psychological counselling

It is the responsibility of the institutions of higher education institutions to offer psychological counseling. There are no legislative provisions as to how this is to be done.

Career guidance

The higher education institutions are tasked with offering career counseling. There are no legal rules as to how this should be done. The University of Liechtenstein offers their so-called career:service.