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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Political, social and economic background and trends


1.Political, social and economic background and trends

Last update: 17 June 2022

Liechtenstein is a constitutional, hereditary monarchy based on democratic and parliamentary principles; the power of the state is embodied in the Reigning Prince and in the people. With a surface of 160 km2 Liechtenstein comes fourth among the smallest countries in Europe.

Liechtenstein's education system is in the responsibility of the state, i.e. state schools as well as private schools are under the supervision of the state. School attendance is compulsory. The structure of Liechtenstein's education system has been clearly influenced by the neighbouring education systems, especially the one from Switzerland. The main characteristics of Liechtenstein's education system are therefore similar (e.g. types of school and terminology). Differences can be seen, among other things, in the details of the organisation and in the development of the education system.

Another significant difference is in the small size and in the small number of population in Liechtenstein, facts that don't allow the state to offer a fully fledged education and school system on all levels. Especially in the fields of schooling in vocational education and training, in advanced vocational education, and in higher education (tertiary education) Liechtenstein often cooperates with the neighbouring countries, first of all with Switzerland, i.e. Liechtenstein participates with financial cooperations. Places to study at universities and higher schools are obtained with the help of a range of agreements with foreign ministries and departments.


  • Biedermann Klaus, Büchel Donat, Burgmeier Markus (2012): Wege in die Gegenwart. Vaduz: Amtlicher Lehrmittelverlag
  • Brunhart, Arthur et al (2013): Historisches Lexikon des Fürstentums Liechtenstein, Band 1 und 2, Zürich: Chronos Verlag
  • Martin, Graham (1984): Das Bildungswesen des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Zürich: Sabe; Aarau; Frankfurt am Main: Sauerländer
  • Vogt, Paul (1990): Brücken zur Vergangenheit. Vaduz: Amtlicher Lehrmittelverlag