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Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022
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Career Guidance

Unlike many other European countries, in which university career services have a long tradition, first career development centres were opened at Serbian universities little more than a decade ago. In one of the recent reforms of the Law on Higher Education, career guidance centres were recognized as an important part of the universities and faculties being in charge of providing counselling and support to students continuously. These career centres provide career information and organize educational activities related to career management such as workshops, lectures and training courses. Many centres provide individual guidance and counselling both on-premises and online. The centres have very active cooperation with the business community and organize internship programmes and other work-testing programmes for their students, as well as joint events with companies. Labour market forecasting is not conducted, although a survey addressing future labour market needs is conducted regularly among employers. Their services are available to the students and also to the alumni and prospective students. Apart from providing career guidance and counselling services, these centres usually provide information on educational mobility opportunities.

It should be noted that apart from the career centres at the university level, there is a number of career centres at member faculties of these universities. University career centres have established good mutual cooperation, which resulted in the creation of the Association of Career Centres of Serbian Universities in 2012.

In order to support the development of talented youth, the Government of the Republic of Serbia established the Fund for Young Talents. Operating within the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Fund is awarding over 3300 students and school pupils per year. In order to provide them with support for their further professional and educational development, the Fund has established the Centre for the Career Guidance and Counselling of Young Talents. This career centre provides career guidance and organises career workshops and related events, and cooperates with the business community in supporting talents to obtain practical work experience through internships and similar programmes.

Newly adopted Law on the Dual Model of Studies defines the role of career guidance centres on higher education institutions stating that these centres should provide support for students’ career development and encourage their initiatives in career planning and setting career goals. Career guidance centre also provides counselling for students during the workplace and internship selection. In general, the Law recognizes the importance of career guidance and counselling activities for students which is accomplished through networking between career guidance centre of HEI, secondary schools and companies.

Another important document for the provision of career guidance services in HEI is the Bylaw on Career guidance and counselling services which define key elements of quality of services.