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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main providers


8.Adult education and training

8.3Main providers

Last update: 17 June 2022

The field of adult education contains a broad variety of private, public, operational, non profit and for profit institution:

  • Under public law institutions (e.g. university of Liechtenstein, art school Liechtenstein, music school Liechtenstein)
  • Under private law and for profit institutions (e.g. Liechtenstein Adult Education Foundation, language schools, computer science schools)
  • Companies
  • Under private law, non profit institutions as non profit organisations (e.g. society for intercultural education)
  • Cooperative, political, confessional, ideological institutions (Seniorenkolleg, Eltern Kind Forum, Haus Gutenberg, Monastery St. Elisabeth)
  • Associations or umbrella organisations (employee union representation, economic chamber, Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • Further education in self-organised groups

The largest institutions in the field of adult education is the Liechtenstein Adult Education Foundation Stein-Egerta. The foundation organises either self-assembled, on order or in cooperation with other organisations various programmes especially in the field of adult education. The foundation is member of the Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB) and eduQua-qualified. With eduQua the SVEB founded a quality label that helps to support the quality assurance in the field of further education. EduQua is a Swiss quality label that certifies further education institutions based on distinct criteria and minimum requierements.