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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Funding in education


3.Funding in education

Last update: 17 June 2022

In accordance with the constitution it is the state's duty to support and further learning and education (Art. 17). This constitutional duty is being carried out, on the one hand, by the state operating their own public state schools and allowing to attend foreign secondary schools via contracts of acceptance of admission or other  agreements (financing of education proposals); the state, on the other hand, assigns grants and scholarships based on the Scholarship Law (income-related financing of education demands). 

Moreover there are additional measures for support and furtherance, such as tax advantages. Among other things education costs as part of the expenses can be deducted from the income. Tax deductions for one's own children in education can be claimed as well.

Furtherance of education in order to regain the ability for work is also practised by the Social Security institutions (IV/disabilty, ALV/unemployment). 

It is not only the state that is committed to the domains of learning and education. Other service providers such as the parents also participate in the financing of education, or rather are obliged by law to finance their children's education as far as possible. This obligation basically remains until the children can sustain themselves. As a general rule this is achieved after finishing initial education (e.g. a university degree following the upper secondary school-leaving certificate) and entry into professional life is possible. 

It is primarily the state that is responsible for the Liechtensteiner education system. According to the constitution the whole of the education system – including the private schools – is under state authority. Education is compulsory and it is the state's duty to see the compulsory schooling of the elementary subjects being appropriately carried out in the state schools. As school authorities of the primary schools the municipalities contribute towards financing and buildings. 

Financing and the degree of autonomy differ greatly according to the relevant stages of the education system and are closely connected with the responsible authority.

Classes at public schools are free of charge, the same applies to the learning materials for children at the age of compulsory education. At the upper secondary schools a contribution for learning materials is being demanded from the parents. 

There is no claim for state subsidy based on the granting of a permission for the foundation and management of a higher education institution. Such state subsidies are granted on the basis of performance agreements between a higher education institution and the government or on a legal basis allowing for state subsidies to specific higher education institution. As a foundation under public law the University of Liechtenstein is being sstate funded based on a performance contract. 

There are no education institutions in Liechtenstein in the field of vocational training. The higher education institution sector is being covered only in a small segment by the existing institutions. In order to facilitate entry to all the academic courses for the students from Liechtenstein the country maintains various treaties with the neighbouring countries (especially with Switzerland) and single education institutions; Liechtenstein also financially participates in various institutions (e.g. NTB, ISME etc.) and pays compensations (contributions per student).