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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main Providers


8.Adult Education and Training

8.3Main Providers

Last update: 24 June 2022

Adult education and training takes place at a number of institutions. General qualifying educational offers such as General Adult Education (AVU) and Preparatory Adult Education (FVU) take places at institutions for vocational oriented programmes, adult educational centres (VUC) and higher education institutions, while non-formal education is offered at production schools, folk schools and evening schools.

Adult Education Centres (VUC Centres)

General adult education programmes (FVU, AVU and HF single subjects) are offered by adult education centres (VUC). Since 1 January 2007, the adult education centres have been self-governing institutions. The teaching is financed by the Danish state via a taximeter funding. There are 29 VUC-centres with a large number of regional satellite departments spread throughout the country.

For more information: The General Adult Education Programme.

Adult vocational training providers

There are about 100 schools approved by the Ministry for Children and Education, which provide adult vocational training programmes all over the country - the principle being to offer training programmes in all regions. Mainly public, but also a number of private schools provide adult vocational training programmes. The providers are adult vocational training centres, vocational technical colleges, commercial colleges, agricultural colleges, social and health service schools etc. Most of the schools provide both education programmes for adults and for young people. All providers of adult vocational training including the adult educational centres (VUC) are associated with one of the 13 centres for adult education and continuing training (VEU-centres), each coordinating guidance activities, contact to enterprises and employees etc. for a specific geographical area.

For more information: Adult vocational training.


Open education/higher education is mainly offered by vocational technical and commercial colleges and higher educational institutions. These colleges and institutions are all self-governing institutions funded by the state.

A glossary listing terms referenced on this page can be found here