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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teachers and education staff


9.Teachers and education staff

Last update: 9 June 2022

In Greece, just as in any other EU country, major issues concerning teachers and teaching staff of all educational levels are summarized as follows:

  • Initial teacher education
  • Conditions of service, terms of employment
  • Continuing professional development.

Initial training for Primary and Secondary Education teachers falls under the Higher Education University sector, while all teachers in Primary Education - including Pre-primary and Primary School Education - as well as teachers in Secondary Education, hold at least a first cycle degree.  

With regard to conditions of service and terms of employment, as of school year2019-2020 law 4589/2019, as supplemented by article 166 of law 4823/2021,came into force.

According to the new Law, at the request of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs based on the recorded educational needs (see Unit 9.2.1 “Planning Policy”), the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) announces and conducts, every (2) two school years, a procedure for the preparation of a ranking list of teachers, Special Education Staff – EAE (EEP) and Special Education Support/Assistant Staff – EAE (EBP), in a priority order by branch and specialisation, so that they can be appointed as permanent teachers or employed as substitute teachers in Primary and/or Secondary Education.  

Candidates having the specific qualifications for appointment in primary or secondary education are accepted in the procedure. An additional qualification for filling the vacant positions of teachers and Special Education Staff (EEP) is pedagogical and teaching proficiency, that is certified either before or after the appointment.

In particular, teachers’ appointment / employment is based exclusively on rating tables, including the names of those who have the qualifications.  Pedagogical and teaching proficiency, academic qualifications, social criteria and actual prior teaching service are taken into consideration for the ranking (See 9.2. “Entry to the profession”).

Interested parties may apply in the manner specified in the relevant ASEP notice.

As regards issues pertaining to the conditions of teachers’ service / development, transfers or secondments, are carried out centrally and regulated by legislation (Presidential Decree 50/1996, Law 4589/2019, Law 4610/2019, law 4610/2019).

Regarding issues of salary classification and development of Primary and Secondary Education teachers, law 4354/2015 is in force, as amended and in force, in combination with No. 2/31029 / DEP / 06-05-2016 revised interpretative circular of the Revenue Policy Department of the General Accounting Office of the State (GLC) (see Chapter 9.2. "Salary and Grade Development" and "Teachers' Salaries" and article 65 of Law 4917/2022).

Law 4547/2018 refers to the organisation and staffing of public primary and secondary education services, and in particular to the issues of:

  • Selection and evaluation of primary and secondary Education officers
  • Schools’ educational planning and project evaluation
  • Teacher training.

In Greece, there is no University Faculty or Department with the sole purpose of providing initial education to the academic – teaching staff.  However, a PhD title as well as the relevance of the candidates’ doctoral thesis or research work to the cognitive field of the position announced constitute the formal qualifications required from the candidates in order to pursue teaching or research work in HΕΙs (Higher Education Institutions).

Law 4009/2011 pertains, inter alia, to issues of appointment and advancement of the academic – teaching staff.  According to the said law, HEIs’ Teaching and Research staff belong to the following ranks: professors, substitute professors, assistant professors and lecturers.

In addition to the three above-mentioned academic staff categories, adjunct professors are employed by institutions   under a fixed-term contract governed by private law lasting from one to three academic years and subject to renewal without however exceeding five academic years overall.

Adult Trainers, as well as other levels staff, receive initial education at HEIs and are required to have educational aptitude.  After their educational aptitude is recognized and certified by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)adult trainers are registered in the Trainers Register.

The "Foundation for Youth and Lifelong Learning" takes all the necessary steps for its employees’ professional education and continuous vocational training, which also includes Adult Educators.