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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National Reforms in Early Childhood Education and Care


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.1National Reforms in Early Childhood Education and Care

Last update: 9 June 2022

National Reforms in Early Childhood Education and Care


Pre-school Novelties Predicted in the  New Strategy for Education

The new strerategy on education predicts for the following novelties regarding early childhood education and care (pre-school education): increasing full inclusion of children in pre-school (early childhood education and care) education and increasing attendance of preparatory classes. 


Drafting of New Teachers Assessments and Development Learning Standards

New standards for teachers assessment and development learning standards and the new competence based curricula are completed by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university education for this level


Closure of Institutions due to COVID 19

From March to Februry 2020 ECEC institutions were closed due to COVID 19 situation.

Drafting of Framework Curricula for Pre-school Education and Assessment standards for teachers

The Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education has drafted the respective standards for teachers assessment and the core curricula for pre-school education.