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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in early childhood education and care


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.1National reforms in early childhood education and care

Last update: 27 June 2022
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Family Material in Preschool Education (My Game Chest Set-Home Based Model)

Under the target of "Early Childhood Education Service to be Extended" in the 2023 Education Vision, "Basic materials supporting child development will be provided to poor households in early childhood education." Within the scope of the activity, the “My Game Chest” set, which contains various educational materials supporting the development of children, was prepared in order to develop family materials. The prepared set was distributed to 500 disadvantaged households in the 2019-2020 academic year and a pilot application was made. In the pilot application of the "My Game Chest" family material set, in order to carry out parent education, the school principal and teachers visited the house while the said set was distributed to the families and informed the family about child development and the use of the set. The My Game Chest set includes 52 different educational materials (such as number sticks, blocks, puppets, puzzles, story sets) and a 365-day Early Childhood Education Calendar and is distributed to disadvantaged households. The set, which was updated in line with the feedback from the field, was distributed to 3200 families in the 2020-2021 academic year in villages and similar settlements, especially with 5-year-old children who need to start compulsory education in the next year. With this study, the equipment needs of the children in unfavorable households were met, and it was ensured that the children spent productive time with their families and started to primary school more ready.

Early Childhood Education Calendar

In the 2023 Education Vision of our Ministry, "Basic materials supporting child development will be provided to poor households in early childhood education." The calendar, which was prepared within the scope of the activity and piloted in the 2019-2020 academic year, has been updated as the "2020-2021 Academic Year Early Childhood Education Calendar". The Early Childhood Education Calendar starts with September, when schools open, and includes activities that families can do with their children for 365 days, interesting information, the word of the day, entertaining narratives introducing various geographical regions of our country, games and experiments.

The Early Childhood Education Calendar was delivered to families in print in the 2020-2021 academic year within the "My Game Chest" set. The Early Childhood Education Calendar, which was prepared primarily to be sent to children in unsuitable households, has been put into use in the digital environment ( for the benefit of all families and pre-school age groups during the epidemic period. With this study, the equipment needs of the children in unfavorable households were met, and it was ensured that the children spent productive time with their families and started to primary school more ready.

Activity Books and Paint Set Distribution

In the 2023 Education Vision of our Ministry, "Basic materials supporting child development will be provided to poor households in early childhood education." which encourages the creation of accessible and low-cost materials and various products from a main material so that children can spend productive time at home, within the scope of the “Cooperation Protocol on Supporting Early Childhood Education” signed between the General Directorate of Basic Education, the General Directorate of Lifelong and the German International Cooperation Agency. More Than One Thing” activity book has been prepared. The activities in this material have been prepared on the basis of materials that each family can provide at home, such as stone, paper, rope, branch, fabric and so on. The material prepared in the form of games, art, mathematics and science activities was distributed to 11,000 families living in unfavorable households. This material can be accessed at

The activity book “My First Friend” has been developed to develop children's thinking, imagination, curiosity, creativity and problem-solving skills. In the material in question, the child was put in the center and activities that lead the child to feel and think about the changes in his life (emotional, physical, etc.) were included. The conditions of the prepared material were distributed to 10,000 families living in unfavorable households. This material can be accessed at

Pencils, erasers, crayons, etc., to support the use of My First Friend and More Than Something. The conditions of a paint kit consisting of materials were distributed to 11,000 families living in unfavorable households. With this study, the equipment needs of the children in unfavorable households were met, and it was ensured that the children spent productive time with their families and started to primary school more ready.



Four different materials were designed with the theme of "Talking Walls" in order to enrich the educational environments, especially during the epidemic period. These materials consisted of posters with the theme of physical movement, cleaning, safe school and toilet use during the epidemic. Prepared designs will be hung at school entrance-exit points, classrooms and toilets and distributed to all official pre-school education institutions affiliated to our Ministry in the 2020-2021 academic year. These posters are available at the following addresses: Safe School: Still Moving: Cleaning is in My Hands: Cleaning is Everywhere: With this activity, children, teachers, administrators and parents in pre-school education institutions were informed about the Covid-19 outbreak measures. In addition, it is aimed to raise awareness of the importance of physical exercises in this period when children are recommended to stay at home due to the Covid-19 epidemic measures.

“365 Days of Story” Study in Early Childhood Education

In addition, starting from the early childhood period, a project called "365 Days of Stories" was initiated by our General Directorate for the purpose of writing the story books needed for preschool children, in order to help children gain the habit of reading, increase their vocabulary, and support the development of listening and speaking skills. Within the scope of the project, the work of the writers and illustrators continues and the stories are planned to be distributed to schools in the 2021-2022 academic year.

TRT EBA Kindergarten

In order to enrich pre-school education, the “TRT EBA Kindergarten” program prepared for pre-school children was shot on TRT EBA television since 12 October. Every day, in the morning and evening hours, the development of approximately 4 million children aged 3,4 and 5 in our country and thousands of children abroad is supported with quality content. This program was broadcast every weekday between 08:00-09:00 and 19:30-20:30 with a repeat episode during the 2020-2021 academic year. In order for children to receive more and more qualified education in every environment and at every opportunity, the program in question was supported by a generation called "Ailece" for families.

Summer Education in Preschool Education

In the 2023 Education Vision, “Accelerated, intensive and supportive curricula will be created in schools where immigrants, children under temporary protection and seasonal agricultural workers and unschooled children in villages and sub-village settlements are located.” Within the scope of the activities, a special plan has been created for the regions where Syrians are concentrated in cooperation with the PIKTES Coordinatorship for the summer training practice, which is currently implemented every year in accordance with the legislation. The 45-day training flow that supports language and social adaptation skills was distributed to schools where summer education was implemented in the 2018-2019 academic year and the 2020-2021 academic year.

In addition, in the 2023 Education Vision, "The nutritional needs of children in unfavorable settlements will be met." Within the scope of its target, a meal service was provided to children with unsuitable conditions who continue summer education in the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 academic years. “The need for tools and equipment in early childhood education of children in unsuitable households will be met.” Within the scope of the activity, equipment, stationery and material support was provided to the children who received summer education in schools in settlements where Syrians are concentrated, with the PIKTES Coordinatorship, and 8 two-day trainings were organized with the participation of school principals and provincial/district administrators.

Increasing Quality and Access in Early Childhood Education Project

The Project for Increasing Quality and Access in Early Childhood Education, which was implemented with the technical support of UNICEF, co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, officially started on 1 November 2020. The goal of the project; increasing the access of all children, especially disadvantaged children, to early childhood education services and increasing the quality of education provided. As stated in our 2023 Education Vision, the project also aims to expand and diversify early childhood education services.

The Project, which will last 36 months; It will be implemented in 20 provinces in total, including Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Bitlis, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Gaziantep, İstanbul, İzmir, Kastamonu, Konya, Manisa, Mardin, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon and Van. Within the scope of the project, the preschool education program and materials will be updated and trainers will be provided with training for 10,000 teachers regarding the updated program. In addition, 300 container kindergartens with 600 classrooms will be installed, and the needs of the regions that need physical space will be met. With the establishment of 400 playgrounds, children will be provided with more physical activities. In order to disseminate the targets planned to be achieved within the scope of the project on a national scale, 39-episode cartoons will be shot. Within the scope of the project, alternative and flexible pre-school education models will be implemented: 5000 pieces of My Game Crate Education Set, 500 Summer Kindergarten Education Model education sets and 1500 pieces of Mobile Teacher Model education sets will be distributed so that children living in regions that do not have access to preschool education services will benefit from preschool education services. will be provided

Strengthening the Culture of Democracy in Basic Education Project:

Within the scope of Pre-Accession Financial Assistance (IPA II), the project of Strengthening the Culture of Democracy in Basic Education with the co-financing of the European Union and the Council of Europe was put into practice on 3 August 2018 with a direct contract method between our Ministry and the Council of Europe. The aim of the project is to strengthen democratic school culture practices and to ensure the continuity of existing practices. With the project, it is aimed to strengthen democratic cultural practices throughout the society by including all the staff and families working in the schools, as well as the students attending the basic education institutions in the project process. The Project, which will last 36 months; It will be implemented in a total of 110 schools in 10 provinces, namely Adana, Aydın, Burdur, Çanakkale, Iğdır, Kars, Muğla, Sinop, Sivas and Yozgat. Within the scope of the project, story books and activity books for pre-school education level, story books and activity books for primary school, as well as activity books for each subject that are compatible with the curriculum achievements for each lesson, activity books for each branch were developed for the secondary school level. Within the scope of the project, training content consisting of 3 modules and 120 hours was developed. It will provide training to 240 teachers through waterfall trainings to all teachers who have been trained as trainers and work in pilot schools. With the Integrated School Model developed within the scope of the project; It is aimed to strengthen the democratic cultural competencies in school practices in cooperation with all the elements that make up the school, including the school administration, teachers, school staff, students and parents, and thus to disseminate them throughout the society. In addition, cartoons will be shot in order to convey the results of the Project to wider audiences.  


Increasing the Quality of the Special Education Services in Inclusive Education: 

The aim of this operation is to increase the educational quality of the special education provisions and help integrate the learners with special needs to the society. Objective: Increasing the educational quality in human resources, quality assurance, physical domains, curricula, modules and so on.

The project will last for 36 months and the intervention modules are as follows:

Intervention Category I: Increasing the Institutional Capacity 

Intervention 1: Focus group work for revising and developing in-service training 

Intervention 2: Developing educational needs analysis and evaluation instruments

Intervention 3: Developing in-service educational programs

Intervention 4: Revising the prepared in-service educational programs

Intervention 5: Teacher training for 5000 teachers

Intervention 6: Training the trainers

Intervention 7: STEM education for 700 BILSEM Teachers

Intervention 8: Sign language education of General Directorate personnel

Intervention 9: Developing Reaction Model for Intervention

9.1 Preparation study for reaction model 

9.2 Developing the Reaction Model

9.3 Piloting in the schools 

9.4 Revision of the model

9.5 Training the trainers (60 teachers)

9.6 Study visits to 2 EU countries 

Intervention Category II: Increasing the Institutional Capacity 

Intervention 10: Opening the project

Intervention 11: Awareness education for families and CSIs

Intervention 12: Awareness education for the personnel of Directorates of General Education and Counselling and Research

Intervention 13: Special Education Summit and Closing Events

Intervention Category III: Scientific and Technical Studies 

Intervention 14: Impact research study for educational evaluation, diagnosis, and placement in Centers of Counseling and Research 

Intervention 15: Workshop for educational evaluation, diagnosis, and placement in Centers of Counseling and Research 

Intervention Category IV: Coordination and Collaboration  

Intervention 16: Workshops with Civic Society Institutions

Early Childhood Education for Children with Disabilities Project: 

Enhanced Support Activities to Strengthen the European Integration Process (ESEA 2013) under the Republic of Turkey and - our Ministry and the European Union co-financing and UNICEF among implemented by direct agreement procedure Engel With Kids Inclusive Early Childhood Education Project officially on May 29, 2017 with UNICEF technical support started to be implemented. The project aims to contribute to the participation of children with disabilities in social life through quality inclusive education in early childhood, and to facilitate their access to economic and social life in the long term. The project aims to reach children with disabilities and their families, as well as children with typical development and their families. In this way, awareness will be raised about the acceptance of individuals with disabilities in the society and it will be ensured that the problems faced by disabled individuals are overcome together. The project will last 36 months; It is implemented in a total of 90 pilot schools in the provinces of Antalya, Bursa, Konya, İzmir, Gaziantep and Samsun.

In order to improve the cognitive, emotional and social development of all children within the scope of inclusive education, the current situation analysis has been prepared by scanning the national and international literature on inclusive education in early childhood for children with disabilities. In this context, Children's Activity Book sets, Teacher Activity Handbook and Story Book (38 pieces) sets were developed for each of the 3-4 year old, 5-6 year old and 6-7 age groups, and distributed to 32,000 students in total studying at pilot schools. Audio descriptions of all the story books were made and presented to the service of our students.

The awareness of families of children with disabilities (3-7 years old) on inclusive education rights, opportunities and the importance of school-family cooperation has been increased. Within the scope of this target; A total of 12 awareness-raising seminars were held in 6 pilot provinces in order to raise awareness and raise awareness of families and society on the rights of children with disabilities, reaching approximately 16,000 parents.

It is aimed to increase the awareness of decision-makers, families of non-disabled children about the right of disabled children to receive quality inclusive education and to provide their support in this regard. In this context, a “Community Intervention Guide” which defines the interventions was prepared in order to eliminate the psychological or social exclusion that children with disabilities are exposed to and to inform families, caregivers and society about the rights of children with disabilities in general. Within the scope of awareness-raising activities, "Children's Festivals" where these games are played were organized in each pilot province by developing games that children with disabilities and their typically developing peers can play together.

It is aimed to equip teachers with knowledge and skills so that they can provide quality inclusive education for all children (3-7 years old). In this context; Inclusive education in early childhood "teacher training module" was developed and prepared in a format that can be downloaded to EBA. 142 teachers were trained to become "educator trainers" and 1250 teachers were reached through these teachers. In addition, information seminars were organized for pilot provincial administrators and school administrators. During the project, "children's portfolios" and "teacher portfolios" were developed in order to follow the development of teachers and children. After the project pilot implementation period, these portfolios will be analyzed and a comprehensive development report will be prepared.

Within the scope of the project visibility activities, a total of 6 short films were shot, one in each province, and a public spot was shot. In addition, posters and brochures on inclusive education were prepared and distributed to pilot provinces. The project implementation process will end in December 2020.


Engeli Olan Çocuklar İçin Kapsayıcı Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Projesi: Engeli olan bireylerin karşılaştıkları sorunların üstesinden birlikte gelmeyi hedefleyen bu proje, Antalya, Bursa, Konya, İzmir, Gaziantep ve Samsun illerinde olmak üzere toplamda 90 pilot okulda uygulanacaktır. Proje, engeli olan çocukların erken çocuklukta kaliteli kapsayıcı eğitim yoluyla sosyal yaşama katılımlarına katkı sağlamayı, uzun vadede ise sosyal yaşama erişimlerini kolaylaştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Proje ile sadece engeli olan çocuklar ve bu çocukların ailelerine değil, aynı zamanda tipik gelişim gösteren çocuklar ve bu çocukların ailelerine ulaşmak da hedeflenmektedir. Bu sayede engeli olan bireylerin toplumda kabullenilmeleri yönünde farkındalık kazandırılacakmıştır.