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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.5Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

The European dimension of higher education is promoted mainly in a form of common study programmes.

In Long-term Plan for Educational, Research, Development, Artistic and other Creative Activities of Higher Education Institutions for years  2016 - 2021 (SK) the Government of the Slovak Republic set a goal of supporting internationalisation of higher education institutions. This is to be done by extending possibilities in the existing scholarship schemes, mainly the National Scholarship Programme and financing Erasmus+ programme at the national level. This will enable two-way mobility of a higher number of students and higher education staff. Support of promotional activities by active participation in selected education fairs is a very important factor.

A review of the system of study fields in the area of higher education is currently underway. The change will bring higher flexibility as far as for example further creation of study programmes is concerned, that is, more simple adjustment of study programmes to the latest knowledge in a given field.


Subsidies for development projects – increasing quality of higher education by means of internationalisation

The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic provides subsidies for projects aiming at increasing quality of higher education by means of internationalisation. It aims at supporting increase in quality and competitiveness of higher education in the Slovak Republic by means of strengthening the international dimension in higher education, including teaching study programmes in foreign languages. It will enable schools to obtain subsidies to finance development projects.


Partnerships and networks   

Slovak higher education institutions are members of  EHEA ((European Higher Education Area EHEA) and are active in ERA (European Research Area –ERA).




  1. serves for documentation of abilities and experience acquired in other country,
  2. is helpful when searching for a job, applying for various educational programmes ,
  3. helps employers to evaluate job applicants' qualification,
  4. has a uniform structure, which makes it intelligible in other countries as well, 
  5. its accessibility and promotion is coordinated by the National Centre for Europass (NCE),
  6. consists of five documents (1. Europass - Resume (CV); 2. Europass – language portfolio; 3. Europass - mobility; 4. Europass – supplement to the certificate; 5. Europass – supplement to the diploma).

Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic – Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (SK) was authorised to perform activities of the National Centre for Europass.  



EUNIS Slovakia (SK) is an association whose mission is to create a platform for higher education institutions which would enable and support their cooperation with a goal of helping each other with development of quality information systems and solutions to other problems in the area of information technology use.  

EUNIS Slovakia's goal is the cooperation with national and international organisations dealing with using information technology at higher education institutions, particularly with European University Information Systems  Organisation EUNIS, of which it is a member. The association has a close relationship with a partner association  EUNIS-CZ from the Czech Republic.



The Accreditation Commission belongs to the INQAAHE network (The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education ), it is a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and it was registered in the European Register for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (EQAR).


CEEPUS – Network of cooperating higher education institutions

The cooperation takes place within the network consisting of at least three higher education institutions, at least two of which have to be from different CEEPUS programme member states.