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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and Governance at Central and/or Regional Level


2.Organisation and Governance

2.6Administration and Governance at Central and/or Regional Level

Last update: 16 June 2022

In Denmark, there are three levels of governance and administration. For further information on main executive and legislative bodies, please visit chapter 1.2.

  • Central level: The government consists of the prime minister and a number of ministers each responsible for a ministry.
  • Regional level: The five regions each have an elected regional council and a council chairperson.
  • Local level: The 98 municipalities are the local governments and each have an elected municipal council and a mayor.

The government at central level has the overall responsibility for education policies, provision of educational service and for laying out a common direction of the education area.

Central level responsibilities

In particular, two ministries are responsible for education:

Ministry of Children and Education

The Ministry of Children and Education is responsible for early childhood education and care (ECEC), primary and lower secondary education (Folkeskolen), upper secondary education, vocational education and training, adult education at ISCED level 2-3 and non-formal adult education.

The Ministry handles tasks related to policies, administration, operation, coordination and interaction, etc.

 The ministry consists of a department and two agencies:

The Department

  • Responsible for ministerial and management services, quality assurance and coordination of cases, strategy and development, media and press activities, and finance and legal affairs.

The National Agency of Education and Quality 

  • Responsible for educational supervision and for tasks within the ministry that require close cooperation with the institutions.

The National Agency for IT and Learning 

  • Responsible for tasks within the ministry that relates to digital learning and IT solutions in the education area.

Furthermore, the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) is an independent state institution established under the Ministry of Children and Education. EVA explores and develops the quality of day care centres, schools and educational programmes.

Ministry of Higher Education and Science

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science is responsible for higher education (ISCED level 4-7), science and innovation.

The Ministry handles tasks related to policies, administration, operation, coordination and interaction, etc.

The ministry consists of a department and an agency:

The Department

  • Responsible for ministerial and management services, supervision and coordination of cases, strategy and development, media and press activities, and finance and legal affairs.

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science 

  • Responsible for tasks within preparation and administration of grants for research, higher education and research-based innovation, as well as the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme.

Furthermore, the Danish Accreditation Institution (AI) and Study and Career Guidance Denmark (Studievalg Danmark) are independent state institutions established under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. AI ensures and develops quality of higher education programmes and institutions.

Study and Career Guidance Denmark is responsible for the provision of guidance to young people and adults about the choice of higher and vocational education in Denmark and prospective career opportunities.

Other ministries

Certain education programmes are under other ministries’ field of responsibility:

For further information, please visit chapter 1.2.

Regional level responsibilities

The five regions have a limited number of responsibilities in relation to education. The regions are responsible for:

  • Coordinating the general and vocational upper secondary education activities in the region.
  • Coordinating responsibility of adult education in the region.
  • Investing in quality development of adult and upper secondary education.

Local level responsibilities

The municipalities are responsible for institutions at ISCED levels 010-2. The municipalities are responsible for securing early childhood education and care (ECEC) and municipal primary and lower secondary education. They also employ teachers and school heads.

For information on administration and governance at institutional level, please visit chapter 2.7.