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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

Last update: 24 June 2022

In Denmark, upper secondary education programmes, also referred to as youth education programmes, can be divided into:

  • General upper secondary education programmes, which prepare students for higher education

  • Vocational upper secondary education and training programmes, which primarily prepare trainees for a career in a specific trade or industry

As shown in statistics on organisation and governance, 244 institutions offer the general upper secondary education programmes, which together have approximately 150.000 enrolled students. 117 institutions offer vocational upper secondary education with approximately 130.000 enrolled students.

General Upper Secondary Programmes

There are four academically oriented general upper secondary programmes:

All four programmes prepare students for higher education. The programmes aim at enhancing the students' independent and analytical skills as well as preparing them to become democratic and socially conscious citizens with a global outlook. Each of the education programmes has a core of compulsory subjects that apply for all students. With regards to the STX, HHX and HTX programmes, each school also offers a number of different specialised study programmes and elective subjects for students to choose from. The specialised study programme is of a longer duration than the basic programme.

The STX and HF programmes consist of a broad range of subjects in the fields of humanities, natural science and social science. With regards to the HF programme, students make their choices from among the elective subjects offered by the school. The curriculum and examinations must follow national standards and are subject to external evaluation.

The HHX programme focuses on business and socio-economic disciplines in combination with foreign languages and other general subjects. The HTX programme has its focus on technological and scientific subjects in combination with general subjects. The curricula of the HHX and HTX differ from those of STX and the HF in the sense that the HHX, besides some general upper secondary subjects, includes financial and business subjects, and the HTX technical subjects.

The STX and HF programmes are offered by general upper secondary schools. This sort of school is called a Gymnasium. Business and technical colleges offer the HHX and HTX programmes.

The provision governing general upper secondary education is the Consolidation act on General Upper Secondary Education. For more information (in Danish): Bekendtgørelse om de gymnasiale uddannelser.

Vocational Education

Vocational education and training in Denmark (VET) includes a vast range of programmes. The duration varies from one and a half year to five and a half years, the most typical being three and a half to four years. VET programmes are sandwich-type programmes. Theoretical and practical education at a vocational college alternates with practical training in an approved company or organisation.

In August 2015, a comprehensive reform of vocational education and training came into force with the aim of ensuring high quality vocational education and training as well as good opportunities for further education.

The VET programmes are divided into three tracks: one for young people called erhvervsuddannelse (EUD), one for adults over the age of 25 called erhvervsuddannelse for voksne (EUV) and one called erhvervsfaglig studentereksamen (EUX), which is a vocational education combined with general upper secondary courses.

Besides these three tracks, other forms of vocational education and training include basic educational and vocational training called erhvervsgrunduddannelse (EGU), production schools, combined post-compulsory education and særligt tilrettelagt ungdomsuddanelse (STU), which is youth education programme for young people with special needs.

The provision governing vocational education is the Consolidation Act on Vocational Education. For more information (in Danish): Bekendtgørelse af lov om erhvervsuddannelser.