Within the adult education programmes, there are several diploma degrees (corresponding to the level of bachelor degrees) and master programmes (corresponding to the level of candidatus programmes) within the pedagogical field which, among others, are aimed towards educators and teachers in the Folkeskole, upper-secondary education and adult education sector. The programmes are fee-based, part time and usually take place at university colleges or universities. The normal requirements are usually an upper-secondary education or a higher education as well as work experience.
Uddannelsesguiden 2019. Diplomuddannelser (Diploma programmes). (Online). Available at: https://www.ug.dk/uddannelser/diplomuddannelser (Accessed 11 February 2020).
Uddannelsesguiden 2019. Masteruddannelser (Master programmes). (Online). Available at: https://www.ug.dk/uddannelser/masteruddannelser (Accessed 11 February 2020).