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Main types of provision


8.Adult education and training

8.4Main types of provision

Last update: 9 June 2022

Adult Education and Training is mainly provided or within the formal education system at General Formal Adult Learning  Settings (Second Chance Schools), or at the post-lower secondary education and training (Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED) or at post-secondary vocational training (Vocational Training Institutes/IEK and Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme) at Higher Education or at Public Lifelong Learning Centres/KDVM) or with programmes for adult learning provided at municipality level as well as via Higher Education Institutions’ programs.

Provision to raise achievement in basic skills

Scholeia defteris efkairias - second chance schools

Second Chance schools were established in 1997 by law 2525/1997. According to Law 4763/2020, they are in the responsibility of the General Secretariat for Vocational Education and Training, Life Long Learning and Youth/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, which forms their educational framework and superintends them. To enroll one must have reached the minimum age of 18 years and at the same time one must have not completed compulsory education, having obtained a primary school leave certificate. Attendance is free of change.   Second Chance Schools aims are: 

  1. completion of compulsory education for people that have reached the minimum age of 18 years.  
  2. connection of learners to the education and training systems.
  3. acquisition of current knowledge, skills and attitudes that can help to their socio-economic inclusion and advancement.
  4. reinforcement of learners’ self-esteem and
  5. contribution to their inclusion or improvement of workplace  status.  

Second Chance Schools curricula are open and flexible and aims at providing knowledge and developing skills and attitudes. The main core of the curricula comprises subjects-literacies, aligned with the 8 basic competencies of the European Reference Framework.  Within Second Chance Schools can operate preparatory classes for participating to the exams that lead to the acquisition of the primary school leave certificate as well as preparatory classes for teaching Greek Language for immigrants and refugees in order to enroll at Second Chance Schools. 

The curriculum is intensive and lasts 18 months.  It is divided into two nine-month periods (two school years).  The weekly schedule covers 21 teaching hours, which take place in the evening, between 4:30 or 5:00 and 8.30 or 9.00.  Successful completion of studies is certified by a certificate equivalent to the lower secondary education leaving certificate.  The curriculum is flexible and open, allowing for a constant re-dedefinition of goals and modification of content, in order to adapt to students’ needs.

Teaching methods are innovative and based on the different way in which adults acquire knowledge, as well as their unique characteristics.  These specific methods allow for an experiential approach to knowledge, group learning and interdisciplinary approaches.  Students do not only acquire knowledge, but also social competences like communication, co-operation, problem solving, etc.  Moreover, they are supported in their learning path by the second chance school's counselling services, an innovative institution which entails a psychologist and a career counsellor for each school.

Taught courses are:

  •     Greek Language
  •     Mathematics
  •     Information Technology
  •     English Language
  •     Social Education
  •     Environmental Education
  •     Natural Sciences
  •     Arts Education

For the best functioning of Second chance schools the following advisory bodies have been institutionalized: a) the Career Counselor, who provides personalized and group Counselling to facilitate and support learners for entering or re-entering into the labour market  and (b) the Phychologist-Councelor, who intervenes in a supportive way for individuals of groups that address difficulties within this education framework and also supports the teaching staff to face the problems that arise. 

Second chance schools are co-funded by European and national resources, through the operational programmes of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. There are 66 Second Chance Schools (and 22 Branches) and 12 Second Chance Schools located within correctional institutions. Second Chance Schools operate at all Districts.  During school year 2020-2021 there were 5.352 learners enrolled at Second Chance Schools and in January 2022 there were 4.634 learners.

Provision to achieve a recognised qualification during adulthood certification

Scholeia defteris efkarias - second chance schools

Scholeia defteris efkarias -SDE (second chance schools) are an institution which was established as a means of addressing social exclusion.  They target citizens of 18 years of age or older who have not completed compulsory education and hence, face the danger of social exclusion and marginalisation.

This institution offers graduates the opportunity to be smoothly integrated in the social, financial and professional structures, as they are granted a certification equivalent to the lower secondary education leaving certificate, which is recognized by the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) and corresponds to level ISCED 2.

Post-lower secondary Vocational Education and Training

Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED

By Law 4763/2020 are created new learning pathways at all levels (3-5) of the National/European Qualifications Framework. Post-lower secondary Vocational Education and Training of level 3 is provided at Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED. The main aims of the mentioned above schools are:

  1. to provide vocational education and training services for graduates that hold a certificate of compulsory education or any equivalent certificate
  2. to confront early school leaving, upskill basic skills of holders of compulsory education certificates or equivalent certificates and include them to the labour market 
  3. to care for the inclusion of vulnerable social groups to professional life (regarding Vocational Training Schools/ESK). 

Attendance at Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED last two years and includes Grade A and Grade B. At Grade A can enroll without exams Gymnasio leave certificate holders or holders of any other equivalent certificate. At Grade B can enroll trainees that have progressed form Grade A. 

Grades A and B of Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED are organized in specialization classes. Each specialization includes practical training or work based learning, according to the Training Guide. 

Attendance is free of charge.   Pubic Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED can provide in person or distance vocational training, synchronous or asynchronous or mixed distance education and training, according to the Training Guides for the training specializations. 

Each trainee can attend only one Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED. Trainees cannot enroll and attend at the same time other structures of education and training. 

Trainees that successfully complete the attendance at one Vocational Training Schools/ESK and Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED receive a VET Degree/Πτυχίο, Level 3 (certification is required). 

Public Vocational Training Schools/ESK of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, with regard to their responsibilities, staff and logistic infrastructure are established by Law 4763/2020 and will operate as decentralized bodies incumbent on the Secretariat General for Vocation Education and Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. At the moment Vocational Training Schools/ESK have not yet been established, given that law 4763 was recently put in force. 

Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED operate based of law 4763/2020. 

Attendance last two years. EPAS learners in the morning attend the “work-based learning program” (work placement in enterprises) that lasts 6 hours and, in the evening, (in the schools) they attend theoretical and laboratory courses in pertinent specializations.

Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED successfully implement the dual Apprenticeship system since 1952. Apprentices acquire vocational experience in real working conditions in enterprises of all domains of national economy and in plenty technical specializations.

At Vocational Apprenticeship Schools/EPAS of OAED can enroll Gymnasio leave certificate holders or holders of any other equivalent certificate, age15-29. For their admission the following criteria are taken into account: grade of certificate leave, social criteria (such as family with many children, family with three children, orphan learners, law family income, etc).

The Act ‘EPAS OAED Apprenticeship/Work placement’ is part of the Operational Programme ‘Human Recourse Development, Education & Lifelong Learning”-  Executive Structure Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 and is co-funded by the European Social Fund.

Currently 50 OAED EPAS are operating as well as 6 Experimental EPAS (tourism domain). During the year 2021 there were 7.645 apprentices.

Vocational Education: Epangelmatika lykeia - EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) and Special needs vocational lower – upper secondary education schools (ΕΝΕΕGy-L)  

During school year 2021-2022, Day Epangelmatika lykeia - EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) attend 78.491 students (11.603 adults included in the previous number), Model EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) attend 786 students (11 adults included in the previous number), Evening Epangelmatika lykeia - EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) attend  24.434 students (23.853 adults included in the previous number) and  Special needs vocational lower – upper secondary education schools (ΕΝΕΕGy-L)  attend 3.598 students (1.795 adults included in the previous number).   Further information for these education structures are provided in Chapters 6 and 12. 

Post-secondary Vocational Training

Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis - Vocational Training Institutes

Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK are established in 1992 (Law 2009/1992).  Public Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, with regard to their responsibilities, staff and logistic infrastructure operate as decentralized bodies incumbent on the Secretariat General for Vocation Education and Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (Law 4763/2020).  Their aim lies in:

  1. Providing initial vocational training for graduates of non-compulsory secondary education, as well as for holders of equivalent certificates
  2. Ensuring the acquisition of equivalent qualifications by teaching scientific, technical, vocational and practical knowledge and developing the relevant skills to facilitate their professional inclusion and to secure their adjustment to the changing need of the productive procedure. 

Attendance at Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK lasts the minimum (4) semesters and cannot exceed 5 semesters in total (including the period of   practical training or work based learning). Training of graduates of Epangelmatika lykeia - EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) or holder of any other equivalent certification of vocational education, lasts at Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK from 2 up to 3 semesters ((including the period of including the period of   practical training or work based learning), provided that the trainees have specialized in the same vocational domain of Epangelmatika lykeia - EPAL (vocational upper secondary schools) or any other equivalent structure of secondary vocational education. 

Attendance at public Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK is free of charge. To secure unhampered attendance and its completion scholarships can be granted to trainees of public  Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affaris, , upon social and financial criteria. 

EOPPEP is also responsible for the definition of the graduates' professional rights. At Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK are provided specializations that are defined based on local labor market and the developmental priorities of the national economy.  According to Law 4763/2020, Experimental and Thematic  Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK can be established. Experimental Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK mission is to promote the development and experimental implementation of an innovative model of operation based on special requirements (especially concerning educational methodology). A more specific mission of each Thematic IEK is the pilot development and promotion of vocational training specialisations that correspond to a certain developmental domain of economy.  The same Law gives Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK the ability to provide in person or distance vocational training, synchronous or asynchronous or mixed distance education and training, according to the Training Guides for the training specializations. Public Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK can organize foreign language classes for foreigners, aged 18 and above that are holders of equivalent certificates of those holded by graduates of non- compulsory secondary education.  Trainees that successfully complete the attendance at Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK receive a Diploma of Vocational Specialization, Education and Training of Level 5 (certification is required). IEK graduates that hold a Diplomaof Vocational Specialization, Education and Training of Level 5 (certification is required) of the National Qaulifications Framework or any other equivalent certificate can be placed at Higher Education Departments of a pertinent specialization to their certificate.  Operational expenditure, expenditure for teaching materials, amenities  and trainers’ payments of public IEK can be financed both by national and European Union resources.  There are currently 126 Public Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis/IEK of the  Ministry of Education  and Religious Affairs and 23.355 trainees attend them.

Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme

The Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme started to operate in a pilot mode in 2017 (Law 4386/2016).  According to Law 4763/2020, Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme is implemented within the domain of the the Secretariat General for Vocation Education and Training, Lifelong Learning and Youth of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. SPAEE are responsible at district level for issues related to the support of the Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme.  Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme classes operate at EPAL schools.   Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme’s aim is:

  1. To provide services for initial vocational training for graduates of non- compulsory secondary vocational education as well as for holders of equivalent certificates
  2. Reskilling vocational qualifications for graduates of non- compulsory secondary vocational education, through a learning path that deploys the existing vocational knowledge, skills and competences
  3. Further reinforce the inclusion of graduates of non- compulsory secondary vocational education to the labor market by acquiring work experience deploying the apprenticeship methodology. 

At the programme can enroll in order of priority:

  1. holders of EPAL and ΕΝΕΕGy-L   leave certificate and degree/πτυχίο as well as holders of equivalent certificates in related specialisations 
  2. holders of mainstream upper secondary schools (GEL) and EPAL degree in related specialisations.   

The programme lasts in sum 11 months and starts on the 1 September the first of each year and ends on the 31 July of the following year. 

The applied apprenticeship methodology includes: a) apprenticeship with work based learing that comprises minimum 50% of the total programme duration and b) laboratory specialization courses at EPAL School Laboratory (ΣΕ) or at a Laboratory Centre (EK). EPAL schools are responsible for the Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme implementation. The distribution between the laboratory classes and the work based learning is defined at the Training  Guide for each specialization.

When the Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme is completed graduates receive from school units a Certificate of Successful Training (BEK) after being assessed for the laboratory course and for the work- based learning programme. The Certificate of Successful Training is a prerequisite for participating at the exams for certification of qualifications and acquisition of diploma/ίδπλωμα of vocational  specialization, education and training of level 5 (exams are annually run by EOPPEP). Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme graduates can optionally attend a Preparative Certification Programme (ΠΠΠ), that last 35 hours, for their thorough preparation for participating at the procedures of qualifications certification and acquisition of a level 5 certificate. 

 Graduates can be placed at IEK pertinent specializations with an exemption from courses already taught or can be placed at another semester than the first one and at pertinent IEK specializations.  

Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme graduates that after a successful exam of initial vocational training certification hold a Diploma of Vocational Specialisation, Education and Training of Level 5 of the National Qualifications Framework can be placed at Higher Education Departments of a pertinent specialization to their diploma.

 Post-Secondary – Apprenticeship Programme can be financed both by national and European Union resources. 

In April 2022 there are approximately 2.800 apprentices.

Further information are available at Chapter 6.

Provision targeting the transition to the labour market

(Provision of non -formal learning)

A basic priority for the Special Service NSRF (Executive Structure Partnership Agreement) of the Ministry for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity-Division of Employment and Social Economy is to respond to the necessity of reinforcing employability to reduce unemployment and the risk of social exclusion.

It aims at empowering unempowering the unemployed by reinforcing their skills to enter/re-enter into labour market in qualitative and sustainable working positions in the dynamic fields of Greek economy, taking into account the developmental priorities of the country and the European directions for ganging and   enriching the productive model that derives from economy’s transformation. Therefore, the Special Service NSRF (Executive Structure Partnership Agreement) of the Ministry for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity-Division of Employment and Social Economy focuses on Active Employment Policies and places emphasis on planning and implementing  training programs for upgrading knowledge and skills, aims at human resource’s  inclusion or/ and re-inclusion, or/and improvement of their status into the labour market to respond to working setting that are shaped by technological development, digital economy, climate change, etc.

Within this framework, the Special Service NSRF (Executive Structure Partnership Agreement) of the Ministry for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity-Division of Employment and Social Economy plans and implements:

  • intergrated interventions for inclusion/re-inclusion into the labour market

Integrated interventions focus on energetic policies for the training of the unemployed in skills that are consistent with modern and anticipated labour market needs in combination with their personal needs and interests. At the same time they pay attention to the groups with high unemployment rates or/and difficulties to the inclusion/reinclusion into the labour markets such as NEETs, women and long-term unemployed. 

 These interventions constitute a cohesive bundle of services for the unemployed that include vocational counselling, counselling support, theoretical training and job placement (mainly in private sector enterprises) that their activities are consistent with the training domain, accredited knowledge and skills that were acquired during the training. The number of vocational counselling sessions, the duration of the entire training programme (theory and practice) as well as the structure of the provided services for the unemployed may vary depending on the training subjects and or the specific features of the target group.

•Theoretical training courses

Similarly to the integrated interventions approach, programmes that include vocational counselling services and theoretical training are planned and implemented that can also have to do with “soft”/ “horizontal” skills or other vocational specializations in the domain of services (according to the 79732/27-07-2020 Framework of qualitative specifications for planning and implementing Continuous Vocational Training  programs co-funded by the European Social fund).

•Community service pogrammes

Their main aim is to reinforc  inclusion/re- inclusion of the unemployed into the labour market by employing then in job placements related to community service and training to reinforce and upgrade their skills and qualifications.

Within this framework, emphasis is placed upon groups that face high risk of social exclusion (such as the long term unemployed, the low-qualified unemployed, the older age unemployed) that initially need to work in a ‘protected environment’, maintaining  and upgrading at the same time their employability aiming at their inclusion/re-inclusion into the labor market.

Therefore, community service programmes combine counselling support, work experience via a job placement related to community service and training that leads to accredited knowledge and skills. This training includes recently enriched training subjects to further reinforce the energetic character of community service and the unemployed prospect to enter/reenter into the labour market (transforming passive to energetic policies).

The methodology for implementing these programs includes:

•the training voucher system that is about the operation of a system of provision and management of training services and other related to its services

•the training voucher incorporates a set economic value exclusively aiming at the exchange with services that each act foresees. These services will be provided to the unemployed by the training provider on condition that both the unemployed and the provider have registered to the correspondent registers (upon criteria). 

•other systems that are developed within consortia (between beneficiaries).

Vocational training voucher

In the context of programmes co-funded by resources of Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), the Special Service NSRF (Executive Structure Partnership Agreement) of the Ministry for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity-Division of Employment and Social Economy has developed the system “vocational training voucher”. The Vocational Training Voucher contains sub-programmes which target unemployed individuals of various professional fields, while the duration, content and the geographical distribution across the country varies from programme to programme. The purpose is to achieve a structured entry to the labour market for unemployed individuals, which will potentially lead to their placement in positions in the economy's private sector.  There are criteria and procedures outlined in each programme.  Therefore, every unemployed individual who is chosen and wishes, can be registered in a registry of beneficiaries and is entitled to a Labour Market Voucher which allows him/her the opportunity to receive continuous vocational training services (theory and practice). It includes:

  1.     A theoretical education programme
  2.     An internship in the private sector of the economy aiming at the inclusion and smooth integration of the trainee in the working environment of the company. The duration of the internship cannot exceed 6 months in total
  3.     Support and counselling services for the guidance of trainees by the training provider, before and during the internship, which concern:
    •        The identification and appropriate matching of the educational needs/competences of the trainees with the needs of companies.
    •        The placement, monitoring and supervision of the trainee by the training provider during the internship, through the supervisor of the internship.
    •       Additional services for the transformation of the trainees' internship into an employment contract and their placement in the company where they have completed their internship.

Provision of liberal (popular) adult education

Public Lifelong Learning Centres/KDVM)

According to Law 4763/2020, Public Lifelong Learning Centres are bodies that provide services within the framework of non- formal learning.  They provide for adults:

  1. Continuous vocational training
  2. Reskilling
  3. Upskilling
  4. General adult education 

For the best functioning of Second chance schools the following advisory bodies have been institutionalized:

  1. the Career Counsellor, who provides personalized and group Counselling to facilitate and support learners for entering or re-entering into the labour market  and
  2. the Phychologist-Councellor, who intervenes in a supportive way for individuals of groups that address difficulties within this education framework and also supports the teaching staff to face the problems that arise. 

Public Lifelong Learning Centres can be established and have to dispose and maintain the basic educational amenities, digital technology infrastructures and defined human resources.  Concerning progammes attendance at Public Lifelong Learning Centres a cohesive framework is created. For example:

  • Continuous vocational training or general adult education programmes have a theoretical or a laboratory part or both parts (or/and practical training). The total programme duration is defined in each call/proclamation of the project beneficiaries.
  • Career guidance and orientation services are closely linked to training services and aim at the development of individual plan for upskilling, at preparation for practical training (if foreseen) and in access and stay at work. 
  • Programmes provided with distance learning methods are accompanied by teaching materials in digital form. 

Succesful attendance of a certified Public Lifelong Learning Centres programme leads to receiving an attendance and certification certificate.  

As Law 4763/2020 was recently put in force, Public Lifelong Learning Centres have not yet been established. 

Lifelong learning  programmes at municipalities

It is an EU co-funded programme, which has been applied intermittently during the last years, focusing on education and lifelong learning for all ages, with a view to fostering a positive attitude towards learning, promoting equal opportunities in accessing education, encouraging the productive use of free time, increasing accessibility chances in the labour market, and finally, linking or re-linking those who did not complete compulsory education with adult education. According to the principles of equality of opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of race or origin, religion or belief, disability, gender and age, the education programmes administered by lifelong learning centres are suitable for all adults (unemployed and employed people, regardless of gender, attainment level, country of origin, religion, place of residence), young people, students, etc. The only requirements are genuine interest in acquiring knowledge and active participation.

Independent learning classes for vulnerable social groups (Romani, prisoners, muslim minorities, migrants - repatriates, disabled) have been set up for full and equal integration into society.

Certain municipalities will implement general adult education programmes with learning activities taking place at national and local level. National programmes selected by municipalities concern the following themes:

  •     Economy - Entrepreneurship
  •     Quality of life - Environment
  •     New Technologies
  •     Language and Communication
  •     Social Skills and Actions
  •     Culture and Art
  •     Vulnerable Social Group Programmes

Local programmes proposed by municipalities are based on local needs and aim to foster residents' economic, social, cultural and personal development. There are approximately 186 municipalities providing programmes. From July 2019 until the end of March 2022 614 programmes have been completed. These programmes are expected to be continued unlit 2023.  The Lifelong Learning Centres Scheme for National and Local Programmes AP7 & AP8 is part of the Education and Lifelong Learning Entrepreneurship Programme administered by the Ministry of Education and is co-funded by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and national resources.

Other types of publicly subsidised provision for adult learners

Hellenic open university

The Hellenic Open University (HOU) was founded by Law 2083/1992 and the fundamental issues concerning its operation are defined by law 2552/1997. Its mission lies in providing distant undergraduate and graduate education and training by developing and deploying the appropriate teaching materials and teaching methodology. HOU as a Greek institution of higher education is independent and completely autonomous. It is supervised by the State, and more specifically by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs.

Attendance is in the form of distance teaching, where students receive educational material (printed, audiovisual, and in some cases electronic), which they study at their own time.  Students are required to write essays (according to the subject of their studies) and participate in the final exams at the end of their ten-month studies on each subject unit.  The final exams take place after completion of each module and are repeated once.  These exams are conducted in the headquarters of the HOU, as well as in other cities.  In the context of studies, group counselling meetings are organised in the main cities of the country, so as to cover the largest possible student population across the country.

The HOU consists of the following schools:

  •     Humanities
  •     Social Sciences
  •     Science & Technology
  •     Applied Arts and Sustainable Design.

In order to enrol at an undergraduate programme of the HOU, students are required to have obtained an upper secondary education leaving certificate or an equivalent or corresponding certificate of secondary education, either in Greece or abroad.  Students above 23 years of age are admitted by priority.  Students with special needs are also admitted in the HOU at a percentage of 5%, in addition to the pre-determined available positions.

If needed, an electronic draw may also be performed, because the number of available positions is usually smaller than the number of interested candidates. A public prosecutor is present in order to ensure the integrity of the procedure.

HOU provides:

  •     Bachelor degree, for the acquisition of which the successful attendance of and examination in at least 12 modules are necessary (ISCED 6)
  •     Master's degree (ISCED 7) for the acquisition of which the successful attendance and examination in at least 4 modules are necessary
  •     PhD degree (ISCED 8).  In order to obtain a PhD degree, a student must hold a relevant master's degree and write a doctoral thesis
  •     Certificate of Undergraduate Education. It may be granted to undergraduate students who have enrolled in HOU in order to attend an undergraduate education programme of a specific duration, shorter than that required for the acquisition of a bachelor degree
  •     Postgraduate Education Certificate. It may be granted to postgraduate students who have enrolled in HOU in order to attend a postgraduate education programme of a specific duration, shorter than that required for the acquisition of a master's degree
  •     Certificate of Attendance and Laboratory of a Subject Unit. These are granted to HOU students following a relevant application and under the condition that they succeed in the examination of one or more subject units.

HOU’s resources derive from the State’s regular budget, the public investment programme, European, international and transnational programmes, its property development as well as student participation payment (that are linked to the implementation of the system for distant teaching/article 9, law 2552/1997).

During the academic year 2021-2022 HOU students are 44.208. Their age ranges as follows: 

  1. ages 18-24: 1176 students 
  2. ages 25-30: 6505  students
  3. ages 31-35: 6425 students
  4. ages 36-40: 7615 students
  5. ages 41-54: 8225 students
  6. ages 46-50: 6547 students
  7. ages 51-55: 4113 students
  8. ages 56-60:1683 students 
  9. ages 61-65: 532 students
  10. ages above  66: 207 students.