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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training


8.Adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

Greece does not have a long-standing tradition in providing non-formal education for adults.

The Greek accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1981 helped the development of this form of provision.  The goal was to improve the competences of the workforce beyond the formal stages of education.

Until 1993, ESF financing was largely channeled to the "popular education" network of 300 liberal adult education centres operating throughout the country.

Between 1994 and 1999, adult education rigorously applied the European Social Fund (ESF) guidelines. The aim was to ensure public funding for the development of a system of Continuing Vocational Training (CVET).

From 2000 onwards, the implementation of new policies and initiatives, within a lifelong learning policy framework, covers different forms of education and training.  The latter enable adults to develop and reorient their education on the basis of varying individual needs.

Based on this context, the holistic concept of general adult education was introduced (law 3879/2010, article 2). It includes all organised learning activities addressed to adults that seek to:

  •     Enrich their knowledge
  •     Develop abilities and skills
  •     Grow their personality
  •     Develop active citizenship.

A large number of institutions, fully or partly subsidised by the state, provided general adult education.

The Secretariat General for Vocational Education and Training, Life Long Learning and Youth/Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, reorganized by law 4763/2020, is the mainly responsible thematic Secretariat of the Ministry for Adult Education and Training

There are also a number of bodies and organisations that operate as legal entities of public and/or private law. The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs superintends them: