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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Funding in education


3.Funding in education

Last update: 9 June 2022

In Greece, education is provided free of charge at all three levels of education, primary, secondary and higher education, and is funded primarily through the state budget and resources of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. The state budget consists of two parts: 

  • the Ordinary Budget covering operating expenses and the 
  • Public Investment Budget that finances the Public Investment Program (PIP) for the country's development policy with projects that contribute to its growth and modernization on a long-term basis, covering infrastructure costs (buildings, equipment, co-financed actions, etc.). The PIP is divided into the national part financed from purely national resources and the co-financed part financed from national and EU resources or other organisms. Law 4635/2019 (A 167) established the National Development Program (PSC) for the monitoring and control of the interventions financed from the national resources of the Public Investment Program (PIP). The Ministry of Education prepares the Sectoral Development Program (TPA) in its area of responsibility and thus can plan on time the projects that correspond to its policies as well as finance them. The Sectoral Development Program of YPAITH was approved and activated on July 26, 2021 and its programming period has a duration of five years. More information can be found here

Adult education and training is also funded through the state budget and resources of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs with the largest share being covered by the co-financed part of the PIP through the implementation of the NSRF operational programs. Early childhood education and care is provided in infant care (vrefikoi stathmoi), infant/child care (vrefonipiakoi stathmoi) and child care centres (paidikoi stathmoi) within the competence of Municipalities  and funding mainly from the state budget through resources of the Ministry of Interior allocated for this purpose in the Municipalities of the country. Private expenditure on education covers educational services provided by private schools, which operate in parallel to Primary and Secondary Education public schools but also private education offered by private Vocational Training Institutes (Institouta Epangelmatikis Katartisis –IEK) and Colleges in adult education and private structures of early childhood education and care. Household expenses cover, on one hand, the cost for tutorial services provided by private institutions, which offer parallel teaching of school subjects and foreign language courses and on the other hand, the cost for private tuition or other privately instructed activities. The table below shows the total allocation for funding education included in the ordinary budget and the Program of Public Investment for the financial year 2021, at current prices:



 Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs: Public Expenditure on Education (in bn. Euros)


Ordinary Budget: 4.895.100.000


Public Investment: 710.000.000 National:110.000.000  Co-financed: 600.000.000 


 Total Expenditure: 5.605.100.000

The tables below show in detail the distribution of costs at each educational level according to the appropriations entered in the Ordinary and the Public Investment budget:

Year Primary, Secondary and Special Needs Education
2021Ordinary Budget3.583.883.500
2021Public Investment

29.500.000   National

531.717.000  Co-financed

YearHigher Education
2021Ordinary Budget888.063.000
2021Public Investment

67.300.000   National

33.338.000   Co-financed

YearLifelong Learning
2021Ordinary Budget56.420.000
2021Public Investment

2.050.000   National

30.180.000  Co-financed

Source: State budget 2021

The table below shows the budget of the Ministry’s Sectoral Development Program which amounts to six hundred and twenty (620) million euros, according to the approved National Development Program for the years 2021-2025:

Sectoral Development ProgramBudget Appropriation
Social Development581.800.000,000000581.800.000,00

Source: Sectoral Development Program