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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.2Mobility in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Student mobility

Student mobility through scholarship programmes

Scholarships granted by the ministry of education

The Directorate of Organisational and Academic Development of the Ministry of Education is responsible for: 

  • awarding scholarships in line with bilateral cultural agreements 
  • as well as grants based on bequests.

Scholarships granted by the state scholarships foundation

The State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) is the designated national agency for scholarships since 1951, awarding scholarships at undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral levels. All relevant information is available on the IKY website. Indicatively, the following actions are mentioned:

  1. Manages a small number of bequest grants for postgraduate studies and academic/doctoral research in Greece or abroad. The grant-holder selection process is based on written tests or other criteria determined by the bequest’s terms and conditions as well as the current legislation on bequests.
  2. Awards grants for doctoral and post-doctoral research and training at the European University Institute in Florence.
  3. Awards scholarships to foreign nationals for postgraduate and post-doctoral studies.
  4. Awards scholarships for Modern Greek Language and Culture courses. This programme is intended for foreign nationals, holders of a graduate degree from a non-Greek university outside Greece, who do not permanently reside in Greece.  Courses and seminars are being offered since 1992.  From 2006 and onwards candidates from all over the world join activities.  Award is of 8 months duration (usually from October to May) and takes place in any of the public universities in Greece.  It covers all levels of language competency. The programme also includes cultural events and educational visits to Greek sites of historical interest.  A certificate of attendance is awarded upon completion of the programme. The scholarship covers accommodation and living expenses, tuition fees and subsistence, health insurance (public healthcare only), a monthly allowance of 150 Euro and a one-off 200 Euro allowance covering expenses incurred on arrival.
  5. Awards scholarships for Greek expatriates studying (at bachelor or postgraduate level) at the Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Boston and Greeks studying at Theology schools in Greece; they cover expenses for a study period spent in Greece and Boston by the afore-mentioned student categories respectively.  Duration of studies, student attendance and course units obtained at the destination university are fully validated and recognised by the sending university.
  6. Awards scholarships of Greek-French Cooperation for higher studies in France.

Scholarships granted by other state bodies

A small number of scholarships for undergraduate or postgraduate studies are also awarded through other public agencies:

  • Τhe Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Hellenic Institute for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies in Venice funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education.

Scholarships and bequests by private institutions

There is a significant number of private foundations that award grants and bequests for higher education and postgraduate studies in specific areas.  This is an indicative list of such foundations:

  • Bodossaki Foundation
  • Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
  • Fullbright Foundation.

Erasmus+ european programme student mobility

Erasmus+ student mobility is promoted through the following actions:

  • Key Action 1 - «Learning Mobility οf Individuals»- Mobility Project for Higher Education Students

This action supports physical and blended mobility of higher education students in any study fields and cycle (short cycle, bachelor, master and doctoral levels). Students can either study abroad at a partner higher education institution or carry out a traineeship in an enterprise, a research institute, a laboratory, an organisation or any other relevant workplace abroad. Students can also combine a study period abroad with a traineeship, further enhancing the learning outcomes and development of transversal skills. While long term physical mobility is strongly encouraged, this action recognises the need to offer more flexible physical mobility duration to ensure the programme is accessible to students from all backgrounds, circumstances and study fields.

The objective is to foster employability, social inclusion, civic engagement, innovation and environmental sustainability in Europe and beyond by enabling any student to have the opportunity to study or train abroad as part of their studies in order to:

  • expose students to different views, knowledge, teaching and research methods as well as work practices in their study field
  • develop their transversal skills such as communication, language, problem solving, inter-cultural skills and research skills
  • develop their forward looking skills, such as digital skills, that will enable them to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow
  • facilitate personal development such as the ability to adapt to new situations and self-confidence.

Student mobility can be carried out in any study field and cycle (short cycle/bachelor/master/doctoral). To ensure high-quality mobility activities with maximum impact on the students, the mobility activity has to be compatible with the student’s degree-related learning and personal development needs.

Students may carry out the activities described below:

  • A study period abroad at a partner higher education institution. The study period abroad must be part of the student's study programme to complete a degree at any study cycle. A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well. Such a combination creates synergies between the academic and professional experience abroad.
  • A traineeship (work placement, internship) abroad in an enterprise, a research institute, a laboratory, an organisation or any other relevant workplace. Traineeships abroad are supported during studies at any study cycle and for recent graduates. This also includes teaching assistantships for student teachers and research assistantships for students and doctoral candidates in any relevant research facility. To further enhance the synergies with Horizon Europe, these mobilities can also take place in the context of Horizon Europe funded research projects, in full respect of the principle of no double EU funding of activities. Wherever possible, the traineeships should be an integrated part of the student's study programme.

Student mobility for studies: from 2 months (or one academic term or trimester) to 12 months. This can include a complementary traineeship period, if planned, and may be organised in different ways depending on the context: either one activity after the other or both at the same time. The combination follows the funding rules and minimum duration of study mobility

Student mobility for traineeships: from 2 to 12 months.

The sending and receiving organisations, together with the students/staff, must have agreed on the activities to be undertaken by the students - in a 'Learning Agreement' - or by staff members - in a 'Mobility Agreement' - prior to the start of the mobility period. These agreements define the target learning outcomes for the learning period abroad, specify the formal recognition provisions of each party. The rights and obligations are set out in the grant agreement. When the activity is between two higher education institutions (student mobility for studies including blended mobility, and staff mobility for teaching), an 'inter-institutional agreement' has to be in place between the sending and the receiving institutions before the exchanges can start.

All available and necessary information is described in the Erasmus+ Program Guide which is published on the IKY website.

  • International student mobility

The primary objective of the Mobility Action in Higher Education is to support mobility activities between EU Member States and third countries associated with the program — the European dimension.

  • Intensive short courses

These are intensive short-term programs that employ innovative learning and teaching methods, including the use of online collaboration. These programs may include challenge-based learning, in which transnational and interdisciplinary teams work together to address challenges, such as challenges related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or other societal challenges identified by regions, municipalities or companies.

  • Mixed student mobility

In the case of mixed student mobility, activities may include participation in courses offered in the form of mixed learning at any partner higher education institution, online training and assignments, or participation in intensive mixed mobility programs.

Scholarships from foreign bodies

Greek citizens can receive scholarships from foreign bodies such as embassies, state scholarship foundations, international organisations, etc. IKY acts as an information hub for such scholarships.  Interested parties may be informed on their own initiative in accordance with the corresponding invitations. IKY has partnered with the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN in order to deliver grants for participation into CERN educational programmes.

Academic staff mobility

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs supports the exchange and mobility of academic staff through the following framework:

Law 4009/2011

According to law 4009/2011, professors are entitled to receive fully paid scientific leaves for up to one year for every 6 years of service or for up to 6 months for every 3 years of service.  The scientific leave is granted by a dean's act, upon the rector’s recommendation, which refers to the way in which the educational needs of the curricula of the courses, in which the applicant professor the scientific leave participates, can be covered. The application for an educational leave is accompanied by the proposed programme of scientific activity.  After the expiry of their leave, the professor submits to the rector or to his deputy a report on the implementation of the programme he had proposed. Professors, who, during their scientific leave, cooperate with HEIs or other institutions abroad without pay, are entitled to their full salary increased by 80%.  After the end of their scientific leave, they are are obliged to remain at their institution for at least 3 years. Professors are also entitled to unpaid leave. During the period of unpaid leave, all pension, health insurance and other arrangements are covered by them. The total duration of unpaid leaves may not exceed 3 years. Information concerning the participation of professors in mobility projects abroad in the framework of scientific leave are kept at the higher education institutions.

Private initiatives of higher education institutions

Higher education institutions implement mobility projects for academic staff in the framework of bilateral agreements – partnerships that institutions themselves develop on their own initiative, as well as through participation in international organisations with a view at 

  • promoting cooperation between higher education institutions 
  • and at promoting quality and research in particular areas of interest.

Moreover, academic staff mobility takes place through participation in international conferences abroad and within the country. Furthermore, administrative staff participate in mobility programmes for vocational training purposes.  Mobility programmes are addressed to academic staff, researchers and administrative staff and are coordinated and funded by the special and ordinary account of the higher education institution. Moreover, in the context of joint postgraduate studies programmes and preparation of doctoral thesis with the co-supervision between greek higher education institutions and the respective foreign Institutions (law 3685/2008), there is provision for mobility of academic staff to provide research work. The specific information on the level of participation in these activities, the financial aid and recognition of the mobility period abroad, is in the competency of the higher education institutions that organise such activities.

Bilateral educational agreements and bilateral cultural exchange programmes

Bilateral Educational Agreements between Greece and other countries set the legal framework for cooperation. They are designed so as: 

  • to establish mutual understanding between the parties involved 
  • and to promote cooperation in various scientific fields.  

The countries involved, through diplomatic channels, commit themselves to support the implementation of educational programmes, which promote mobility and encourage the development of contacts and networking among teaching and research staff, as well as other scientists that belong to higher education institutions. Bilateral cultural exchange programmes are awarded based on bilateral cultural agreements that Greece and other countries have signed and aim to promote cooperation between the academies of science and higher education institutions, by: 

  • implementing joint research projects, 
  • participating in international scientific conferences, 
  • exchanging teachers and research scientists 
  • and sharing information on issues falling under their competence.

The duration of the scientists' stay in the host country is 7 days on average. The services which are responsible for organising, coordinating, financing and implementing these programmes are:

  1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  2. the Greek embassies abroad,
  3. the State Scholarships Foundation and
  4. the Department D, Students Affairs and Scholarships of the Directorate of Organisational and Academic Development of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

The amount of funding on behalf of Greece includes expenses for travel, daily allowance, whereas accommodation expenses are always covered by the host country.  Participants continue to receive their regular pay from their work. Finally, there is no particular provision for the recognition of performance and achievements of participants in the foregoing activities.

Programme to promote exchanges and scientific cooperation between Greece and Germany

Since 2000, IKY and the German Society for Academic Exchanges (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD) have been running the IKYDA programme based on a bilateral agreement to further promote the scientific cooperation of higher education institutions, as well as the research institutes, in Greece and Germany. The programme is intended for teams of scientists or researchers in all cognitive fields, who are called to prepare a joint research project with their German partners via an exchange of mutual visits.  The total period of financing lasts from one (1) to 3 years. The programme is launched in the summer months and the application closing date is usually in September.  Applications are submitted to the relevant National Agency (IKY – DAAD) of each country by the scientific coordinator of the project.  The research team in each country is comprised by least 3 members, including the scientific coordinator, without limitation as to the maximum number of members.  The team members must be active teachers (of all grades) in higher education institutions, researchers from Greek research institutes, PhD holders, PhD applicants or postgraduate students.  Collaboration between two or more institutes is permitted, irrespective of whether these are in Greece or Germany. According to the IKY – DAAD agreement, applications submitted by both Greeks and Germans will be examined by certified evaluators. Initially the evaluation process takes place at the premises of the National Agency and is, then, completed within the context of a joint Greek – German Evaluation Committee meeting.  During the selection process, priority is given to the promotion of junior scientists, the complementarity of research plans and the possibility of scientifically benefiting from the results. Financial benefits, by category, are described in detail in each programme’s call.  Each programme is monitored by IKY. Results are based on progress reports submitted by the participants and performance is illustrated through conference announcements, joint publications in well-known journals, academic distinctions and scientific projects put into action.


For the purpose of promoting Greek studies, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens organises Thyespa.  This a summer course in Modern Greek Studies which aims at familiarising foreigners with modern greek culture, modern greek language, literature, history and arts. It is directed towards undergraduate, postgraduate students and members of teaching staff of departments at foreign universities which teach subjects related to Greek studies. The programme is supported by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, the National Scholarships Foundation, the Greek Parliament, the National Tourism Organisation as well as from the local government.  The programme is structured in levels which are defined according to the principles of the European Council with more inner subdivisions.  The candidates sit on a placement test at the beginning of the programme and are classified in the respective level. Course attendance is compulsory.  All students can sit progress assessment tests administered at the end of the programme.  ECTS credits will be awarded to students who have successfully passed these tests after having completed a 80% minimum course attendance.  A total of 6 credits is awarded for all levels.  One (1) extra credit will be awarded to 4-6 level students who have completed a minimum of 50% lecture attendance.  There is no fee for courses provided by the programme. Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs will not be reimbursed.

Erasmus+ european programme academic staff mobility

Mobility projects for Higher Education staff supports higher education teaching and administrative staff to take part in professional development activities abroad as well as staff from the world of work to teach and train students or staff at higher education institutions. These activities may consist of teaching as well as training periods (such as job shadowing, observation periods, training courses).

The objective is to enable any staff, including staff from enterprises, to teach or train abroad as part of their professional development in order to:

  • share their expertise
  • experience new teaching environments
  • acquire new innovative pedagogical and curriculum design skills and digital skills
  • connect with their peers abroad to develop common activities to achieve the programme’s objectives
  • exchange good practices and enhance cooperation between higher education institutions
  • better prepare students for the world of work by involving staff from enterprises in courses.

Staff mobility in higher education for teaching

A teaching period abroad at a partner higher education institution. The teaching period abroad enables any teaching staff at a higher education institution or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner higher education institution abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any study field.

It can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. The staff member, the sending organization and the host organization need to have signed a mobility agreement.

Teaching and administrative staff mobility in higher education for training

A training period abroad at a partner higher education institution, enterprise or any other relevant workplace. The training period abroad enables any staff at a higher education institution to take part in a training activity abroad that is relevant to their day-to-day work at the higher education institution. It may take the form of training events or job shadowing. It can last from 2 days to 2 months, excluding travel time. The staff member, the sending organization and the host organization need to have signed a mobility agreement.

International mobility for staff in higher education

The primary objective of the Mobility Action in Higher Education is to support mobility activities between EU Member States and third countries associated with the program — the European dimension.

Intensive short courses

These are intensive short-term programs that employ innovative learning and teaching methods, including the use of online collaboration. These programs may include challenge-based learning, in which transnational and interdisciplinary teams work together to address challenges, such as challenges related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or other societal challenges identified by regions, municipalities or companies.