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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Validation of non-formal and informal learning


8.Adult education and training

8.5Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 9 June 2022

In order to better understand the developments in the validation of non-formal and informal learning in Greece, it is important to highlight the definitions used in the country  for non formal education and informal learning. According to law 4763/2020, non formal education concerns learning with some sort of learning support that is materialized through planned activities with regard to cognitive aims and the time disposed for learning. It may concern programmes related to vocational skills, adults literacy as well as the basic education for early school leavers.  Law 3879/2010 defines informal learning as the learning activities that take place outside an organized educative framework, through life, within the framework of leisure or professional, social and cultural activities. It includes any sort of self-education by printed material or by internet use or by using a computer or diverse educative infrastructures. It also includes the knowledge, skills, and completences that a person acquires through work experience.   According to law 4115/13, EOPPEP constitutes the national body for the accreditation of both inputs and outputs for non formal education and informal learning. EOPPEP operates as the national structure for European Networks that manage qualification issues and European tools for transparency and mobility.  In particular, EOPPEP develops and implements comprehensive national systems for the accreditation of non-formal & informal learning and provides scientific and technical support in designing and implementing the vocational guidance national policy, as well as the provision of such services in Greece. EOPPEP aims at quality assurance in: a)inputs: accredited Providers implementing VET programs, developed upon accredited standards & specifications, based on accredited occupational profiles, employing accredited Trainers for Adults, with the aid of accredited Support Services Professionals for social vulnerable groups b) outputs-learning outcomes: accredited knowledge, skills and competences acquired via non-formal & informal learning pathways and certification of qualifications c) vocational guidance & counseling services: viable services & tools for supporting citizens of every age, as well as educational information tools according to the latest ICT applications. With regard to the validation of non-formal learning provided in the structures presented in this chapter, law 4763/2020 stipulates the validation of DKVM educative programmes by EOPPEP as well as the validation of KDVM learning outcomes.