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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 9 June 2022


The implementation of respective laws on  transversal skills is ongoing .



The strategy for Employment and Skills postphoned to 2022

The strategy originally envisaged for 2021 was reviewed and postphoned with a year i.e. until 2022


Drafting of the new teacher profesional development programme for teachers in vet. 

The new programme is drafted for year 2020. It enables for teachers in upper secondary education in VET school to achieve relevant qualifications and to complete the obligatory trainings depending on their degree. 


Establishing Recognition of Prior Learning System in Albania

In order to have Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) procedures in place, a bylaw should be developed based on the new VET Law. This by law have to define several aspects linked with the requirements of providers to be able to offer an RPL route to candidates; roles and responsibilities in RPL, and other relevant quality assurance elements that should be part of it. In this framework, with the support of European Training Foundation, on March 2018 was organised a joint RPL workshop with Kosovo and Macedonia, in order to benefit directly from the other countries experiences so far and even prevent some of the pitfalls they have experienced. The inputs from this workshop were further elaborated and introduced in the bylaw for RPL. The draft DCM on RPL system is finalised and is going through approval procedure.

Reintegrating the unemployed jobseekers in the labor market through updating and upgrading their skills.

In March 2018 the decision for tariffs in VET courses was adopted.  Due to this by-law unemployed jobseekers who are willing to enrol in the vocational training programs will benefit an attendance fee equal to the 50% of the unemployment benefit. During the period of training the beneficiaries will withhold economic aid or other similar types of benefits. If the residence of the unemployed jobseeker is more than 2 km from the vocational training provider, the employment office pays a monthly transport allowance, to the extent determined in the legal framework for passenger transport fees.

Introducing skills needs analysis in order to address skills shortages in VET provisions.

The Vocational and Education Training (VET) System in Albania is undergoing a comprehensive reform and is focused on its access, quality and linkages with the labor market. Harmonizing the skills offered by the VET system and labor market needs, as well as motivating the private sector to become close partners, are considered the biggest and most difficult challenges. In order to help reach this goal, a Skills Needs Analysis has, since 2008, been periodically conducted, highlighting the skills necessary to improve employee performance based upon the labor market needs. The National Employment Service in cooperation with the UNDP carried out a skill need analysis. The main aim of SNA 2017 is to provide a snapshot of skills needs and skills shortages, as well as their dynamics in the country, as reported by enterprises and employers. SNA 2017 is the third in a series of SNA surveys for Albania and follows the same methodology. The more persistent outcomes of SNA-s in years include the fact that the most difficult skills or criteria to find are professional skills, work experience, correctness or integrity and interest or motivation for the kind of job.Skill needs analyses study is ready to be published soon.

Updating and improving the curricula for entrepreneurial skills.

Key competencies, including entrepreneurial skills, are part of the vocational qualifications descriptions and respective frame-curricula for levels 2nd-5th of Albanian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Entrepreneurship learning in vocational education is a stand-alone subject named “Entrepreneurship basics” complemented by the respective guidelines and textbook. The National Agency for VET and Qualifications (supported by Save the Children) have started the reviewing of this subject and the supporting materials.