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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Single-structure primary and lower secondary education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Integrated primary and lower secondary education takes place in primary schools where pupils start their compulsory school attendance.

In accordance with the principles and goals of education, the primary school supports the development of the pupil's personality based on the principles of humanism, equal treatment, tolerance, democracy and patriotism, in terms of intellectual, moral, ethical, aesthetic, occupational and physical. It provides the pupil with basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the fields of languages, science, social sciences, arts, sports, health, transport and other knowledge and skills necessary for his orientation in life and society and for his further education

Primary schools provide school-age children upon reaching the age of 6 years primary and lower secondary education by means of educational programmes, ensuring their preparation for further education and  practice. 

According to the Education Act, education provided in primary school is considered to be continuous vocational training.

The primary schools include, as a rule, nine grades with a possibility to establish a zero grade. Following the introduction of compulsory pre-primary education for all children who reach the age of five by 31 August preceding the beginning of the school year from which they will complete compulsory school attendance in primary school, it will not be possible to establish a zero grade class from school year 2022/2023.

A child integrated in the zero grade of primary school starts fulfilling compulsory school attendance. The zero grade is designed for children who have achieved as of 1st September the age of six years, have not reached the school competence, come from a socially disadvantaged background and due to the social environment are not expected to master the first grade curriculum. Integration of the child into the zero grade is a subject of an informed agreement by the guardian of the child.

The primary school consists of the first and second stages, in which the education is provided by means of individual educational programmes mutually interlinked: 

  • the first stage of primary school is composed of Grades 1- 4, 
  • the second stage of primary school is composed of Grades 5 - 9. 

The primary school consists of the first and second stages, in which the education is provided by means of individual educational programmes mutually interlinked:

•        the first stage of primary school is composed of Grades 1- 4, 

•        the second stage of primary school is composed of Grades 5 -9.

Primary schools are divided into the following types:

a) primary school with all grades (hereinafter referred to as "complete organized primary school"),

b) a primary school that does not have all grades (hereinafter referred to as “incomplete organized primary school”).

Upon the successful completing of the respective educational programme the pupil may achieve: 

  1. primary education (ISCED 1), 
  2. lower secondary education (ISCED 2). 

Lower secondary education is obtained by pupil’s successful completion of:

  • the last grade of a coherent part of an educational programme in a field of education for the second level of the primary school 
  • the first grade of the five year educational programme in a field of education at the secondary school 
  • the fourth grade of an eight year educational programme in a field of education at the secondary school; the school certificate with the supplement serves as a proof of the achieved level of education.

In location at where no conditions have been created for the establishment of all nine grades of the primary school (at least 150 children), it is possible to establish a primary school with the first grades only (for at least 30 children). Pupils, who complete the last year of an incompletely organised school, continue in the fulfilment of compulsory school attendance in a fully organised primary school which has nine grades.


Legislative references


National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2008. Act No. 245/2008 on education and training (Education Act) and on the change and supplement to some acts as amended by subsequent provisions (Zákon č. 245/2008 Z.z. o výchove a vzdelávaní (školský zákon) a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 30/03/2022).