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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development


Impulses for the development of lifelong learning at the European level are currently the of Europe 2020 strategy objectives, the Strategic Framework for Education and Vocational Training 2020 (ET 2020) objectives as well as other common challenges connected for example with migration crisis.

One of the important initiatives of the European Commission is currently the „New Skill Agenda for Europe“. In addition to the measure which should ensure that EU citizens have adequate education and vocational training and an adequate set of knowledge and skills required for their career, it also emphasises a need for the development of citizenship, democratic and intercultural competences.

European issues are communicated by the European Commission Representation in Slovakia (SK) and the European Parliament Information Office, which also provide information on these issues.  European Information Centre, which organises various presentation and information activities is their joint activity. Similar activities in the area of education in EU issues are also performed by a network of Europe Direct information centres.

The target group of young adults was dedicated a project entitled the National Youth Convention (SK), which at the time of European parliament elections pointed to a lack of information on EU among young people and emphasised the added value of European integration.

Organisers of other activities in the area of education in intercultural and global issues include various cultural institutions, and most of all non-governmental organisations. Socrates institute, which has been successfully organised for several years by a non-profit organisation, is an interesting example from this area.

Intercultural and global issue are in the target group of older adults a part of  lectures within some study programmes at universities of the third age.


Partnerships and networks


European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network

The Slovak Republic is also engaged in the activities of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). Its aim is to promote European co-operation of actors in the development of policies and lifelong guidance systems at the national level. The network was established in 2007 and is financially supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. 


European initiatives in language education

The institutions of adult education can participate in the European initiatives in language education, which take place in Slovakia - the European Label for Language Projects and the European Language Teacher.


Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competences PIAAC

The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic has been involved in the Programme of International Assessment of Adult Competences PIAAC since 2008. PIAAC is a program that identifies and assesses the level and division of competencies of adults in participating countries. It focuses on the key cognitive and occupational competencies necessary for a successful life in the society of the 21st century. It also provides information, analysis and evaluation of the causes and consequences of certain skills, as well as the use of ICT and the conditions for the development of reading and mathematical literacy of adults. PIAAC builds on the results of the PISA programme and allows mapping of the components of functional literacy of adult population between 16 - 64 years. The PIAAC programme is directed by the Management Board with representation of all participating countries (Board of Participating Countries) and support of OECD Secretariat.


Central European Cooperation in Education (CECE)

The Slovak Republic participates in the Central European Cooperation in Education (CECE), which takes place between Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The partnership of these countries was confirmed by a joint Memorandum of Understanding in 2007.

The purpose of cooperation of Central European countries is

  • to deepen regional relations in the EU,
  • cooperate in building a European educational space,
  • to facilitate joint work,
  • exchange ideas and experiences and look for possibilities of their practical application.

Cooperation between participating countries develops especially in the area of:

  • teachers´ position and motivation,
  • school management,
  • creativity,
  • innovation and development of key competences,
  • obtaining data for policy-making in the field of lifelong learning and
  • implementation of lifelong learning strategies which are in the centre of their common interest. 

CECE countries also participate in the implementation of an international projects aimed at promotion of reforms to improve quality and efficiency of education and facilitate the exchange of good practice in school management. 

Other CECE activities include strategic meetings on coordination of educational policies within the European Union, various seminars and conferences.


European Basic Skills Network

The Slovak Republic is a member of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN), which is an association of institutions at the level of policy makers in the area of adult basic skills education.