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Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

Learner mobility


Adult education leading to completion of a level of education

Same conditions apply to adult education provided at schools and leading to a certain level of education as apply to other students. More information in chapter Mobility in pre-primary and school education and chapter Mobility in higher education.



It is possible to apply for support of mobility in adult education by means of  Erasmus+ (SK) programme. It aims to support professional development by completing a study stay, attending an educational course or placement in a foreign partner organisation.


Centre for Slovak as a foreign language

Studia Academica Slovaca – a centre for Slovak as a foreign language is a specialised workplace of the Faculty of Philosophy at Comenius University in Bratislava.

The core activities include

  • education of foreigners interested in Slovak language and culture,
  • promotion of Slovak science, culture and art abroad,  
  • carrying out and coordinating research of Slovak as a foreign language,
  • working on international and home science-research project and
  • editorial activity focusing on creation and publishing of Slovak as a foreign language textbooks.

In addition, SAS as an expert centre for Slovak as a foreign language participates in professional-methodological preparation of teachers of Slovak as a foreign language working at Universities abroad. The cooperation with lectorates and foreign slovakists resulted in a database of slovakistics abroad.


Support scheme for return of experts from abroad

The Government of the Slovak Republic approved a proposal of  a Support scheme for return of experts from abroad (SK). The scheme aims to reduce barriers to experts’ return from abroad and support their return to Slovak academic environment or public sector. 

The return of experts to Slovakia may be connected with more costs, depending on the duration of the period after completion of higher education study:

  • lost opportunity costs (e.g. remuneration for work abroad compared to remuneration in public sector in Slovakia),
  • costs connected with repayment of loan for the study abroad, as well as
  • non-financial costs, as well as breaking social relationships in case of a return to Slovakia, change of conditions for family members and many other.

The support scheme aims to create a sufficiently attractive incentive for experts to return to Slovakia by means of reduction or partial compensation of the existing barriers.  

Selection criteria for each position and the amount of the provided financial contribution are determined by the support scheme board, whose members are appointed by the minister of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic. The ministry authorised the Centre for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic to administer the scheme (SK).


Teacher and trainer mobility

Information on the mobility of teachers in education and training of adults in schools and higher education institutions is available in chapters Mobility in pre-school and school education and Mobility in higher education.

Opportunities to support mobility for teachers, lecturers and trainers in adult education are provided by the Erasmus+ programme (SK). Support of international mobility of employees in the area of adult education may have a form of a teaching stay or professional development in a form of practical placement.