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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

The employees of higher education institutions working in higher education institutions include academic teachers, research workers, art workers and other personnel.

The academic teachers work in the capacities of ”profesor”, ”visiting professor”, ”docent”,  lecturer, assistant lecturer and lector. The capacity of  ”profesor” and capacity of  ”docent” are associated with the fields of study in which the scientific-pedagogical degrees of  ”profesor” and  ”docent” are awarded.

A qualification requirement for performing the capacity of ”profesor” is the scientific-pedagogical degree in the field of study to which the post is linked or in a related field of study.

A qualification requirement for performing the capacity of  ”docent” is the scientific-pedagogical degree of”docent” in the field of study to which the capacity is linked or in a related field of study.

A qualification requirement for performing the capacity of "a lecturer" is higher education of the third level. If the academic teacher filling the capacity of lecturer has not the academic degree of PhD. or scientific-pedagogical degree, he/she educates himself/herself to receive them. 

A qualification requirement for performing the capacity of  "an assistant lecturer" is the higher education of the second level.

A qualification requirement for performing the capacity of "a lector" is, depending on concrete content of working tasks, higher education of the first level or higher education of the second level.