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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.2Mobility in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Student mobility


Erasmus +


The most important tool by its scope to promote mobility in higher education is the programme Erasmus+ (SK), which is the successor of the Lifelong Learning Programme implemented in years 2007 - 2013.

Erasmus+ programme focuses on higher education, cooperation of universities and between universities and businesses. The programme is designed particularly for students and teachers at universities. Public, state, as well as private universities can engage in Erasmus+ programme.


National scholarship programme


The National scholarship programme is another mechanism. It is financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak  Republic. This programme is also designed for:

  • scholarships for students and PhD students at Slovak higher education institutions to cover living costs of study stays during the second level of higher education (master's degree/PhD study), or study or research stays during PhD studies at a selected foreign higher education institution or research workplace.
  • support of mobilities of foreign students, PhD students, higher education teachers, researchers and artists for stays at Slovak higher education institutions and research organisations.
  • travel grant related to the planned study or research stay abroad for full-time students and PhD students, higher education teachers, scientists and artists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences with a permanent address in the Slovak Republic.


Scholarship of the International Visegrad Fund


Mobility within a region is also supported by a scholarship programme arranged by the  International Visegrad Fund (IVF) in cooperation with the national ministries of education of V4 states (Czech Republic, Polish Republic, Hungarian Republic and Slovak Republic). IVF  is based in Bratislava. Scholarships are designated for students and young scientists and for students, who have completed at least 4 terms at a higher education institution/university at the time of their application.




CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is another programme focusing on the support of mobility in the central European region which supports cooperation of higher education institution in 15 member states. The programme provides scholarships for

  • mobility of higher education students, PhD students and teachers
  • term stays for students and PhD students (3 to 10 months),
  • short-term stays for students and PhD students connected with writing a bachelor, diploma or dissertation thesis  (1 - 2 months) and
  • Lecture and research stays for teachers (1 month).


Scholarship programme EEA Slovakia – mobility project between higher education institutions


The measure Mobility projects between higher education institutions focuses on support of  international mobility of students, PhD students and academic staff  of higher education institutions with seat in Slovakia and in donor countries (Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein) which are holders of Erasmus charter for higher education (ECHE). Applicants can do both or just one of the following activities:

  1. long-term mobility of higher education students and PhD students which takes from  3 to 12 months, at least 1 full term  semester/trimester.
  2. mobility of academic staff – teaching stays. This activity enables academic staff to become short-term visiting lecturers at partner higher education institutions. The mobility may take from 3 days to 6 weeks.

The maximum duration of mobility projects is 18 - 20 months.

EEA Slovakia scholarship programme is administered by  SAIA, n.o., set up by the Government office of the Slovak Republic as a national point of contact for EEA grants .  

The programme is designated for institutions, not individuals. All secondary schools and higher education institutions with seat in Slovakia can take part. The programme will enable applicants from the Slovak Republic to establish contacts with educational institutions in donor states, agree on cooperation and apply for a grant within EEA scholarship programme measures.


Action Austria - Slovakia


Action Austria – Slovakia (SK), cooperation in science and education, is a bilateral programme for  support of cooperation between Austria and Slovakia in the area of higher education,science and research.  The action is financed equally by the Ministry of Education, Science, Researcher and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy of the Austrian Republic.

Support of priority areas takes place in a form of individual scholarships:

  • scholarship for Master's degree students (1 - 3 months) should provide students with an opportunity to use also sources from the partner state for their diploma thesis and thus achieve higher quality of their work.
  • scholarship for PhD students (3 - 6 months) should provide PhD students with an opportunity to use sources from the partner state for their dissertation thesis and thus achieve higher quality of their work.
  • scholarship for postdoctoral students is designed for research placement (3 - 6 months) for highly qualified postdoctoral students.

Scholarships for summer language course are designed for students and PhD students to attend a summer language school.

The programme is administered by SAIA, n.o.


Fulbright Program


The J. W. Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange in the Slovak Republic has been established by executive agreements between the United States and the Slovak Republic. Promotes the educational, research and cultural exchanges between the United States and the Slovak Republic through the Fulbright Program, which is mainly funded by direct contributions from the governments of the United States of America and the Slovak Republic.

Approximately 6,000-7,000 scholarships are awarded annually to US and foreign participants. They are selected on the basis of academic and professional qualities, achievements, professional potential and ability and the will to share ideas and experiences with people from different cultures. The aim of Program is to increase mutual understanding between people from the US and people from other countries. The Fulbright Program is one of the largest and most diverse exchange programs in the world and is currently conducted in 140 countries, including 50 countries where there are bilateral Fulbright commissions.


Academic mobilities


Academic mobilities is scholarship programme based on valid bilateral agreements between the Slovak Republic and other states. The scholarships are designed for study stays of students, doctoral students and scientists. The type of scholarship depends on the agreement entered into with another state. Based on bilateral agreements and direct offers from foreign governments, SAIA organises a selection procedure for scholarships in 30 countries as well as admission of foreign grant recipients to higher education institutions.


Grant programme for strengthening analytical capacities in public administration


The grant programme aims to enable the state administration (SK) to find jobs for graduates of leading foreign universities in order to improve the quality of public policies creation. 

In this grant programme, it is possible to obtain scholarship to cover study costs (tuition fees, living costs, travelling costs, costs for study aid and travel insurance) for a maximum of two academic years, for which the applicants will commit themselves to work in public administration for three years. The programme is administered by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.


Language course for foreigners


Institute for language and preparatory studies (SK) provides teaching of Slovak language and a profile vocational subjects to foreign students who are preparing for full-time higher education in the Slovak Republic. Every school year, there are on average 200 students from all over the world who undergo language and professional preparation of foreigners and compatriots  in the Centre of Continuing Education at Comenius University. Its main activity is  ten-month language and professional preparation of foreign students for higher education.  

In addition, the centre also organises short-term and long-term Slovak language courses for foreigners as well as other educational activities, for example Summer university of Slovak language.


Recognition of education obtained at higher education institutions


The Slovak Republic is bound by European Directive No. 2005/36/EC on recognition of professional qualifications. It recognizes foreign documents according to purpose of recognition:

  • for either academic purposes (purposes of continuing further education in the SR) or
  • for purposes of performing employment or professional activities which are regulated in the SR.

The National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (SK) verifies certification of education obtained abroad for pursuit of selected regulated professions in the SR. Its another role is recognition of completed study abroad for relevant authorities and institutions in the SR, equivalence and conversion of grades from foreign primary or secondary school to Slovak grading scale.

In case of Slovak diplomas, the Centre provides for authenticity verification of public documents issued under responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Science, Education and Sport of the SR by issuing Apostille/Superlegalization (SK) and it validates teaching qualification of education employees exclusively for foreign offices.

The recognition process for the purpose of further study is divided according to the achieved level of education and according to whether the Slovak Republic has a valid agreement with the state concerned. The list of countries with which an international agreement on recognition of certification of education was made:

Between the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Austria is signed a Memorandum of Understanding on a Recommendation on the Mutual Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (SK), but which does not have the status of an international agreement.


Academic staff mobility




Within the programme Erasmus+ (SK), university teachers can teach in a partner university and academic staff can participate in the working visits, training seminars and conferences provided by a host company or a partner higher education institution abroad. Teaching at a university abroad can last from 1 day to 6 weeks and it follows the pre-agreed teaching program. Teachers and staff of universities receive a grant for these activities.

Within Erasmus+ programme, university teachers and academic staff can take part in:

  1. Teaching assignments a
  2. Trainings.




Mobility of university teachers is supported also by the programme CEEPUS, which is an exchange programme for universities in Central and Eastern Europe. More information in chapter Students mobility.


National scholarship programme


Another mechanism is the National Scholarship Programme for university teachers and researchers of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The administrative support of the National Scholarship Programme is provided by SAIA.

University teachers and researchers of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, residing in the Slovak Republic can apply for a travel grant in the context of their intended study or research abroad. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is also designed for foreign university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities and research institutions.


Action Austria - Slovakia


Action Austria – Slovakia (SK), cooperation in science and education, is a bilateral programme for  support of cooperation between Austria and Slovakia in the area of higher education,science and research. More information on the programme in chapter Student mobility.

Support of mobilities takes place in a form of individual scholarships designated for short-term stays. Teaching staff and scientist from state and public higher education institutions as well as the academy of sciences can apply for this scholarship, which can be used for a short study trip or a short contact meeting with colleagues from the parter state (max. 3 days).


Academic mobilities


As a part of the project, Slovak scholarship recipients are send to study abroad based on bilateral intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in education and based on offers from foreign governments. More information in chapter Students mobility.


EEA Slovakia scholarship programme  –  Mobility projects between higher educational institutions


Information on the scholarship programme to be found in chapter Students mobility.


Teachers of the Slovak language and culture


Work of lecturers abroad can last at most 4 years. Based on bilateral agreements, lectorates are located in 15 countries of the world.


Scholarship for French teachers


More detailed information on the Scholarship for French teachers (SK) is to be found in chapter Mobility in Early Childhood and School Education: Teacher mobility.


Legislative references

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2002. Act No. 131/2002 on higher education and on the change and supplement to some acts as amended by subsequent provision (Zákon č. 131/2002 Z.z. o vysokých školách a zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 10/01/2020).

European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2005. Directive No. 2005/36/EC of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (last accessed 10/01/2020).