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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.1Management staff for early childhood and school education

Last update: 9 June 2022
Each educational institution has its board of the educational institution consisting of parents, students, teachers, representatives of local government and community. The Board contributes to the smooth running of the institution education and reports on its activities to the institution the parent council. The main tasks of the board are:
  1. approves the mid-term and annual plan of the institution;

  2. approve the spending plan for the funding of the educational institution, which provided the institution;

  3. adopt the curriculum developed by the educational institution;

  4. participate in the appointment procedure of the removal of the director of the educational institution and teachers.

Composition of the Board, the rights, duties and the ways of electing members defined in the instruction of the minister.

The Commission of Ethics and Conduct shall function with every educational institution, consisting of teachers, parents and students. The commission shall be tasked with considering the complaints of students, parents and employees of the institution in relation with violation of norms of ethics and conduct, and proposing the respective measures to the head of the institution.

The council of teachers of the educational institution, being composed of the entire teachers and presided over by the director, shall be an advisory collegial body for steering the activity of the institution. The tasks and functions of the council shall be set out by instruction of the Minister.

The government of students is a body protecting and promoting the rights of students and assisting the school progress. It shall be set up and function in accordance with the Minister. The head of the government of students at high secondary education shall be elected by the students by direct and secret vote. The government of students shall select the assistant teacher. Further bodies of students shall function with the school, set up for their scientific, cultural and sports interests.

The teachers shall be appointed to a vacancy in a public educational institution by the director of the institution in open competition, following the proposal of candidacies of the evaluation commission. The commission shall, in its composition, have a representative from the local educational unit, the chairman of the board of the institution, the chairman of the council of parents of the institution and two teachers being selected by the Council of Teachers in that institution. One of the teachers, having the longest experience in the institution, shall chair the evaluation commission. The evaluation procedures are defined by a minister’s instruction.