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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.3Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Career guidance is offered by the school when one studies by means of specific plans for informing of matura pupils and by RED/EO at the level of school education. It encourages public and private universities to inform the matura pupils on the chances to study within the country and on the chances for studying abroad. Career guidance is offered in school environments and at public and private higher education institutions by means of different forms includig workshops and presentations, propmotions, brochures etc. Career guidance is also enabled by means of different visits of pupils in teaching hours at universities. In this way they can see and experience by themselves university life and how lessons take place in the subject where they want to continue their studies.

Career guidance is  enabled after the teaching process and is possible until the last day of school. Pupils are adviced by specialists and not by their teachers.

"Career guidance, is treated also as a specific subject for upper secondary education pupils. By means of this subject pupils identify and establish their career aims, enbforce their communication and critical though abilities, develop job searcing skills and plan/take decisions for further schooling/training and employment. The aim of this subject is to develop in pupils the abilities to discover the career chances and to self-evaluate their interests and abilities in order to have a clear decision making in regard to further education/training and employment and to become therefore a functional part of the society.

The result of the process of career advicing is that matura pupils be informed on decisions they have to take. Before the pupils of the last year of high school (maturantet) choose a specific faculty he/she must be aware that such study programme exists, should know its subjects and his/her chances for employment following graduation for that specific programme.