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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of the education system and of its structure


2.Organisation and Governance

2.3Organisation of the education system and of its structure

Last update: 8 June 2022

Pre-university education system.


Based on law on pre-university education the Pre-University education system in Albania is composed by:

  • Pre-school education [Arsimi parashkollor]: This type of education is equal to early education and care system. It starts at the age of 0 to 5 years old. It is offered in chreches [Cerdhe] and kindergartens [Kopshte]. It is not obligatory.
  • Basic and Lower Secondary education [Arsimi 9 vjeçar]: It starts at the age of six years old and ends at the age of 15 years old. It is divided into primary and lower secondary education. Primary education [Arsimi bazë] starts at the age of 6 and ends at the age of 10. Lower secondary education [Arsimi i mesëm i ulët] ​leasts from 10 to 15 years old
  • Upper secondary education [Arsimi i Mesëm i Lartë] : This type of education is offered in high schools [shkolla të mesme]. Broadly speaking high schools can be general [Gjimnaze], Vocational [profesionale] and oriented [të orientuara]. General upper secondary education least for three school year while professional one least two to five year and is in conformity with Albanian Qualification framework.

Governing institutions of pre-university education system

Albanian pre-university education system governance institutions include:

  • Minisitry of Education, Sports and Youth [Ministria e Arsimit, Sportit dhe Rinisë]: This institution is responsible for preparation and implementation of legal framework. Other tasks include conducting quality assurance based on indicators; control of implementation of liablity criteria by pre-university education institutions and drafting curricula and training schedules for teachers of the pre-university education system.
  • National Pre-University Education Council [Këshilli Kombëtar i Arsimit Parauniversitar]: This institution is an advising organ of Minister of Education Youth and Sports. It provides opinions on the drafting of national legal framework and strategies on pre-university education. It also may provide opinion on other specific issues by request of the Minister.  
  • Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-University Education [Agjencia pwr Sigurimin e Cilësisë në Arsimin Parauniversitar]: This institution is tasked with the drafting of curricula and the drafting of curricula for all stages of education. It is also in charge concering teacher’s training and respective curricula.
  • General Directorate for Pre-university Education [Drejtoria e Pwrgjithshme e Arsimit Parauniversitar]: Responsible for organization of work at central level in regard to pre-university educaiton.
  • National Education Service Center [Qendra e Shërbimeve Arsimore]: Responsible for drafting and assessment of national exams at lower secondary and upper secondary level including also vocational education and training exams.
  • National Agency for Vocational Education and Training [Agjencia Kombëtare e Arsimit Profesional dhe Trajnimeve]: It is responsible for curricula drafting for upper secondary VET schools and for quality assurance on these institutions.

Higher education.

Based on the law on higher education, the following authorities are responsible for higher education policies in Albania:

  • Council of Higher Education and Science:
  • Conference of Rectors
  • Educational Services Centre (ESC),
  • National Agency for Higher Education Financing (NAHEF),
  • Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (AQAHE),
  • Accreditation Board
  • National Agency of Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI)

​Home education.

This type of education is merely offered at pre-university education level. According to the Law on pre-university education  in home conditions (home education) shall be provided in exceptional cases including blood feud, illnesses or other circumstances that obstacle children from attending school. Home education can be provided for the entire forms of initial education or for some of them.

​Teachers educating the pupils for the first class of basic schools shall in principle complete higher education first cycle programmes. Furthermore, given that teaching is a regulated profession they have to pass the state exams in order to be entitled to exercise their professions. This type of teachers are also engaged in home educations.

​Students taking compulsory education at home undergo the same exams as students in primare education and follow similar assessment forms. In order to complete nine years obligatory education they should complete the respective final exams [provimet e lirimit].