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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National qualifications framework


2.Organisation and Governance

2.5National qualifications framework

Last update: 8 June 2022

Albanian Qualifications Framework was adopted by Law No.10247 on 21.3.2010,[1]It comprises of 8 levels similar to European Qualifications Framework. The responsible institutions for AQF are:

  • Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth,
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy and
  • National Agency for Vocational Education, Training and Qualifications.

A National List of Vocational Qualifications is developed for AQF II-IV levels, i.e. qualifications descriptions are developed in terms of learning outcomes. Based on qualifications descriptions, approximately 100 frame curricula are being developed and offered by secondary vocational education institutions.

Due to difficulties encountered in AQF implementation process, both responsible ministries have established a task force by a joint Ministers’ Order in September 2015. The task force has a two-year mandate to accomplish three main objectives:

  • Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth,
  • Ministry of Finance and Economy and
  • National Agency for Vocational Education, Training and Qualifications.

In the framework of the activities related to the Albanian Qualifications Framework, the Task Force set up for this purpose, implementing its 2-year work plan, organised three workshops in Tirana cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF).

  • A kick-off workshop on “The European Qualifications Framework Reference Process”, held on 8 – 9 September 2016;
  • A workshop on “Procedures and criteria for the inclusion of qualifications in the Albanian Qualifications Framework” held on 24 – 25 January 2017;
  • A workshop on “Quality Assurance in Albanian Qualifications Framework” held on 10 –11 May 2017.

The Task Force finalised as well the draft Law on some amendments to Law No 10247 of 4.03.2010 “On Albanian Qualifications Framework” with the assistance of the European Training Foundation. The draft law will be proposed for adoption co-signed by the minister responsible for education and the minister responsible for vocational education in accordance with the legislation in force.

In addition, in accordance with its obligations, the Task Force approved as well, the relevant manual.

Currently the Task Force is organising a series of events and trainings with the ETF assistance in the framework of preparing a reference report with the European Qualifications Framework. From the beginning of January 2017, the online application service for the recognition of diplomas became operational in the framework of modernising public services and improving the process of recognition of qualifications.

[1]Law No. No.10247 on 21.3.2010, “On Albanian Qualifications Framework”. [Ligj Nr.10247 datë 21.3.2010 “Për profesionet e rregulluara në Republikën  e Shqipërisë”