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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in single-structure education


5.Single-structure Primary and Lower Secondary Education

5.3Assessment in single-structure education

Last update: 8 June 2022

Pupil Assessment

Pupils in classes I-III are assessed in wording: very good [shumë mirë], good [mirë], sufficient [çka], Bad [keq]. From classes III to IX pupils are assessed in marks from 4 to 10 where the lowest pass rate is 5.

There are two types of evaluation:

  • Internal [ Vlerësim i brendshëm]: Conducted by teachers and school directors on periodical basis and includes the following forms:
    • Continuous evaluation [Vlerësimi i vazhduar]
    • Evaluation by test/complementary task [Vlerësimi me test/detyrë përfundimtare]
    • Evaluation of pupils portfoglio [vlerësimi i portofolit të nxënësit]
  • External [ Vlerësim i jashtëm]: Conducted by external authorities such as the regional educaton unit/ministry or mixed teams. Most external evaluations are conducted at national level. Pupils of basic education once they complete lower secondary education conduct tests in the following subjects
    • Albanian Languag
    • Foreign Language (depending on the school)
    • Math.
    • Pupils from minority areas are also assessed on subjects taught in their respective language

Progression of Pupils

The pupil does not pass a class in basic education where he/she has failed to pass at least three core subjects from the respective curricula.

Moreover, the pupil may not pass the class if he/she has missed without a reason a class for 20% of provided hours.


Pupils get marks transcript [dëftesë] every school year.

The end certificate at basic education and lower secondary education level is Maturity Certificate [Dëftesë Pjekurie] which is provided following the completion of maturity exams.