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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions


2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 21 June 2022

This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED levels 0-4). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of institutions providing adult education from public sources can be found in the chapter on adult education.The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data


Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education

Type of educational institution in English (and in national language)

ISCED levels providedMain orientation of the programmes provided​Number of educational institutions


PublicGovernment-dependent privatePrivate independent

Early chilhood education and care (Voorschoolse educatie en kinderopvang)

Primary school (Basisschool)0,1(-)626619924274(:)
Secondary general education (Voortgezet onderwijs)2,3G,V649187462(:)
Secondary vocational education (MBO)



Source :Onderwijs in cijfers: omvang van scholen in primair onderwijs 2010 - 2018 (last accessed 9/10-2019) ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= GeneralV= Vocational
(:) Data not available(-) Not applicable


Terminology The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26)




Special needs education institutions exist in The Netherlands. However, there is currently no data available